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    • 检查身体活动在自己的生活中的重要性。
    • 描述婴儿和幼儿的体育发展。
    • Recognize ways physical development affects other areas of development.


    Take a moment to think about activities you participate in regularly. Household chores? Walking? Running? Gardening? Shoveling snow? Being physically active does not mean we have to run a marathon. Do you consider yourself naturally active? You might be saying, “I’m so busy, it’s ridiculous!”

    身体活动是一个过程,开始first with developing an awareness of your personal activity level and then establishing behaviors that enhance your wellbeing, such as walking for 30 minutes three times a week. Recognizing where you are in terms of physical activity is an important step that can help you identify your health needs and develop the skills and knowledge to live a more healthful life. Physically active staff members are overall healthier than those who are not active and they miss fewer days of work due to illness. Physical activity enables staff to handle the pressures of work and family life by decreasing stress and promoting mental health, which further leads to more positive interactions with children and their families. Personal preferences for activity or inactivity can contribute to the types of physical and motor development experiences that teachers make available to the infants and toddlers in their care. By acknowledging the influence of your own physical activity upon children in your program, you can better support their physical development.

    Infant and Toddler Physical Growth and Development

    Physical developmentrefers to the advancements and refinements of motor skills, or, in other words, children’s abilities to use and control their bodies. Physical development is one of the many domains of infant and toddler development. It relates to the growth and skill development of the body, including the brain, muscles, and senses. For example, babies learn about the world as they develop their physical senses of sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste. In fact, babies can hear well before they are born. Newborns like to look at faces and will seek interesting things to look at very early on. An infant can recognize the mother’s smell and the sound of her voice within days after birth. From birth, infants are aware of the world around them, and the ability to grow, develop, and learn occurs quickly as infants begin to explore through their senses.

    机动性技能精细电机技能是在婴儿和蹒跚学步的发展中发展的。总机技能涉及大量肌肉运动的掌握,以及肌肉群体中的力量的建设,如手臂,腿和核心。婴儿和幼儿的这种技能的例子包括到达,滚动,爬行和攀爬。精细电机技能涉及更小,更精确的运动,特别是手和手指的运动,例如抓握。随着他们的身体成长,婴儿和幼儿逐渐加强他们的肌肉,并更好地控制他们的身体。开发的每个新的运动技能是早期技能和新技能的贡献者的结果。新生婴儿没有力量抵挡他们的头部,但是因为他们学习和发展肌肉的控制,他们将能够支持他们的头部并将它们从一方面移动到探索。技能掌握和发展也是脑增长和发展的结果。考虑一个婴儿,在坚持沙发和圆形桌子时开始走路。这个孩子必须在大肌肉中获得强度和对身体运动的一定程度的控制。 At the same time, the child also relies on vision to determine where to walk and what to cling onto. As infants and toddlers grow, their bodies and minds become capable of simple and mildly-complex movement and experiences.

    Parents, teachers, and caregivers must stimulate toddlers and infants and encourage the development of gross- and fine-motor skills. For example, you may stimulate physical development by holding a toddler upright while moving each leg to imitate walking. Eventually, the child will become accustomed to the balance and muscle movements that are required to walk and be able to do it on his own. Infants and toddlers depend on their caregivers to meet their needs for safety and security. When infants and toddlers receive consistent, responsive care and attention from nurturing adults, they are able to establish a sense of trust in the world. This sense of being loved and feeling safe is essential to stimulate areas of development, including physical development. When they feel safe and secure, infants and toddlers use their brains, muscles, and senses to explore the world around them.

    Below you will find the typical progression of gross- and fine-motor skills in infants and toddlers, respectively.

    Hands to Mouth到达中线Move Objects夹子掌握Scribble

    Importance of Physical Growth and Development

    Preparing infants and toddlers for school requires more than developing a set of skills; it includes physical development and health. When an infant or toddler is healthy and happy, he or she is more likely to engage in learning. Physical development and health can help prepare infants and toddlers for activities that support language development, social skills, and other areas of learning for school success.


    Think about what life might be like for a one-year-old who has not started crawling. While sitting on his own, he struggles to coordinate movements, such as pushing up to a crawling position and moving his hands and legs at the same time. Most objects and people in his environment are brought to him to explore. How might the limitations in physical and motor development impact other areas of development for this 1-year-old?

