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    • 确定环境可以促进婴儿和幼儿的社会情绪发展的方式。
    • 探索环境如何有助于提供额外的支持并防止具有挑战性的行为。
    • 了解支持家庭的方法,以考虑他们的家庭环境作为促进婴儿和幼儿的社会情感发展的机会。





    Nurturing relationships:早期护理和学习环境中培养和响应关系的质量和可靠性对于健康的社会情感发展和学习至关重要。yabo电子游艺研究突出了整体健康发展(物理,认知,情感,社会和行为)取决于幼儿与父母和照顾者的关系的质量和可靠性。看护人可以:

    • Create environments that are welcoming and encourage family engagement
    • 观察并密切关注婴儿和幼儿,以促进环境中的联系,减少冲突
    • Interact with infants and toddlers to match their temperament style, provide predictable and consistent experiences, facilitate verbal and nonverbal communication, and encourage safe exploration and problem solving
    • 支持家庭接触认识到斯特恩gths of families, encouraging communication and shared ideas, and focusing on the infant, toddler and family while showing appreciation for their cultural identify

    早期大脑发展:Environments make a difference in brain development. Environments that provide consistent, warm and nurturing care, proper nutrition, periods of sleep, and physical activity help prepare the brain to function and develop optimally. Caregivers can:

    • Provide and support regularly scheduled sleeping and resting routines, as well as movement and physical activities
    • 及时回应婴儿和幼儿的需求。
    • Share information about early brain development with families.
    • 了解社区资源。发展筛查可以帮助识别和理解可能会干扰大脑对经验的自然反应的可能性早期感官缺陷。

    Caregivers can also interact with infants and toddlers using the “serve and return” process. Dr. Jack Shonkoff, founding director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, describes “serve and return” as key to healthy brain development. This occurs when young children solicit interaction through such things as babbling and facial expressions—the serve—and adults share and support the infant’s or toddler’s experience or focus of attention—the return. To learn more about “serve and return,” you can access a video clip from the Center on the Developing Child,

    Predictable and Responsive Routines and Schedules: Responsive routines and schedules are designed with close attention to an infant's and toddler’s temperament, strengths, developmental needs, and culture, and help provide direction when caring for infants and toddlers.

    Infants and toddlers develop unique daily rhythms and patterns for eating, sleeping, and active alertness. Some infants, for example, may finish a bottle quickly and then fall asleep. Routines develop naturally when caregivers follow the infant’s or toddler’s lead and build routines around their natural habits.

    To provide and support predictable and responsive routines and schedules, caregivers can:

    • Photos of an infant and his parents are posted by his crib in a centerCreate environments where infants, toddlers and families see themselves (e.g., photos of infants, toddlers and families, culturally familiar materials and foods, communication using the home language).
    • 为家庭提供舒适的空间,在Hellos和Geyes期间与他们的婴儿或幼儿在一起。
    • Create and post a schedule with pictures highlighting the daily routines at children’s eye level and have it available to discuss, see and touch.
    • 提前准备材料并建立活动(例如,有涂料和刷子准备好艺术品)。
    • Minimize waiting time by including toddlers in transitions: “Carson, you hold the box of crayons while I get out the paper.”

    Safe and appropriate materials:当环境没有健康和安全危险时,婴儿和幼儿可以安全地探索,而他们的看护人可以探讨并可以阅读他们的提示,而护理人员可以为婴儿和幼儿提供材料的支持表明兴趣和好奇心。看护人可以:

    • Help keep materials clean and safe for infants and toddlers.
      • Store adult bags and belongings out of the reach of infants and toddlers.
      • Place padding under indoor climbers.
      • 将清洁材料存放在锁定柜中。
      • 创建空间,幼儿可以仔细地骑自行车和其他玩具。
      • 去除破碎的玩具或播放材料。
    • Offer and use home-like items.
      • Items that reflect family experiences (clothing, combs, tools, safe kitchen utensils)
      • 不同类型的纸张(着色纸,纸杂货袋,包装纸)弄皱并绘制
      • 测量杯子和勺子用于沙子和水桌
    • Provide materials to explore with their senses (seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling).
    • 提供最喜欢的播放项目的重复。
    • 在REACH中显示玩具,以便婴儿和幼儿可以看到可用的是什么并做出选择。
    Infants play with toys on a blanket in a center

    Individualized Care:每个婴儿和幼儿都是独一无二的,这需要看护人来整理个人化。通过确保有足够的成年人能够安全地照顾婴儿和幼儿,可以实现个性化的护理,并提供主要的护理和关注的连续性。以下是来自首脑局办公室的两个资源,国家资源中心(2014)提供有关婴幼儿和幼儿的个性化护理的更多信息。第二个资源,第二部分,提供了一个四部分循环,即护理人员可以与个性化护理啮合:


    资料来源:早期开始国家资源中心(2014年)。Individualized Care for Infants and Toddlers – Part 2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. Washington, DC.

