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    • Identify, describe, and use program management prevention strategies including supervision.
    • 沟通并执行对家庭开放的政策。
    • Develop standard operating procedures for admission and release of children.



    Formal and Informal Supervision: Management by Walking Around

    You have two responsibilities related to supervising staff. First, you must perform formal supervision duties. This includes observation and performance evaluation. There are many benefits of formal supervision, and it is beyond the scope of this lesson to discuss all the policies and procedures related to this topic. As it relates to child abuse and neglect, however, managers should know one important drawback of formal supervision: it does not happen very often. For some staff members, formal observations and performance evaluations may happen yearly. You cannot be an effective leader if you use formal supervision as your only mechanism for connecting with staff about their work. Therefore, you have a second responsibility to provide informal supervision. You are informally supervising your program when you talk with staff members, check on classrooms, greet families, introduce yourself to a visitor, accept deliveries, or look at lesson plans. Another way of thinking of this is “management by walking around.” You cannot keep children safe from behind a desk. You are expected to engage in your program each and every day.


    • Notice potential problems and take action before they escalate. For example, you might notice signs of stress in a staff member (you will learn more about this in Lesson 6). You can check in with the staff member and provide support.
    • Monitor and support training efforts. By spending time observing your program, you can help Training and Curriculum Specialists pinpoint specific training needs for staff. You can work with the T&C to get timely support to staff members who need it.
    • Teach appropriate guidance or discipline techniques. You have a responsibility to enforce your program’s guidance and discipline policy. If you see something inappropriate (i.e., a staff member uses a harsh tone with a child), you can immediately and respectfully redirect the staff towards a more positive response.
    • Prevent problems with ratio and supervision. You know staffing and attendance patterns. You can facilitate effective scheduling. This maximizes resources and ensures children are adequately supervised at all times.
    • 与团队所有成员建立关系。这包括教育员工,食品服务或监护人员,承包商,志愿者和家庭。
    • Become a resource for staff members. Staff members know they can come to you with concerns or questions right away. Often, issues can be resolved during simple, informal conversations.
    • 鼓励和表彰工作出色的员工。


    In addition to supervising staff, you must ensure that staff members are adequately supervising children. Maintaining staff-to-child ratios is one of the simplest things you can do to protect children from harm in your program. You will learn more about this in the Safety course. For now, you must know and enforce staff-to-child ratios and maximum group sizes for each age group of children you serve. Key elements to keep in mind related to preventing child abuse and neglect are (Koralek, 1993):

    • 中心必须始终至少有两名成人在场。
    • At least one staff member at a supervisory level must be present in the center at all times.
    • 工作人员必须穿着名人或服装,以便在视觉上识别他们作为负责该计划和招收孩子的员工的员工和访客。
    • Center staff may not take a child or children enrolled in the program to their home or in their own vehicle without permission of the child’s parent and the center director.
    • Children and youth must not be left unattended or under the sole supervision of teen volunteers.
    • 工作人员必须与其监督对儿童和青年的需求和能力相匹配。CDC和较年轻的学龄儿童的儿童需要更多的直接监督。较旧的学龄儿童只需要每15分钟检查一次。确保成年人总是足够接近,以便在儿童呼吁帮助时回应。基于儿童的需求和活动的特征,帮助员工适应监督。潜在的危险活动,如木工和游泳将需要直接监督所有儿童,无论年龄段。
    • 确保员工使用登录和退出系统来监测哪些儿童参加,并在该计划中何处。
    • 与您的团队合作,确保项目的所有领域都得到充分的监督。工作人员需要监控室内、室外空间、走廊、洗手间等。


    Child development and school-age programs often face seemingly competing demands:

    • We want to provide a welcoming environment for current and potential families.
    • 我们希望成为我们社区的成员,并确保儿童能够获得周围的经验丰富。
    • 我们希望提供一个安全的环境,限制仅获得批准的个人。


    为什么这一政策会阻止儿童虐待和忽视中心?它有两个原因。首先,如果看到一个不恰当的行动,它允许家庭监控程序活动并为孩子们提倡。其次,它有助于加强工作人员和家庭之间的关系。在保护因素方面思考这一点有助于思考这一点。一个门口有助于建立social connections工作人员和家庭之间。它提供了一个机会discuss child developmentand strategies that work at home or in the program. It helps all parties recognize and respond with支持需要的时间. 父母和工作人员之间牢固的关系为孩子提供了一个看到成熟的机会社交和情感skills.

    An open-door policy does not mean adults are free to roam the building. You must put reasonable safeguards in place to ensure the security of children. The following list of criteria is in place to protect children:

    • Sign-in and sign-out procedures:Make sure your program is aware of and can account for all individuals in the building at all times. Your sign-in procedures must indicate where the adult is going, when they arrived, and when they left.
    • Identity verification:必须要求任何未知的个人识别。确认个人列在儿童记录中作为家庭成员。
    • Visitor badges or stickers:Providing some visual evidence that a visitor has signed-in helps control access to your buildings.
    • 员工伴奏:All guests or visitors (who are not known family members) should be escorted by a staff member at all times. Guest vendors or staff must be accompanied by appropriate personnel. For example, a food delivery vendor should be accompanied by the cook.
    • Supervision and monitoring:A staff member who has an approved background check must directly supervise children at all times. Children cannot be left in the care of a family member who is visiting the program.
    • Clear boundaries:Post signs on areas that are restricted. For example, the staff break room or areas where child records are kept should be clearly marked as “Staff Only.”



    Source: Fort Bliss Family and Morale, Welfare & Recreation.






    • 您将被要求在前台刷您的CYSS身份证或标签,或在前台登录。
    • In a CDC: Sign your child into the classroom on the roster provided. This is important because it allows staff to document and verify children are in care if an emergency occurs.




    • Swipe your CYSS Identification Card or Tag or sign your child out of the center.
    • Provide your Government ID if requested, prior to leaving the center with your child
    • 支付任何费用或提供与您孩子护理相关的文件
    • Proceed to the activity module and sign your child out of their module prior to leaving
    • 离开前通知孩子的老师/提供者

    If you intend to give authorization to any other person to remove your child from a center, that person’s name must be entered in the appropriate space on the Registration Card米尔(用于陆军计划的CDS登记卡或用于空军计划的AF形式1181)。我们不会接受任何电话,书面票据等,以承认或释放儿童。在任何情况下,儿童将被释放到13岁以下的兄弟姐妹或儿童。这些政策是为了您的孩子的保护!

    经过几个小时的孩子离开:有偶而ions in the past when parents have forgotten the time or were delayed so that children remained after the closing hour of the center. Children are expected to leave by the time the program ends. A late-fee penalty is in effect at the closing hour of the program or facility. When a reasonable amount of time beyond the closing hour of the center has elapsed, our staff will call home, work, and any other telephone number left by the child’s parents. If the parent cannot be contacted, our staff will call the emergency contacts (parent designee) listed in the data base米尔(or listed on AF Form 1181 for Air Force programs)。If there is no positive response from these calls, and if the child has not been picked up by 1 hour past the center’s closing hour, appropriate authorities will be contacted for alternate placement and care of the child. We recognize the severity of this action and regret that it will have to be taken if efforts to reach either parents or the emergency points of contact fail. Please ensure that we have valid emergency contacts and accurate telephone numbers to avoid this situation which is stressful for the child, parent(s), and CYSS staff.

    Source: Joint Base Lewis McChord Child, Youth & School Services Parent Handbook.



    Take some time to review your current Parent Handbook. Does it contain the information it should? Are you satisfied with its tone and message? Download and print theHandbook Review activity. 考虑文件中的组成部分,并为任何必要的修订制定计划。





    Term 描述
    Parent Handbook 与家庭共享的文件,概述了您的计划的重要政策和程序






    Why do open-door policies prevent child abuse and neglect? Choose the best answer.




    对或错?A child’s uncle arrives to pick her up. You have never met the uncle and he is not on the list of people authorized to pick the child up. The child is very excited to see him and tells her teacher that she knew he was coming to pick her up. She says her mom planned it because she had to work late. You can release the child to her uncle.


    社会政策研究中心。(2018). 加强家庭:保护因素框架。检索自

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Violence Prevention. Retrieved from

    Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2013). Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect Factsheet. Retrieved from

    Friends National Resource Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (n.d.). Evaluation Toolkit. Available from


    扫罗,j . & Audage北卡罗来纳州(2007)。防止儿童年代exual Abuse Within Youth-Serving Organizations: Getting Started on Policies and Procedures. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

    Seibel, N. L., Britt, D., Gillespie, L. G., & Parlakian, R. (2006). Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect. Washington, DC: Zero to Three: Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families.

    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). Child Maltreatment 2011.