
    • Define family engagement.
    • Model inclusive, welcoming, culturally sensitive, and responsive practices for staff to emulate.
    • Identify the developmental stages of relationships and strategies for supporting staff through those stages.
    • 在员工与家庭建立和维持关系时,利用反思性监督来支持他们。





    家庭订婚:What Is It?



    • 教师,家庭和社区之间的强大,信任关系
    • Recognition, respect, and support for families’ needs, as well as differences
    • Strength-based partnership where decisions and responsibility are shared
    • 活动,互动和支持增加家庭参与他们孩子的健康发展
    • 家庭对孩子的学习负责yabo电子游艺
    • 承认家庭参与对家庭和早期护理和学习计划都是有意义和有益的yabo电子游艺


    To help make sure that families are committed to their child’s learning and engaged in the child development and school-age programs, families should be invited to participate at whatever level they feel most comfortable. Does participation mean monthly meetings or taking part in a parent advisory committee? (And are meeting minutes from the parent advisory committee shared with all parents?) Does participation mean donating cookies for a bake sale? Going on a field trip with the class? It is important for families to feel supported and recognized for the ways in which they are able and choose to participate and engage—from bringing their child to the program each day to sharing their concerns or serving on committees.

    Importance of Family Engagement



    When families are involved in your programs, they may also feel more vested in what happens there and more competent in their role as parents. Through these interactions and relationships, families may learn additional strategies to promote development and learning at home. Such strategies include expanding children’s language, following their child’s lead in play, helping with homework, or responding calmly to behavior that challenges.





    The development of mutually beneficial relationships is essential when it comes to engaging families. Families are more likely to get involved, share feedback, participate in decision making, and accept support when they feel connected.


    儿童和青年项目的本质the development of these types of relationships more difficult. The term “partnerships on the run” describes the difficulty as most of the relationship building occurs at either drop off or pick up; neither of which are conducive for extended conversations or meaningful dialogue. Not to mention that everyone is busy juggling the demands of work and family. As a result, relationships can take longer to develop and this increases the chances for misunderstandings and potential conflicts to arise. You play a critical role in the development and sustainment of mutually beneficial relationships.

    Relationship Development






    在成立阶段,您和您的员工在了解该系列时了解该计划,您的员工和您。家庭了解该计划如何运作以及规则和期望。共享一般信息,并形成第一印象。一般来说,每个人都在他们最好的行为,所以很少有机会冲突。这一阶段可能就像第一次日期或求职面试。一般来说,人们被守卫 - 不想做任何事情来危害关系或留下负面印象。

    During the Forming phase, your role is to facilitate the development of the relationship to ensure a smooth transition for the family into your program. Parents can have a range of emotions from guilt to sadness when leaving their child in someone else’s care. Sometimes, parents may not even realize the depth of these emotions until they are expressed in an unexpected way. You can make sure the relationship gets off to a good start by making introductions, reviewing the family handbook, answering questions, checking in at pick up time, and validating their feelings of angst.




    Without your guidance, this problem could fester or go unnoticed and become much more damaging to the relationship. Your ability to help each party share their differences in a nonjudgmental environment supports the resolution process and moves the relationship forward. In the example above, meeting with both the parent and the teacher to generate possible solutions, such as putting an oversized t-shirt on during messy activities, could resolve the issue. A systems approach might include asking families to identify on their entry questionnaire if they want special accommodations during messy activities, and if so instructions for providing additional clothing.








    反思监督是支持关系发展循环的最有用方法之一,以及家庭为中心的实践。Rebecca Parlakian,在她的书中,看,听,学, identifies three building blocks of reflective supervision — reflection, collaboration, and regularity. Understanding and utilizing these three building blocks will help you as you support your staff in their relationships with families.


    Reflection requires taking a step back and examining your thoughts, feelings and reactions. Your role is to create an environment where families and staff feel emotionally safe so they can be honest about their feelings without fear of negative consequences. It’s important that you don’t take sides or cast judgment. Active listening and the use of open ended questions support the reflection process.




    Regularity requires consistently scheduling plenty of time for reflection and collaboration can occur. Reflection doesn’t just happen during nap time and collaboration is more than sharing a conversation in the staff workroom. For reflective supervision to be effective, you must make it a time priority. The way you spend your time sends a message to your staff about what you value. Valuing this process supports your staff, your families and your program.


    Families are your partners, not simply because you say they are, but rather because you actively engage and communicate with them. Developing mutually beneficial relationships with families leads to true partnerships and it’s only then that meaningful engagement occurs. Your role is to help staff develop these types of relationships by using your knowledge of relationship development and by applying reflective supervision. You can also use the following strategies to help staff members welcome and involve families.

    Model Welcoming Families

    Begin by thinking about what it might mean for families and new parents to consider your program for their child. Families often experience uncertainties and feel scared when seeking a child development or school-age program for their child. You can do the following to help staff members support families during this sensitive time:

    • 邀请家庭visit在孩子开始日期之前。出席有关该计划课程和编程的问题。
    • Encourage staff members to send families a personal welcome note to each child who starts in the program. Provide the stationary and make sure staff members have protected time to write the notes.
    • Share information with families about how they can participate in the program. Work with management and a family advisory group to brainstorm ways families might enjoy being involved.
    • 为工作人员提供有关孩子的家庭的工具或机制例行公事、长处、兴趣、好恶。
    • Learn about the home languages used in your program and help staff learn关键词和短语在程序中使用。
    • 调查家庭的通信首选项. Work with management to ensure that an updated email communication list or phone tree is maintained for families that prefer those methods.
    • 保持A.family bulletin board提供有关当前计划活动、即将举行的会议和活动以及家庭感兴趣的社区机会的信息。
    • Display照片儿童及其家人在节目空间 - 将它们挂在墙上,在那里可以看到或者在耐用的照片书中,孩子们可以在大厅举办和探索。

    Model Encouraging Families to Be Involved

    Families want to be included and involved in child development and school-age programs. There are a number of ways to encourage and support family participation, such as:

    • Inviting family members to share special talents (e.g., play an instrument, read a book, sing, engage in an art activity)
    • Offering family members jobs (e.g., help repair broken toys, create books or special photo albums)
    • 邀请家庭与您或工作人员观察他们的孩子
    • 要求家庭根据他们的优势和利益帮助计划他们的选择
    • 为询问他们的想法和建议的家庭创建和向询问他们想要参加的方式发出简短的调查
    • Scheduling opportunities for families to join their children breakfast, lunch, or snack
    • Encouraging families to share suggestions or concerns with you




    根据Jim Greenman的说法,尊重意味着接受,正如我们与孩子一样,父母是个人:

    • 有些人将是友好和外向的;有些人不会。
    • 有些人将即将推出关于儿童和家庭的信息;有些人不会。
    • 有些人有兴趣成为参与中心的生命;有些人不会。
    • Some will read newsletters avidly, come to meetings, bring changes of clothes, pay fees on time, never be late picking their child up; some won’t.
    • 有些人会举例说明我们自己对模范育儿的看法;有些人不会。
    • Some will be very grateful for the care their child is receiving and will let you know; some won’t.
    • 有些人会感到有罪或悲伤的是使用育儿;有些人不会。
    • 有些父母,几个,将是非常批评的;有些人不会。

    Use this list to initiate discussion with staff as a way of exploring their feelings about family members who might exhibit some of the behaviors listed above. Encourage them to identify strategies for interacting with families who might seem picky or problematic. Staff could also role-play scenarios using the list above. The point of this exercise is to get your staff to understand that their feelings are natural but their responses may need to be tempered depending on the situation.





    Ways we feel honored.


    Term Description
    Culturally sensitive, inclusive and responsive practices 认识到差异的存在以及这些差异会影响行为。敏感性包括意识、接受和欣赏这些差异
    保护欲 Used to describe the feelings staff can have towards family members if they feel they are not caring for the child as they think they should
    Reflective supervision The process of using active listening skills and constructive feedback to build ongoing relationships






    真的or False? All relationships progress in a linear manner.



    References & Resources:


    格林曼,J。(1998)。Places For Childhoods, Making Quality Happen In The Real World.Redmond, WA: Exchange Press Inc.

    National Association for the Education of Young Children (2011). NAEYC Position Statement: Code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment. Retrieved fromhttp://www.naeyc.org/positionstatements/ethical_conduct


    Parlakian, R. (2001).Look, Listen, and Learn: Reflective supervision and relationship-based work. Washington, D.C: Zero to Three.

    Program for Infant Toddler Care:www.pitc.org

    Tuckman b (1965). "Developmental Sequence in Small Groups",Psychological Bulletin63(384):99。