    勘探 有限的电机开发和技能可能意味着对环境的有限探索。
    Cognitive Development 有限的探索可能意味着有限的经历。例如,学习原因和效果(认知yabo电子游艺发展的贡献者)可以仅仅是因为与附近的事物限制了“实验”。
    社会发展 The one-year-old can only observe the play of other children within his range of sight. This can affect the development of particular social skills.
    Emotional development The child depends on other people in his environment to provide stimulation. This can affect emotional development, as it may be difficult for the child to make his or her own way in the world and achieve autonomy



    Physical development is connected to cognitive development (thinking skills) in infants.

    Seven-month-olds are given a toy. When the infants use their motor skills to push a button, they hear an exciting sound. The infants are presented with the toy again after a period of wait time. They immediately push the button repeatedly, suggesting that they learned how to perform an action to cause a sound (Hauf & Aschersleben, 2008).

    Physical development is connected to cognitive development (thinking skills) in toddlers.

    Toddlers, around 18 months of age, engage in play which involves imitation, such as pushing a toy truck while making engine noises or striking a ball with a bat (Laplante, et. al., 2007).

    Infant motor development is connected to emotional development.

    Mastery motivation is the internal drive to successfully complete tasks, such as mastering motor skills. Infants display more mastery motivation behaviors (e.g., smiling and persistence) when they engage in new, challenging motor tasks rather than when they use familiar and previously learned skills (Mayes & Zigler, 2006).




    • As infants grasp toys with their fingers and hands, they are building small-muscle (fine-motor) skills, which will help them hold crayons and pencils as they get older (communication).
    • 幼儿开始涂鸦,这导致他们的名字和其他单词变为较大(通信)。
    • As mobile infants roll a ball back and forth with their caregiver, they learn how to take turns and play with others (social development).
    • 随着幼儿在户外推动马车的推动和拉扯一位朋友,他们了解与他人的关系并等待转弯(社会发展)。

    Making an effort to better understand infant and toddler physical development can open up opportunities for you to enhance the care you offer infants, toddlers and families.


    Physical Development - Its Connection to Other Areas of Development

    Watch this video to learn how physical development is linked to other areas of development.

    There are many things you can do to help infants and toddlers develop physically in your program:

    • 当你抱着它们时,支持婴儿的身体和头部。
    • 当你和她或他谈话时,帮助婴儿看到你的脸。
    • Hold onto the infant’s or toddler’s feet and rotate them gently as you sing songs like “The Wheels on the Bus.”
    • Provide many opportunities to practice and use new skills, such as sitting up on your lap as you support an infant’s neck and back (between 4 and 6 months).
    • Spend time together on the floor and provide tummy time.
    • Place things nearby and offer opportunities and chances for infants to reach for things.
    • 为婴儿创造安全的地区,以爬行和探索。
    • 提供出牙戒指,吸吮玩具,摇篮等东西,以达到和抓住。
    • Share toys with knobs and buttons.
    • 向堆叠和连接玩具引入幼儿。
    • Spend time with toddlers using four-wheeled riding toys.


    For more information on what to expect in this course, the Physical DevelopmentCompetency Reflection以及在整个课程中提供的随附的学习,探索和应用资源和活动列表,参观婴儿和蹒跚体育课程指南。




    下载并打印handout,Supporting Physical Development, which outlines questions you can ask yourself when considering the physical development of infants and toddlers. Answer the questions and then share your thoughts and responses with a supervisor, trainer or coach.



    下载并打印克服活跃的障碍quiz from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which lists reasons people give to describe why they do not get as much physical activity as they think they should. Read through each statement and think about how likely you are to say each of the statements. Next, identify any key barriers you might be experiencing. Are they what you expected? What will you do next?


    学期 Description
    Physical development 儿童运动技能的进步和改进,或换句话说,儿童使用和控制身体的能力








    你的同事,塔里亚,绕着room talking and singing to the babies in her care. What do you say to her about this?

    References & Resources:

    Hauf, P., & Aschersleben, G. (2008). Action–Effect Anticipation in Infant Action Control.Psychological Research, 72:203–210.

    Lokken,G.(2000)。散步的俏皮品质“风格”。Qualitative Studies in Education, 13:531–542.

    梅斯,L.C.,&Zigler,E。(2006)。婴幼儿掌握情感伴者的观察研究。Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 33, 659-667.

    Ward, M., Lee, S., & Lipper, E. (2000). Failure to Thrive is Associated with Disorganized Infant-Mother Attachment and Unresolved Maternal Attachment.Infant Mental Health Journal, 21(6):428-442。


    Zeanah,C.(ed。)。(2000)。婴儿心理健康的手册(2nd ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.