
    • Reflect on what it means to continue to nurture your sense of professionalism.
    • Learn about the importance of self-care.
    • Explore resources for professional growth.





    The field of child care has grown tremendously over the past several years, and there is always new information and research on the significant roles adults can play in children's development.你可以真正改变。The more skilled, committed, and knowledgeable you become, the more effective, meaningful, and long-lasting your influence will be on children's and families' lives. As a direct-care staff member, you want your practice to be continuously improving, striving to be the best that it can be for children and families. You should look forward to going to work and creating positive, caring environments for children and families in your care. You should also work with your trainers or coaches to continue to learn and grow professionally. Your high standards and expectations for professional behavior will positively affect the quality of care you provide provide, as well as the quality of relationships of those around you.

    Always Keep On Learning

    Throughout this course, you have read about the process and the path of becoming professional as well as the attributes, skills, and knowledge you need to pursue. No matter how experienced you are and how much you know, it is important to continue to pursue education and training to learn more about your field and to further grow as a professional. This is true for a number of reasons (Koralek, Dodge, & Pizzolongo, 2013):

    You care about children and their families.



    Self-awareness enables you to acknowledge strengths, talents, skills, and accomplishments, and at the same time it helps you recognize and identify competencies or skills you need to improve. Knowing who you are as a person and as a professional is empowering, as it enables you to engage in self-improvement and growth. You can do this by talking with colleagues and arranging to observe each other to learn more and improve each other's practice. Or you can review materials and resources that keep you updated with new ideas and research in your area of expertise. You should also participate in professional organizations and training events and opportunities.

    You want to grow professionally.

    Being committed to ongoing learning can improve your knowledge, skills, and performance. This learning will help you gain new skills and hone existing skills, and this may come with increased confidence, more responsibility, and even a promotion.

    There is always new information to be learned!

    The Indian mystic Ramakrishna said "As long as I live, so long do I learn", and the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates said "True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing."


    Experiences and Resources for Professional Growth

    There are many excellent resources on professionalism. Educator Fran Simon (2015) provides a list of suggestions:

    • Be open to what is possible, not held back by what you think is impossible.
    • 加入专业协会,参加会议,志愿者。
    • Be curious and ask questions.
    • 价值和工作在日常练习中建立和维护关系。
    • 腾出时间学习,连接和网络。
    • Be authentic and open with the people you meet along the way, even if you do not share their viewpoints.
    • 参加现场和虚拟专业学习网络。yabo电子游艺
    • Share your ideas with colleagues, trainers, and managers.
    • 从事正式的专业,职业生涯和领导力发展。
    • Find a mentor! Everybody needs inspirational people in their lives.
    • 在领导力和相关主题上建立一个图书馆。
    • 订阅电子邮件和打印新闻通讯和来自各种来源的专业期刊。

    Considering your Own Wellness

    Self-awareness is very important for your own professional growth and learning. Educators Donna Wittmer and Sandy Petersen highlight that, "Knowing ourselves involves exploring our strengths and vulnerabilities. We need to wonder about, and try to understand the meaning of, our reactions, our frustrations, and the parts of our job that bring us joy. This exploration can sometimes be difficult or uncomfortable" (2013, p. 409). Another way to think about this is the "care" that is behind the "caregiving".

    All of us can find ourselves struggling to make sense of situations and relationships involving children, youth, and families. As you likely learned in other courses, observation is one of our best strategies. Observation can help you get to know and understand a child or youth in your program better, which in turn can change your feelings.

    Another strategy you can use is visualization. As a staff member, you are likely to encounter children, families, and fellow staff members from a variety of backgrounds. It is important for you to understand the complexity of culture's influence on identity and equally important to understand individual differences. For example, a family member who has had a lifetime of encouragement, praise, and support, may have a very different parenting style or needs from a family member who has experienced extensive criticism, doubt, and isolation. See yourself interacting positively with a child or family in your program. If the child is displaying behaviors that seem to disrupt your teaching approach, try seeing this child without those behaviors and you responding in a caring way. If the family has views that are different from your own views (e.g., when it comes to eating independently or providing assistance with tasks), try to understand the family's point of view and respond in a respectful and caring way. As a staff member, you will need to be able to provide children, youth, and their families with culturally and developmentally sensitive care and help them be successful.