    A caregiver sits and smiles with an infant

    Self-regulation: An environment that includes a sufficient number of responsive, nurturing, and skilled caregivers, is large enough for children to move around freely with secure boundaries, and is designed to support engagement in both quiet and active play will help support the development of self regulation, a core component of social-emotional development.


    The Environment as Support and Helping Prevent Challenging Behavior

    Think about an infant or toddler who is coming to your early care and learning environment for the first time. This may be his or her first care experience outside of home. Think about what you might observe from an infant or toddler that offers insight as to what he or she needs and wants in the environment? There are different aspects to the environment that can support an infant’s or toddler’s needs. For example:

    • A caregiver bottle feeds an infant响应,培育成年人创造安全的感受
    • Areas in which to be close to adults (e.g., gliders and couches to sit comfortably with an adult)
    • 空间播放的东西是正确的尺寸和安全的探索
    • 空间放松和充电
    • 安全地爬行,走路和爬上安全的地方
    • Soft lighting and natural light from windows
    • 中性壁,家具和材料
    • 噪音不太响亮的空间
    • Space to observe, get to know, and play with peers



    Family Engagement In Social-Emotional Development and Learning

    Infants and toddlers begin to understand how to build and maintain relationships with others, how to respond to strong emotions, and what social-emotional behaviors are appropriate within their families. Families are central to infants’ and toddlers’ abilities to build trusting relationships, self-regulate, and explore. Research highlights that family sensitivity, including the warmth and skill with which families respond to their children’s needs, predicts children’s well-being and positive development in infancy and beyond.


    Circumstances may influence and interfere with the family’s ability to support their young child’s social-emotional development. These circumstances, including poverty, loss of employment, deployment, parental depression, domestic violence, and substance abuse, create high levels of stress within a family. This stress can adversely affect care. There is increasing evidence that supporting the social-emotional development of infants and toddlers should be a priority when serving highly-stressed infants, toddlers, and their families.

    Consider the following strategies to engage families in their children’s social-emotional development:

    • Ask families to share their philosophies or thoughts about infant and toddler social-emotional development. Gather information about their backgrounds and beliefs.
    • 创建关于家庭的感受和友谊的书籍,以便带回家。
    • 为您的资源库中的家庭提供关于早期大脑和社会情感发展的资源。
    • 观察一个家庭如何与婴儿或幼儿互动,并解释特定的行为是如何典型的发展阶段:“幼儿肯定忙碌而去!我打赌她让你搬家了。“
    • Ask families to share their young child’s cues: “Mr. Gordon, how do you know when Samantha is tired? Hungry?”
    • During an unhurried time, talk with families about a particular behavior: “Brice seems fussy after breakfast. I try sitting and reading a book with him, but it takes a while to help calm him. Do you have any ideas for me to try?”



    Watch as we show examples of the characteristics of high-quality supportive environments

    The early care and learning environment affects the interactions of infants, toddlers, caregivers, and families. Rather than being in a large group with all of the children in your care, you can offer infants and toddlers cozy spaces so they can have opportunities to rest, observe, take a break from noise and activity, and recharge emotionally. Offering safe, relaxing spaces can help infants and toddlers build a sense of security and feel ready to engage. As an infant and toddler caregiver, you can:

    • 提供软的地区nd inviting, include pillows and soft music.
    • Include chairs that can be easily moved around.
    • 有充满感官玩具(挤压球,咔哒声,软材料)的箱子。
    • 使用带有可洗的盖子的床垫,以创造一个舒适的地板空间,婴儿可以休息,观察,滚动或爬行。
    • 使用管或弹出帐篷提供幼儿可以坐下,休息和观察房间活动的空间。



    花时间更多地考虑您在护理中为婴儿或幼儿提供的常规。下载并打印响应性护理习惯handout and document the ways you are using these routines to provide opportunities to build relationships and support self-regulation and exploration. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.





    学期 Description
    Continuity of Care An approach which supports the relationships between caregivers and infants and toddlers by keeping infants and toddlers in the same setting with a consistent team of providers over a period of time
    关系 与情绪联系的持续互动,特别是涉及的人之间的特点,重要意义
    Routines The consistent, predictable daily experiences such as feeding, sleeping, diapering and clean-up times




    Finish this statement: The “serve and return” process with infants and toddlers involves...




    You notice that Cassie, a young mother of 18-month-old Daisy, becomes easily frustrated when her daughter runs from her. Which strategy could you use to engage Cassie in Daisy’s social-emotional development?

    References & Resources:

    Garcia-Coll, C. & Meyer, E. (2000). Cultural influences on parenting, in C.H. Zeanah, Handbook of Infant Mental Health, 2nd Ed., New York, N.Y.: Guilford Press.

    Goleman,D。(2006)社会智力:人际关系的新科学。纽约,纽约:Bantam Dell。



    Raikes, H. & Edwards, C., (2009). Extending the dance in infant and toddler caregiving. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Company.



    Shonkoff, J.P. (2009). Investment in early childhood lays the foundation for a prosperous and sustainable society. Retrieved from:
