All professionals who work with children experience challenging behavior at one time or another. It is important to be prepared help staff members respond positively and appropriately. This lesson will introduce you to positive guidance techniques. It will also help you recognize behaviors that are never acceptable amongst staff in your workplace.
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- 为儿童和青年的适当和积极指导设定明确的期望.
- Clearly delineate appropriate, inappropriate, and harmful interactions.
- 制定并执行你的课程指导和接触政策。
- 为儿童和青年的适当和积极指导设定明确的期望
- Clearly delineate appropriate, inappropriate, and harmful interactions
- 制定并执行你的课程指导和接触政策
This video will help provide more context about your role in promoting positive behavior and preventing child abuse and neglect.
Clear Expectations for Appropriate and Positive Guidance
As a group, managers have had a variety of experiences in classrooms and programs. Therefore, we think it is important to clearly define what is meant by positive guidance. This may be a review for you, but it will ensure that you provide a consistent message to staff members. There are a variety of positive guidance techniques. All of them work best in the context of a strong relationship with each child. The following list of techniques is adapted from the Massachusetts School-Age Coalition and expands upon work by Hearron and Hildebrand (2013):
Appropriate expectations for children’s behavior:Rules, expectations, or guidelines help create a positive social climate in your program. All of the staff and management in your program might work together to develop the expectations. Alternatively, staff members might involve children in developing rules and expectations. Limit the rules or expectations to a few key ideas that apply broadly. It is easier to remember a few rules like, “Respect each other” or “Be a responsible citizen.”
Managing space, time, and energy:Adults arrange and rearrange the physical space and the schedule of the day to meet children’s needs. A common example is moving furniture to eliminate a large open space that children used for running. Another example is providing many activity choices, so wait time is minimized or used productively. Teach staff to look at their environments (physical and temporal) first when a child has a problem in the setting. Help them see how the organization of space or time influences the decisions children make.
Experiences that engage the whole child:课程规划是你在课程中所做的一切的基础。如果孩子们感到无聊、过度刺激或不感兴趣,他们就会做出具有挑战性的行为。忙碌的学习者没有时间去挑战行为!教员工如何使用你的课程或节目,并定期观察,以确保他们有效和良好地使用材料。
最大化关系: Guidance is based on relationships. Strategies develop as you and staff members get to know the children, observe them, and listen to them. It is based on finding the positive attributes of every child and recognizing them. Make sure staff members spend “neutral” time with children, just listening, playing, and enjoying time together.
表达感情:Adults who help children express their feelings nurture empathy.A staff member might say, “I can tell you’re sad about what just happened between you and Terese. Would you like me to help you talk to Terese about it?” Adults must also be genuine and express their own feelings. A staff member might say, “I’m feeling a little bit frustrated that I can’t get this computer program to work. I’m going to go find someone who can help us.” You might say to a staff member, “I’m really disappointed that we didn’t get the new playground equipment. We’ll try again next time.”
注意并认可积极的行为:An important part of positive guidance is encouragement. We notice and describe accomplishments or positive behaviors. A staff member might say, “Jonah, I bet you are really proud of yourself for solving that problem….” Or “I noticed that you gave Sonya a turn on the computer. She really appreciated that. Thank you.” Teach them how to stop and notice all the positive behaviors that happen each day. You should take the first step: stop and notice all the positive things your staff do each day.
Provide short, clear directions:Staff members use a natural tone of voice and make eye contact. They check in to make sure children understood. Teach staff members to tell children what to do instead of what not to do.
Provide choices:只要有可能,工作人员就给孩子们一个选择。这促进了独立和自我调节。它还将具有挑战性的行为最小化。每当工作人员不得不说“不”时,你可能会建议他们为孩子们提供两个可以接受的选择。例如,他们可能会说,“你不能在这里跑。但你可以在健身房里去尊巴,也可以在外面和斯蒂芬妮一起去。”
Redirect children to appropriate behaviors: When a challenging behavior occurs, adults must know how to get the child back on track. “No,” “stop,” and “don’t” do little to help a child know what to do. An example of a positive redirection is, “Keep the scissors in the sewing area” or “Walk in the hall.”
Facilitate social problem-solving:Staff members help children know what to do when they have a problem. They help them learn to recognize their problem, come up with solutions, make a decision, and try it out. Teach staff members about the resources available to help them do this work (see the Lesson 3 of the Training & Curriculum Specialists’ course for resources).
你应该帮助每一个员工使用这些策略d every day. Positive approaches to guidance are foundational to preventing child abuse and neglect.
You and all the staff members in your program have a professional responsibility to keep children safe from harm. This includes emotional, psychological, and mental harm. There are certain types of staff behaviors that have the potential to inflict harm and model aggression. When staff members use aggressive techniques with children, they and their families learn that aggressive responses to behavior are OK. That is not the message we want to send children and families. You must make sure staff members know that the following practices have no place in child and youth programs:
- 体罚:在任何情况下,不得对任何年龄的儿童进行殴打、鞭打、鞭打或任何其他形式的体罚。
- Withholding physical needs: You may not, under any circumstances, withhold food, sleep, physical activity or other needs like toileting from a child as punishment.
