- 反思这意味着成为一个响应婴儿和幼儿照顾者。
- 反思是成为一个社会情感主管婴儿和蹒跚学步的照顾者意味着什么。
- 头脑风暴如何在早期护理和学习环境和计划中培养和培养社会情感能力。yabo电子游艺
Some infants and toddlers face multiple stressors in early life, such as deployment, depression, death of a family member, natural disasters, or poverty. Resilience helps young children and adults cope with change and adversity. Resilience can be enhanced by the strengths of the family, the environments in which the infant or toddler spends time, and within the infant or toddler herself or himself. These strengths are also referred to as保护因素and are closely linked to social-emotional well-being. Social-emotional well-being is the ability to form healthy relationships, regulate strong emotions, get needs and wants met, and explore the environment and learn. Protective factors, and therefore, social-emotional development, are strengthened when nurturing adults remain responsive in all interactions and experiences with an infant or toddler.
成为一个响应性成年人意味着什么?邓斯特和卡西斯(2008)确定了十大响应特征 - 当成年人改变他们与幼儿互动的方式相匹配孩子的需求和发展。邓迪斯和卡西罗的响应性的十大特征是:
- Positive attitude:成年人经常微笑,笑,向婴儿和幼儿提供积极的陈述。照顾者在早上到达时,可以在婴儿和幼儿笑容来说,“我很高兴今天早上见到你!”
- 刺激:护理人员安排环境,为婴幼儿和幼儿的游戏,学习,参与和鼓励提供多种机会。yabo电子游艺护理人员包括一系列在护理环境中的作用适当材料,故意使用机会来帮助幼儿学会轮流接触和使用材料。此外,护理人员还承认婴儿和幼儿中的个人差异,偏好和学习风格,并响应他们的需求。yabo电子游艺
- 支持:护理人员可用,帮助每个婴儿和幼儿发展。
- 响应质量:The caregiver responds immediately and appropriately to match the infant’s or toddler’s needs.
- 同步:护理人员和儿童之间的关系是双方的互惠和奖励。例如,照顾者和一个幼儿一起笑着一起读一本傻书,或者他们喜欢在午餐前洗手时唱歌歌曲。
- 响应能力:护理人员和婴儿或幼儿经常注意到环境中的对象,活动和人员。例如,在播放外面,照顾者和婴儿都看一只飞过头上的鸟。
- 合作:护理人员尊重孩子的自由,避免在必要时,避免打断孩子的想法。孩子有机会控制并直接发挥作用。例如,当年轻的小孩堆叠软块时,只能将它们击倒,护理人员在这个“拆迁”的游戏中加入并评论孩子的行为,而不是要求孩子读一本书或建立特定的结构。
- 身体接触:护理人员频繁和舒缓与孩子接触。例如,在喂食时摇摆,在读故事时依偎,或者当孩子心烦意乱的时候拍摄故事,或温柔的拍拍。
- 相互关系:护理人员和孩子都同时参加同样的事情。当照顾者对孩子的提示敏感时,这是实现的。例如,一个婴儿在附近的树上看着窗外。护理人员让他或她的头关注婴儿的目光,说:“哦,你在那里看到树吗?它的分支在风中吹,不是吗?“
- Response contiguity:护理人员迅速,经常响应每个婴儿或幼儿的信号和需求。这包括当孩子心烦意乱时快速响应,而且还经常对儿童的行为评论或在请求之后与他们接触。
Responsive caregiving results in a relationship that is stable, enduring, and secure. It is within the security of this relationship that an infant or toddler feels safe and confident and able to explore the world with curiosity.
在他们的文章中,我安全和安全:促进幼儿的弹性,发表于2011年3月的问题Young Children, authors P.J. Pizzolongo and A. Hunter paint a convincing portrait of how promotion of resilience benefits children’s long-term health. Everyday stressors exist in childhood. While the ideal situation is removal of all stress, we know that scenario is impossible. However, children who develop resilience gain the ability to better face life’s traumas--from something as horrific as seeing their father shot, to everyday (and comparatively mundane) sibling rivalry. Pizzolongo and Hunter suggest that adults can help foster resilience in children through promotion of the protective factors. They explain, “when adults provide responsive care to infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, children learn to trust others. When children are held to high expectations by their parents or other caregivers, children begin to believe in themselves and realize that they are capable. When adults encourage children to participate in the family or classroom by giving them responsibilities and offering them choices about their environment, young children feel a sense of belonging and competence.” (Pizzolongo & Hunter, 2011). To understand the cyclical nature of how the protective factors encourage resilience, review this short explanation from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP):https://www.aap.org/en-us/advocacy-and-policy/aap-health-initiatives/resilience/Pages/Promoting-Resilience.aspx
- 花时间努力建立和维护与婴儿,幼儿和同事在您的护理环境和计划中的关系
- Trying to work things out and problem solve solutions to challenges or problems that arise
- 展示灵活性
- Allowing yourself to make mistakes
- Being nurturing and responsive
- 尝试新的东西
- 面临困难时要求帮助或支持
- 向有需要的人借给援助的人
- Being willing to accept new or different perspectives
- 拥抱多样性
- Being open-minded
- 分享自己的情绪和思想
Cultivating and Nurturing Social-Emotional Competence in Your Early Care and Learning Program
- 在使用婴儿和幼儿时展示同理心和同情。
- 证明positive social skills with infants and toddlers throughout the day.
- 使用婴儿和幼儿的背景,经验和兴趣作为关于您在护理环境中的经验和活动的想法的灵感。
- 培养尊重和欣赏您的护理环境中个体差异的气氛。
- 邀请家庭与您分享他们的观点和经验。
Engaging with families
- 家庭可以成为您的计划窗口进入文化反应的经历。邀请家庭分享对他们有意义的经验。
- 为您的护理和计划中提供婴儿和幼儿家庭的机会,以满足并相互了解。
- 邀请家庭观察和参与您的一些活动。
- 用婴儿和幼儿发送关于情绪和社交情绪技能的家庭书籍。
- 鼓励家庭通过在家庭环境中扩展您的一些经验来培养家庭的社会情感技能。
- 联系您的colleagues in your workplace. Share things about your interests and experiences with colleagues during staff meetings, lunch breaks or in-service days. Explain how these interests drive some of the experiences you create for infants and toddlers. Get to know the people who you work with on a personal level.
- 与同事交流有关促进社会情绪增长的经验的想法。邀请一位同事来到你的房间,观察你的一些活动并给你反馈。为您的同事做同样的要求。
- 询问培训师,教练或主管观察您的护理环境,以便您为您提供有关您对材料和经验的反馈,以促进婴儿和幼儿的社交情绪增长。
- Acknowledge colleagues who are doing great things, who offer you guidance and constructive feedback, and who inspire you to strive for excellence and be a team player.
What do resilience and social-emotional development mean to you? Download and print the思考自己的恢复力讲义。花几分钟才能阅读并回复这些问题。然后,与培训师,教练或主管分享并讨论您的回复。
下载并打印讲义,yabo电子游艺了解更多关于弹性的信息, which contains links to additional resources you can use to better understand and explore adult resilience and social-emotional well-being. After accessing and reviewing the video clips and information, share and discuss your experience with a colleague, supervisor, trainer, or coach.
Berk,L. E.(2013)。Child Development(9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.
Buell,M. J.,Pfister,I.,&Gamel-Mccormick,M.(2002)。照顾护理人员:早期开始/家庭儿童保育合作伙伴关系。亚慱彩票APPInfant Mental Health Journal, 23(1-2),213-230。DOI:10.1002 / IMHJ.10013
Dunst, C., & Kassow, D. (2008). Caregiver Sensitivity, Contingent Social Responsiveness, and Secure Infant Attachment.早期和密集的行为干预杂志5,40-56。从...获得:http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ej805609.pdf.
Joseph, G. E., & Strain, P. S. (2004). Building Positive Relationships with Young Children.年轻的特殊孩子7,21-29。
Pizzolongo,P.J.和Hunter,A.(2011)。我安全并安全:促进幼儿的恢复力。Young Children。国家幼儿教育协会。
Reivich, K., & Shatté, A. (2002).The Resilience Factor.New York, NY: Broadway Books.
Schneider,S.(2001)。寻找现实的乐观主义。美国心理学家5.6 (3), 250–261.
Seligman,M.E.P.,Reivich,K。,Jaycox,L.,&Gillham,J.(1995)。乐观的孩子。New York, NY: Harper Perennial.