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    • 确定为支持社会情绪发展提供机会的想法。
    • 探索支持婴儿和幼儿的社会情感发展的策略。
    • 学习如何支持家庭,因为他们促进婴幼儿的社会情感发展。







    • A caregiver hugs a toddler婴儿或幼儿是否会去一个主要的照顾者进行舒适?婴儿或幼儿是否允许成年人照顾者帮助他或她在不安时冷静下来?
    • 婴儿或幼儿表达什么情绪?他或她以什么方式表达情感?
    • 婴儿或幼儿是否自信地探索环境,知道自己或她的成年护理人员在附近?
    • 婴儿或幼儿对自己的名字有反应吗?
    • 婴儿或幼儿如何安慰?

    By asking these questions, you have an opportunity to learn and document how each infant and toddler in your care develops social-emotional skills. These questions may also help you consider other areas of development, culture and temperament. This process can help you and families gather information to plan responsive environments as infants and toddlers develop social-emotional skills and learn new ways to communicate their needs and wants.

    支持ing Social-Emotional Development for Infants and Toddlers

    每个婴儿和幼儿以他或她自己的速度发展。社会情绪发展依赖于持续的,敏感关系。除了你在课程中审查的社会情感里程碑之外,婴儿期初会看到个性的基本要素,似乎在整个生命中相当一致。影响个人如何响应世界的元素被称为气质特征。研究人员Alexander Thomas和Stella Chess(1977)编制了与气质相关的特征列表:

    • 活动水平–运动量和身体活动量
    • 监管或节奏 - 基本功能的规律性,如进食和睡觉
    • 接近和撤回 - 个人如何应对新情况,人物,地方或事物
    • Adaptability – how quickly or slowly an individual adapts to change
    • 敏感性 - 从触摸,声音,味道等到外部刺激的个人敏感程度。
    • Intensity – the energy level of the individual when expressing moods
    • 情绪——愉快愉快的行为与挑剔、哭泣或消极行为形成对比
    • 分散注意力——个人由于外界刺激(例如,电视、电话铃声等)很容易失去对活动的关注
    • 坚持——一个人在一项活动中会坚持多久而不放弃

    An infant crawls toward a caregiver你应该考虑气质特征和裁缝your approach to each unique infant and toddler when identifying approaches and strategies of supporting social-emotional development. You are more likely to successfully help infants and toddlers adjust to activities and experiences that promote their social-emotional competence when you become more attuned to temperament. The ability to understand and relate to an infant’s or toddler’s needs and temperament, or the quality of the relationship between the caregiver and young child, is often referred to as “goodness of fit.” Just like infants and toddlers, you have a temperament style and general approach to the world. The way you and the infants and toddlers in your program interact has a strong effect on the early care and learning environment. Careful consideration of temperament can support appropriate planning for activities and experiences. Within the Explore section of this lesson, you will have an opportunity to reflect on and learn more about temperament.



    Infants and toddlers learn about emotions and the expression of emotions through their interactions with others. Discussing interactions, activities, and experiences, as well as acknowledging and labeling emotions, are ways you can help infants and toddlers identify, understand, and express emotions in healthy ways. In addition, you can:

    • 了解婴幼儿表达的情绪是寻求反应性成年人的反应性护理的真实感受。
    • 镜像情感表达 - 如果婴儿或幼儿正在哭泣,你可以在说:“你似乎很沮丧。我要帮助你。“
    • Add words to facial expressions to help infants and toddlers build a vocabulary of emotion words – “You are smiling; you seem so happy today!”
    • 使用书籍、音乐、木偶和手指演奏,突出情感和情感词汇。

    Four stuffed bear toys each have a different emotion printed on the belly and have corresponding facial expressions护理人员在纸板上抱着面部表情,同时解释和展示不同的情绪


    Infants and toddlers are learning how to interact and play with others. Understanding and expressing emotions in healthy ways can help support and contribute to the development of social skills, including playing, making and keeping friends, and getting along with others. Consider the following ideas as possible ways to encourage the development of play and friendship skills for the infants and toddlers in your care:

    • 将婴儿挨着一个放在地板上的毯子上——评论你注意到婴儿在做什么
    • 在墙上放置一个安全的镜子,这样婴儿可以朝镜子看,看到自己和其他人
    • 模型和使用旧幼儿在一起玩时可以使用的单词
    • 谈谈婴幼儿如何鼓励透视
    • 阅读有关与朋友交往和玩耍的书籍



    Responsive Interactions for Social Emotional Growth

    Watch as this video demonstrates responsive and engaging environments



    • A toddler claps her handsRemember that infants and toddlers are watching your expressions and learning ways to respond to strong emotions—use “I” statements and describe your feelings during interactions.
    • 通过帮助婴儿继续感到安全,鼓励他们在流动婴儿中进行探索:我看见你!你正在爬行,感到自豪!
    • Use infants’ and toddlers’ names frequently.
    • 在自我监管方面思考Tantrums,帮助幼儿重新夺回焦点和关注。
    • 当读给大婴儿和幼儿的书时,要做一个面部表情,以赞美故事的特点或部分:是的,那头牛感觉很困。让我们睡觉。
    • 通知并描述了女性行为 - “你提供了另一个蓝色的球。你是这么好的朋友。“
    • 帮助有同伴冲突的孩子——“你们都想要卡车,而且正在拉卡车。”。我们可以一起解决这个问题吗?”



    Download and print the社会情感情景讲义。阅读方案并回答问题。想想婴儿和幼儿的独特方式表达情绪和互动,以及如何作为婴儿和幼儿照顾者回应。然后,与培训师,教练或主管分享并讨论您的回复。您还可以查看建议社会情绪情景反应



    Download and print the幼儿友谊技能支持策略讲义。Choose one of the strategies highlighted within the article to try with the infants or toddlers in your care. Observe how the infants and toddlers in your care react to the strategy and consider the ways you might respond to support their communication development. Then, share and discuss your observations with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.




    Finish this statement: “Goodness of fit” refers to…






    Butterfield, P. M., Martin, C., Prairie, A., & Martin, C. A. (2004).情感联系:关系如何引导早期学习yabo电子游艺. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE.

    吉莱斯皮,L。G、 ,&Seibel,N。L(2006). 自我调节:幼儿发展的基石。幼童(61)4, 34-39.

    Goleman, D. (2006)Social intelligence: The new science of human relationships.纽约:班塔姆戴尔。

    Petersen, S. H., & Wittmer, D. S. (2008).幼儿课程的无限机会:基于关系的方法。新泽西州鞍河上游:美林普伦蒂斯大厅。

    Thomas, A. & Chess, S. (1977).气质和发展. New York: Brunner-Mazel.