    Self-care is a very active and powerful choice to engage in the activities that are required to gain or maintain an optimal level of overall health. This includes not just the physical, but the psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual components of an individual's well-being. In your role as a direct-care staff member, you can create an environment that supports children's development. Your own self-care practices can be a starting place to demonstrate the importance of self-care. Learning to use self-care practices is an indication of developing a strong self-concept, and staff members who are aware of self-care practices can act as positive role models for children, families, as well as fellow staff members.

    Many of us are accustomed to saying "yes" to everything that is asked of us for fear of appearing weak or uncooperative. Learning how to say "no" is a good skill to cultivate, and it shows you know your limits and are able to put your needs first, which will make you a better colleague and team member. It is also important that you learn to let go of stress. Here are a few tips:

    • Consider keeping a journal. It can be therapeutic to write the day's events and your perspectives on paper. You might also consider keeping a gratitude journal to help you be mindful about the positive aspects of your life.
    • 建立。与朋友,家人和熟人联系。出去午餐或和朋友一起喝杯咖啡。在杂货店沿着你面前的人交谈。这些小时刻可以帮助您感受和支持。
    • Even a little regular exercise can help you feel better, sleep better, and cope better with life's daily stressors. Healthful eating can make a difference, too.
    • Remember to breathe. As we get stressed out, we tend to breath shallower. By taking a moment to take a few deep breaths, we are taking time for ourselves and lowering our stress levels.



    Watch staff reflect on the significance of ongoing learning for your practice.

    According to child-care expert Jeff Johnson (2010), your attitude can help you make changes in your life and your program. Johnson has six suggestions:

    • 正面前景:积极思考情况和人们可以帮助您带来有益的结果。您对生活的个人观点在您的自我保健层面起着关键作用。
    • Self-awareness: Knowing who you are includes being aware of your feelings, your emotions, your thoughts, and your relationships. Start by taking an inventory of your strengths and weaknesses. Examine your life, past and present. Notice how far you've come and the skills you possess that got you to this point.
    • 健康的自私:重要的是要认识到您自己的需求是有效的,并做出必要的事情。
    • 放弃控制:允许自己放松并将事情视为灰色而不是黑色和白色可以让您查看更多选项和机会。
    • 俏皮的态度:改变你的心态需要嬉戏,好奇心和兴奋。尝试通过孩子的眼睛探索生活,看看看起来有多么不同的事情。
    • Thoughtful choices: As life gets busy, slow down and make sure you are making thoughtful choices. Reconcile with yourself that you may never master a task perfectly and sometimes it is going to have to be good enough.





    How do you plan to work towards your ongoing professional development? For this activity, read the article,幼儿专业人士做了什么?Then take a few minutes to respond to the questions inProfessionalism: Ongoing Professional Growth。Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or administrator.



    了解更多关于继续追求自己的professional development, read the two articles provided in this section,E-Professionalism for Early Care and Education Providers(可作为下面的PDF)和The Seven Faces of the Early Childhood Educator(作为下面的WeBlink提供)。





    You can continue to learn more about early care and education by…


    True or false? Self-care practices such as keeping a gratitude journal or exercising regularly can help you serve as a positive role model for children, families, and colleagues.


    Visualization is a strategy to use...

    References & Resources:

    Bruno, H.E., & Copeland, T. (2012).在幼儿计划中管理法律风险。New York: Teachers College Press.

    Feeney, S. (2010). Ethics Today in Early Care and Education: Review, reflection, and the future.幼儿,65(2), 72-77.

    Feeney, S., Freeman, N.K., & Pizzolongo, P. (2012).道德和幼儿教育者:使用Naeyc代码(2ned.).Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    Johnson, J. (2010).Keeping Your Smile: Caring for children with joy, love, and intention。圣保罗,Mn:Redleaf按。

    Koralek,D. G.,Dodge,D.T.,&Pizzolongo,P. J.(2004)。照顾学龄前儿童(3亚慱彩票rded.).华盛顿特区:教学策略,Inc。

    National After School Association (2009).National After School Association Code of Ethics。从...获得https://naaweb.org/resources/code-of-ethics

    National Association for the Education of Young Children (2011). Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment. Retrieved fromhttp://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/image/public_policy/Ethics%20Position%20Statement2011_09202013update.pdf


    Simon, F. (2015). Look Up and Out to Lead: 20/20 vision for effective leadership. Young Children, 70(2), 18-24.

    Wittmer,D. S.,&Petersen,S. H.(2013)。婴儿和幼儿开发和响应计划规划 - 一种基于关系的方法(第2 ED。)。Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice-Hall.