
    • Learn about characteristics of effective professional staff members.
    • Discuss the four developmental stages of teachers.
    • Identify practices that reflect professionalism in your work as a staff member.




    Developing your sense of professionalism does not happen overnight. On the contrary, it is a process that involves a wide range of experiences. Just like when you are learning a new skill, you have to invest time and effort in getting information, practicing new things, and interacting with other individuals. Nurturing your professionalism requires ongoing work, energy, and commitment. As you think about developing your sense of professionalism, remember that each staff member is an individual. In your daily interactions with children, youth, families, and colleagues, you always bring who you are: your interests, your personality, your temperament, your background experiences, and your special abilities and talents.

    Characteristics of Effective Professional Staff Members

    Professionals who deal directly with children and their families have a special obligation to behave in ways that benefit those they serve. Some values that are foundational to professions based on human relationships are caring, compassion, empathy, respect for others, and trustworthiness, according to Stephanie Feeney, author of幼儿教育的专业精神。最重要的专业工作人员致力于为他们与之合作的儿童,青年和家庭的需求致力于服务。您的计划应具有明确的阐明共享特派团和哲学,这些使命和哲学由在该计划中工作的每个人都证明全部员工了解。你应该熟悉这个使命和哲学。

    Essential elements of professional behavior include knowledge and skills about a field, communication and relationship skills, work ethic, and professional ethics. Each of these elements is further discussed below.

    知道ledge and Skills

    想要以专业方式行事的工作人员必须获得与儿童,青年和家庭合作所需的技能和知识。了解儿童和儿童发展在您的角色中绝对是必不可少的,作为婴儿 - 幼儿,学龄前或学龄和青少年专业人士。亚慱彩票虚拟实验室学校内的个别课程提供有关每个发展领域的广泛信息(例如,认知发展,物理开发,社会和情感发展)以及如何促进最佳增长的策略和实践思路。您应该提及这些课程,了解有关儿童和青年发展的全面信息。随着儿童和青年发展,关于安全环境,学习环境,健康环境,积极指导,虐待儿童和家庭参与等主题的知识将加强您的能力,使您能够积极影响儿童,青年和家庭的生活yabo电子游艺与。当儿童和青少年健康,情绪安全和社会连接时,实现了最佳的发展。确保这是你的工作:

    • 儿童和青年通过保持清洁环境和促进健康习惯,健康安全
    • they are emotionally secure by responding to their cues and addressing their needs in a nurturing manner
    • 在课堂和计划惯例期间,它们通过培养他们与其他人之间的关系而社会连接
    • children's families and home cultures are at the forefront of your work


    An important aspect of your work as a direct- care staff member are the relationships you create and nurture with children, youth, families, and colleagues. Establishing these relationships can make or break your experience. As you may have learned in other courses throughout the Virtual Lab School, relationships form over time and require ongoing effort and commitment. Collaborating with others is a big part of your work, and whether you are a brand new or a seasoned staff member, your success and effectiveness hugely depend on how well you work with others. Whether you are engaging with children, youth, families, colleagues or supervisors, nurturing those relationships early on is critical to your success. And while working with others may present difficulties or challenges, it is your responsibility to maintain professional conduct and seek the advice of your trainer, coach, or manager when faced with situations you are not sure how to deal with.

    Work Ethic



    Your commitment is to carry yourself with integrity in your daily interactions with children, families, and colleagues. Maintaining confidentiality is a crucial part of professionalism. You should also be very careful about how you handle social networking. As a direct care staff member, you should respect and protect the privacy of ALL children and families in your program. In Lesson Three of this course (Professionalism: Ethical Practices) you will learn about what it means to be an ethical staff member, identify ethical practices when it comes to interacting with children and families, and learn how you can support your knowledge and implementation of ethical practices.

    A Developmental Perspective

    When talking about professional development, Dr. Lilian Katz identifies four developmental stages of teachers. As you read the information below on each of these stages, think about where you are in your own journey towards professionalism.

    Stage I: Survival


    Stage II: Consolidation

    他们最初的完成多年的问题hing, educators come to see themselves as capable of managing their day-to-day responsibilities. Ongoing training and support on-site continue to be significant for their growth.