- 大喊大叫,羞辱、贬低或威胁一个太极ld:在任何情况下,您都不得故意让孩子担心自己的身体或心理安全。你不可以叫孩子伤害性的名字,威胁孩子,或让孩子感到羞耻。
- Isolating a child: You may not punish a child by leaving him or her alone (i.e., leaving a child on the playground alone because he did not line up with the group) or by putting the child in “time out” in an enclosed space like a closet, restroom, or cardboard box.
- 束缚或限制孩子的行动: You may not punish a child by preventing him or her from being able to move or speak (i.e., covering a child’s mouth or hands with tape).
You should make clear: “Use of corporal punishment or other discipline procedures in violation of center policies is grounds for immediate dismissal in accordance with service personnel policies” (Koralek, 1993).
In the Child Abuse Identification and Reporting course, some staff members were offered a clear table of behaviors that were “OK and Not OK.” It is worth repeating those concepts now because they are critically important, and this is a clear way to communicate your expectations with new staff members.
摸一下就可以了 |
Touch that is not OK |
可靠的接触:帕特的肩膀或bac上部k, tousling hair, holding the hand of a young child, gently rubbing the upper back to calm a child Hugging gently if the child is comfortable or initiates 牵着孩子的手以确保安全或安心(例如,当你过马路时) Moving a child’s fingers to help him hold a musical instrument or play a sport Helping a child stand up who has fallen on the playground Tending to an injured child’s wound |
拍打臀部或触摸孩子的生殖器或“隐私部位”(包括抚摸和骚扰) Hugs that are romantic, intimate, or forced upon the child 逼迫告别之吻 体罚 Slapping, striking, or pinching Tickling for prolonged periods Any behavior that is romantic, intimate, or flirtatious: holding hands romantically, sitting on laps, cuddling on furniture, lifting or carrying youth as part of roughhousing, etc. Touching any child or youth who does not want touched 以牺牲孩子为代价满足大人需要的任何触摸 |
Enforcing your Program’s Guidance and Touch Policies
All of the information contained in this lesson should be represented in your program’s Guidance and Touch Policies. Review that Guidance and Touch policy carefully and refer to yourMILService’sPUBLICProgram'spolicies around positive guidance. These policies should be shared with families in the Parent Handbook and with staff members in the Staff Handbook. You must work together with Training and Curriculum Specialists to ensure the policies are followed. If you see a violation of policy while observing in a classroom or while watching a closed circuit television system (see the next lesson),你必须采取行动. Otherwise, you run the risk of implicitly endorsing the staff members’ behavior. In other words, they might think their behavior is OK. The specific actions you take depend on the severity of the situation and your relationship with the staff member. In most serious situations, you should step in immediately. Think about situations like seeing a staff member hit a school-age child on the head or seeing a staff member leave an infant unsupervised. In those situations, it would be irresponsible to leave children in those staff members’ care. In other situations, you might be able to go back later and have a conversation with the staff member about more appropriate techniques. For example, the staff member who told a toddler to “Stop pushing” may not have realized how her actions and behaviors might have frightened a child. You might have a conversation about that interaction and brainstorm more appropriate ways to respond when a child takes a toy from another child. Other staff members might need to work with the Training & Curriculum Specialist to develop an improvement plan with systematic monitoring and feedback. In other cases, such as a staff member repeatedly belittling a child, disciplinary action might be required. Still other cases might result in termination from employment and/or a report of child abuse or neglect: striking a child, withholding food, leaving a child unsupervised. It is not up to you to investigate or determine whether an action was child abuse or neglect. Remember, if you suspect child abuse or neglect, you must report your suspicions of child abuse or neglect.
There are many excellent, free resources available to help you and staff members support children’s behavior. Download and print theResources Round Upbelow and as you visit the websites, write notes about the resources you find. What could you use to support your staff? What could you use to support families?
有许多工具可以帮助您观察员工使用积极指导技巧的情况并提供反馈。早期学习的社会和情感基础中心已经制定了一系列实践清单。这些清单可以帮助你和员工意识到防止挑战性行为、促进社会和情感发展的策略。这里有两个可用于婴幼儿项目和学龄前项目。第三个版本已经被改编成适合你的学龄期项目。下载并打印亚慱彩票yabo电子游艺Inventory of Practices或点击下面的链接。
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. Retrieved
赫隆,P。F.,&希尔德布兰德,V(2012). 引导幼儿。俄亥俄州哥伦布:皮尔逊。
科拉莱克,D。G(1993年11月)。防止在中心环境中虐待和忽视儿童。华盛顿特区:教学策略公司,国防部合同#MDA 903-91-M-6715,国防部长办公室家庭政策支持和服务办公室。
Massachusetts School-Age Coalition (n.d.). School-Age Child Guidance Technical Assistance Paper. Dorchester, MA: MSAC. Available from