
    • Identify your role in identifying, preventing and reporting child abuse.
    • Apply the information from this lesson to ensure that you are following yourPUBLIC程序’s确定、防止和报告虐待儿童行为的要求。




    As a teacher or caregiver, you are a "mandated reporter." This means that you are legally bound to report your suspicions of child abuse or neglect. It is your job to know the signs and make the call that could save a child's life. This lesson will give you information to help you do your job.


    Infants and toddlers are at higher risk for abuse. Because the early years set the stage for emotional and social development, infants and toddlers are in the greatest danger of long-term damage. Language and cognitive skills and a child's physical health can all be affected.

    Causes of Abuse

    There is no excuse or reason for a child to be abused. Abuse often happens when adults:

    • Are under stress
    • 相信孩子能做的比他们有能力of doing
    • Think threats and punishments are the only way to get children to behave or do want the adults want them to do
    • Don't take into account the child's age or situation in applying discipline

    What is Child Abuse and Neglect?

    At its most basic form, child abuse and neglect is defined under federal law as:

    • 最近任何导致儿童死亡、严重身体或精神伤害、性虐待或性剥削的行为或不行为
    • An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm to a child

    Child abuse includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. The American Academy of Pediatrics has brief definitions of each:

    • 身体虐待:儿童受到身体伤害。
    • Sexual Abuse:儿童与成人或较大的儿童发生性关系。
    • Emotional/Psychological Abuse: Child is regularly threatened, yelled at, humiliated, ignored, or otherwise emotionally mistreated.
    • Neglect:儿童的基本需要得不到满足,包括营养食品、清洁、爱心、教育和医疗。


    Introduction to Child Abuse and Neglect

    This video defines child abuse and neglect.


    Learn why infants and toddlers are especially vulnerable to abuse and neglect.

    Physical and Behavioral Indicators of Abuse



    Shaken baby syndrome describes the signs and symptoms resulting from violent shaking or shaking and impact on the head of an infant or small child. Violent shaking results in brain tissue and blood vessels being torn and blood pooling around the brain. (Source:www.dontshake.org)

    Brain damage associated with shaking can have lifelong consequences: cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, behavior and physical disabilities, language and hearing impairments. All these can be severe and life altering. Shaken baby syndrome also can result in death.


    Shaken baby Syndrome has various signs and symptoms. It is important to know the symptoms and seek immediate medical attention if you think a child has been shaken. It could save a child's life. Signs and symptoms listed by the国家摇动婴儿综合征研究中心包括:

    • 昏睡
    • Decreased muscle tone
    • Extreme irritability
    • Decreased appetite, poor feeding, or vomiting for no apparent reason
    • No smiling or vocalization
    • Poor sucking or swallowing
    • 僵硬或装腔作势
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Seizures
    • Head or forehead appears larger than usual or soft-spot on head appears to be bulging
    • Inability to lift head
    • Inability of eyes to focus or track movement
    • Unequal size of pupils
    • Grab-type bruises on arms or chest are possible but rare.



    Everyone experiences stress but everyone handles stress differently. It is important to help build awareness about child abuse and neglect in your program and community. It’s when stress is handled inappropriately that the risk of abuse increases. At the family level, abuse is most likely to occur in families that are socially isolated. It is also most likely to occur in families that have experienced other forms of domestic violence, like violence against a spouse or partner. Children of families experiencing stress from frequently moving around, poor parent-child relationships, and other negative interactions are at greater risk.


    If you think a parent, family member or any adult responsible for care of a child is having trouble coping, is overly frustrated, or is visibly angry with a child, don’t ignore the situation. Share your concerns with the person if you feel comfortable doing so; or contact your supervisor. As a teacher, you are legally required to make a report even if you are not sure there has been abuse. Your job is not to investigate, but rather report your suspicions. Be careful about making assumptions; your job is to report so qualified personnel can do the rest.

    Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect in Your Program

    It is likely that your program already has processes in place to prevent child abuse. Many newer facilities are built with vision panels so individuals can see into the classroom from the hallway and outside. Restrooms are built with low barriers rather than doors. Closed-circuit surveillance cameras, visitor sign-in procedures, and daily health checks are all part of a comprehensive system for preventing child abuse.

    YourPUBLIC程序'schild guidance and touch policy helps keep children safe. Never use harsh discipline practices. The following practices should never be used:

    • 打、打或其他物理手段
    • Isolation from adult sight
    • 禁闭、约束、羞辱或辱骂
    • Deprivation of food, outdoor play, or other program components

    There is also a lot you can do in your classroom. Good room arrangement and design is your first step. Make sure there are no blind spots in the room. You need to be able to see all children at all times. Be aware of the behaviors you heard described in the video. If you notice an adult acting strangely, act on your suspicions. Use the checklist provided in the Apply section to make sure you are doing all you can to keep children safe.

    Reporting Suspected Abuse

    All professionals working with children are mandated reporters. You have a legal responsibility to report signs of possible abuse or maltreatment and known abuse. If you are not sure abuse has occurred, but you suspect it, you must contact legal authorities. You are responsible for reporting even if a supervisor indicates you don’t need to or says someone else will do it. An important reason for letting your supervisor know of your suspicions is so they can report it to their chain of command. When you report in good faith, you may do so confidentially and you are protected by law.


    Follow all procedures required at your place of employment.

    What to Expect after the Call

    Reporting suspected child abuse or neglect can be a stressful event for teachers. It is important to mentally prepare yourself for what happens after the call.

    In most states, your report will be evaluated by Child Protective Services. If there is enough evidence to warrant an investigation, a caseworker will initiate the investigation. Children, families, and caregivers may be contacted and interviewed. Child Protective Services will determine whether the claim is substantiated and whether the child is safe in the home. If the report of abuse involves alleged criminal acts, law enforcement will be contacted and the investigation will be conducted jointly.


    It is important to prepare yourself emotionally for what follows a report. First, understand that you may never hear back about the results of your report. Second, some families remove their child from the program after a report of child abuse or neglect. Both of these events are normal and can be expected. Some teachers fear that making a report may get the child in trouble and may lead to more abuse. Remember you have done the right thing. Do not let fear of what might happen next stop you from doing what you can to protect the child.



    • Know the signs of child abuse and neglect in the home.
    • Know the signs of child abuse and neglect in your program.
    • 保护自己免受虐待儿童的指控。
    • 向家庭提供资源,以防止虐待和忽视。
    • Know the procedures for reporting child abuse in your workplace or community.



    Making a child abuse report can be emotionally difficult for adults. Adults wonder, “What if I am wrong about the abuse?” “What will happen to the child, the family or me, whether the claim is true or not?”




    When considering whether to file a child abuse report, it may be helpful to reflect on questions designed to help you assess the situation. Remember, if you suspect or know of abuse, you must report it.


    Term Description
    昏睡 Unusual sleepiness or low activity level
    Maltreatment Cruel or violent treatment
    授权记者 Individuals required by their state laws to report concerns of child abuse and neglect




    是的or False? As a mandated reporter you are legally bound to report known cases of child abuse or neglect.


    Finish this statement: Shaking a baby can cause…


    What age group of children are at a higher risk for abuse?

    References & Resources:

    American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2011.)照顾我们的孩子:国家健康和安全绩效标准;早期护理和教育计划指南。第三版。伊利诺伊州埃尔克格罗夫村:美国儿科学会;华盛顿特区:美国公共卫生协会。也可在http://nrckids.org/CFOC&http://nrckids.org/CFOC/Database/3



    Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2014). Child maltreatment 2012: Summary of key findings. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau. Available athttp://www.childwelfare.gov/pubs/factsheets/canstats.pdf第页=3


    Ohio Department of Health SBS Educational Material Prevention Teaching tool "Babies Cry A lot." Flyer. Found athttps://odh.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/odh/know-our-programs/shaken-baby/prevention/prevention

    The National Children's Advocacy Centerhttp://www.nationalcac.org/table/services/prevention/