- Identify your role in preparing for emergencies.
- 将信息从本课中应用,以确保您为紧急情况做好准备。
自然灾害s, illnesses, injuries, or threats of violence can shatter the daily routine of a child-care program. As a teacher, it is your job to keep infants and toddlers safe during these difficult events. You can also be a resource and comfort to families and communities that deal with the aftermath of an emergency.
Types of Emergencies and Knowing Your Risk
One of the first steps in responding to emergencies is understanding the types of disasters that might affect you and the children in your care.
- Injuries: Children and staff may experience bodily harm while in your program. This may result from falls, accidents, or contact with poisonous substances.
- Inclement weather: Snow, ice, or extreme heat can affect the safety of children and families.
- 技术失败: Electricity or water outages can affect the way your program operates.
- 失踪的孩子: This type of emergency occurs when a child leaves or is taken from the program without authorization.
When emergencies are more severe, affect a larger number of people, or present a stronger risk, they can be thought of as disasters. The type of disaster you are most likely to encounter depends on the characteristics of the region in which you live. There are several types of disasters that might affect child-care programs:
- 自然灾害:这种紧急情况包括洪水,龙卷风,飓风,暴雪,森林火灾,野火,地震,海啸或其他类似的事件。
- Technological:这包括爆炸,核辐射,严重的力量或燃气中断,饮用水缺水,溢油或火灾。
- 恐怖主义: This includes acts of violence or threats of violence against individuals or groups. Examples may include bombings, shootings, kidnappings, hijacking, or use of biological weapons.
- Illness or epidemic: These involve the rapid spread of severe, potentially deadly illnesses like the flu.
What does emergency preparation look like? Watch how this program prepares for disasters in their area.
The most important thing you can do to prepare for an emergency is make a plan. This plan should be in writing. All staff and families should know about the plan.
Evacuation plans: You need to know where to go in the event of a tornado, fire, earthquake, or other natural disaster. You also need to have a plan for how and where you will transport children if your area is evacuated for flooding, technological disasters, or other reasons. These plans should be posted in the classroom.
Shelter in place plans:如果管理员或政府官员命令个人占用庇护所需,您需要知道该怎么办。这是对恐怖主义威胁的可能反应,附近的射手,冒险的天气条件或其他不安全的条件。在庇护到位时,您将不被允许离开建筑物,其他人不会被允许进入建筑物。建设计划的避难所应在课堂上发布。作为本计划的一部分,您的团队也应该有一种沟通的方式,即团队必须在庇护到位时互受庇护和互相沟通。不安全的情况可能会使建筑物无法移动。
锁定计划: You need to know what to do if your classroom is ordered to lock down. Lockdowns occur in the event of an unknown intruder or active shooter. You must know how to lock and barricade your doors and procedures for supervising children.
Communicating with other staff可以在任何时候罢工:灾难。知道链of communication for emergencies and have updated staff phone rosters at home. You need to know how you will contact your administrator if you cannot come to work. You also need to know how you will find out if your program is closed or relocated due to disasters. Remember telephone lines may be affected by emergencies. Administrators or others may consider leaving an outgoing message on their answering machines or voice mails and communicating via the media.
Communicating with families: You need to know how you will communicate with families if you and the children are evacuated to another location. How will you let families know where they can find their children? It is also important to know how you will let families know if your program is forced to close. Part of the plan should includeWHO将联系家庭,what将沟通,和how比率将被维持。
You should keep a copy of your program's emergency response plan in each classroom for reference.
Once a plan is in place, practicing it can help relieve anxiety and help you feel prepared should the real event occur. It can also help you and the children remain calm in the face of disaster. Remember to always take your sign-in sheet, emergency medications, and emergency contact information with you during all evacuations and practices. Your evacuation plans (fire, tornado, lockdown) should be practiced based on yourPUBLICprogram'srequirements. Review of your emergency plan and evacuation plan must be included in new-employee orientation and training.
Disasters can happen anytime and anywhere. It is important to be prepared. Download and print out the紧急套件规划表。根据您的计划填写它。与您的主管,培训师或教练分享您的回复。
Use these forms to help you prepare and respond to emergency situations. Download and print the forms and complete the information that you need. Store the forms in your emergency kit.
学期 | Description |
流行性 | 一种影响大部分人口的疾病;流行性流行性是一个可以欺骗商业,学校,社区和家庭的一个例子 |
Evacuation | 从特定位置清除所有儿童,员工和家庭的行为 |
规定 | 粮食和水资源足以让您的人口健康以获得指定的时间 |
Shelter in place | This occurs when you are directed to stay in one location during an emergency; movement within the building may be restricted, or travel in the larger community may be limited |
American Academy of Pediatrics (no date). Children & Disasters: Disaster preparedness to meet children's needs. Preparing Child Care Programs for Pandemic Influenza. Retrieved fromhttps://www.aap.org/en-us/advacacy-and-policy/aap-health-initives/pundren-andsasasters/pages/preparing-child-care-pracks-for-pandemy-influenza.aspx.
American Academy Of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education (2011).照顾我们的孩子:国家健康和安全绩效标准;早期护理和教育方案指南。第3版。伊利安尔州麋鹿格罗夫村:美国儿科学院;华盛顿特区:美国公共卫生协会。也可提供http://nrckids.org。
Child Care Aware America of America (formerly National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies;2011).Is your Child Care Program Ready? A Disaster Planning Guide for Child Care Centers and Family Child Care Homes.Available for purchase fromhttp://www.naccra.org/publications/
The Advertising Council. (2003, February). Ready Public Service Advertising (PSA) Campaign homepage. U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Available athttp://www.ready.gov
National Association for the Education of Young Children (2007).幼儿教现计划标准和认证标准:幼儿教育质量的标志。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
The Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness (2012). Emergency Family Assistance Centers: An Examination of the Literature for Evidence-Informed Practices. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University.