    Stage III: Renewal

    During this stage, teachers become interested in new developments in the field. They may benefit from joining professional organizations and participating in various professional development experiences such as conferences, or other professional meetings.

    Stage IV: Maturity

    It may take a few years after beginning to work with children and families for an educator to reach maturity. During this time educators feel confident about their own competence and begin to ask more complex questions about their practice. At this stage they also continue to benefit from participating in conferences or seminars, ongoing education or training, reading professional literature, and engaging with other educators.


    Effective professional staff members enjoy their work and show it. They create positive, welcoming environments for the children, youth, and families they work with and strive for excellence in their interactions with others and experiences they plan. Effective professional staff members value collaboration and acknowledge it is important to work together with families, other staff members, and supervisors in order to be successful. They also know it is important to have fun and laugh, celebrate successes, and acknowledge their efforts and the efforts of others, such as family members and colleagues. Your program may plan joyful events that build community at different levels: among the staff, as well as among staff, children and families. Some examples are acknowledging individual staff members during staff meetings, celebrating staff birthdays and life events with potluck suppers, attending a professional conference together, organizing family nights, inviting families to participate in classroom and program experiences, inviting families to spend time with children in the classroom.


    Developing Your Sense of Professionalism

    Watch this video to learn about developing your sense of professionalism.

    Take time to review the practices listed below that highlight professionalism when working with children, youth, and families in your care:

    • 尊重每个孩子和家人的护理,并承认增长,背景,价值观和信仰的多样性和个人差异。
    • 对所有孩子和家庭展示真正的兴趣,并努力了解他们。
    • Acknowledge that families know their children best and learn to view them as partners and collaborators in your practice. Reach out to them and invite their input.
    • 保留有关儿童,青年及其家人的信息。
    • Provide a variety of developmentally appropriate choices and experiences for children and youth in your care.
    • Have developmentally appropriate expectations about children's behaviors and be proactive when dealing with challenging behaviors.
    • Honor individual differences in children and families and strive to address the unique needs of those you serve.
    • Acknowledge all the great things children do on a daily basis and share those with their families often. Even though at times you may have to address topics of concern about children and youth with families (e.g., behavioral concerns), remind yourself to also highlight a child's successes and positive attributes.



    Learning about the values and philosophy of professionals you know and admire can be a powerful tool towards your own professional development. Download and print the专业:Creating a Climate of Trust, Respect, and Safetyhandout that corresponds to your area of expertise (IT, PS, or SA). Take a few minutes to interview a fellow co-worker. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.




    阅读链接的文章专业和社交媒体讲义。读完这篇文章,反映的questions. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or administrator.






    In your first year of teaching you…



    References & Resources:

    Allred, K.W., & Hancock, C.L. (2015). Reconciling Leadership and Partnership: Strategies to empower professionals and families. Young Children, 70(2), 46-53.


    Division for Early Childhood. (2014). DEC Recommended Practices in Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education 2014. Retrieved fromhttp://www.dec-sped.org/recommendedpractices

    Feeney,S.(2012)。幼儿教育的专业精神: Doing our best for young children。Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

    Katz, L. K. (1995).Talks with Teachers of Young Children: A collection。Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

    Kouzes, J.M., & Posner, B.Z. (2012).The Leadership Challenge: How to make extraordinary things在组织中发生(5thed).San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

    National After School Association Core Knowledge and Competencies。Retrieved fromhttp://naaweb.org/resources/core-competencies.

    National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2009). NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation: A position statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Retrieved fromhttps://www.naeyc.org/sites/default/files/globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/resources/position-statements/2009%20Professional%20Prep%20stdsRevised%204_12.pdf

    Schweikert, G. (2012). Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals: Being a professional. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.

    Simon, F. (2015). Look Up and Out to Lead: 20/20 vision for effective leadership. Young Children, 70(2), 18-24.

    Sullivan, D.R. (2010). Learning to Lead: Effective leadership skills for teachers of young children (2ned.). St. Paul MN: Redleaf Press.

    Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners. (2014). Wisconsin Core Competencies For Professionals Working with Young Children & Their Families. Retrieved fromhttp://www.collaborationpartners.com/professionalism/wi-core-calpetencies/