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    • 确定为什么可预测的时间表和例程对婴儿和幼儿是重要的。
    • Define responsive schedules and routines.
    • 学ways responsive schedules and routines support learning.




    How would you feel? How might your feelings affect your ability to find this new location? How will your feelings affect your behavior with the teacher and infants in the other classroom? How does this apply to infants’ and toddlers’ feelings and behaviors in settings with varying and unpredictable schedules and routines?




    An infant or toddler’s schedule is guided and supported by a primary caregiver based on what is learned through observations and connections with the family. The primary caregiver strives to understand the child’s needs and help him or her transition from one experience to another.


    • Experiences:护理人员应保持关闭,向婴儿和幼儿提供支持,因为他们以自己的步伐播放和探索他们的环境。
    • 护理惯例:抵达,喂食或进食,尿布或厕所,睡眠,出发等。
    • Transitions:在儿童节中发生的变化时间,例如小吃到户外游戏。

    Predictable schedules help provide a framework and direction for caregivers when caring for infants and toddlers. In turn, infants and toddlers feel secure when schedules and routines are dependable; this tells them that they can trust caregivers to provide for their needs. For example, some infants will take short naps during feedings. Other infants may eat quickly and immediately fall asleep when finished. Within a consistent daily schedule, caregivers are able to build routines around infants’ and toddlers’ natural habits.

    每天安排一个m infant-toddler教室ight include:

    • 抵达/迎接家庭
    • 视觉计划的一个例子早餐/喂食
    • 室内/室外发育适当的体验,根据需要小睡
    • 尿布和厕所
    • Small group time with songs
    • Lunch/feeding
    • 尿布和厕所
    • A second example of a visual scheduleNaps as needed
    • 尿布和厕所
    • 快餐/喂食
    • 室内/室外发展适当的体验
    • 离开

    When considering your schedule, and particularly diapering or toileting routines, remember infants and toddlers should be checked and changed (or asked to try the toilet) at least once every two hours or more as needed (e.g., at family’s request or for temporary diaper rash). In addition, children should always be immediately changed if they have soiled themselves.


    older infant washing hands常规是婴儿和幼儿的一致,可预测的日常经验,例如问候,尿布,睡眠和喂养。护理人员创建和支持例程的方式使他们能够帮助婴儿和幼儿构建信任和独立性。向婴儿和幼儿解释在日常生活期间发生的事情以及过渡可以帮助建立可预测性和信任感。例如,当尿布时,一位老师可以说:“我现在要把你的裤子带走,好吗?”或者,准备吃饭时,“首先,我们需要洗手,然后我们可以吃零食。”对于教师来说,帮助解释儿童的经历是重要的(“我打赌你饿了,不是你!”)。使用歌曲陪同例程可以减少过渡期间的压力,并使这些体验更令人愉快地为儿童和教师享有愉快。他们也可以作为儿童的提示,即即将到来的活动,例如,在外面玩之前“清理”歌曲。此外,由于我们将在指导课程中讨论,给孩子们警告即将到来的过渡,可以帮助他们在一天的下一部分控制并准备好(“五分钟我们将清理零食。有其他人需要吃东西?“)。

    caregiver and infants eating在尿布,喂养,厕所等期间在互动中花费的时间也鼓励孩子的学习。yabo电子游艺例如,通过描述食物,口味和嗅觉,我们可以在与婴儿的喂养期间鼓励语言发展。“哦,我闻到了桃子。你?他们难以闻到甜蜜吗?“使用显示睡眠或尿布等惯例的图片可以帮助老婴儿和幼儿预测下一个正在发生的事情。在喂养期间持有并拥抱婴儿的时间在婴儿和蹒跚学步的年度在学习基础之间建立了强有力的关系。yabo电子游艺Demonstrating the steps in a routine (e.g., hand washing), explaining aloud what you are doing, and including pictures that show the steps in the routine are all ways that caregivers can help toddlers become familiar with routines and learn how to complete them more independently.


    With young infants, the caregiver must be especially flexible meeting the child’s needs. Over time, routines become more predictable, which allows for similar and consistent interactions. With this predictability, infants and toddlers feel understood and are able to affect the world around them. Over time, infants and toddlers learn that certain actions usually follow others, and they learn that adults are trustworthy.




    响应的例行for Infants & Toddlers



    Infants and toddlers learn about their world and the people around them through daily routines. Try the following actions in the learning environment to support responsive schedules and routines for the infants and toddlers in your care:

    • Remember that schedules and routines must be flexible to fit individual children’s needs. Work with children’s families to develop schedules that work best for each child.
    • When guiding infants and toddlers through routines, talk and sing songs about what you are doing, and interpret the child’s experiences aloud.
    • Post pictures or photos of the daily schedule and steps in daily routines at the children’s eye level.
    • 审查与幼儿的经验,例程和转换序列:“我们吃早餐,然后我们走了外面。”
    • 与关于他们对惯例的期望的家庭谈话。有些家庭可以寻找他们的移动婴儿和幼儿在各种例程中更容易地合作,而其他家庭则将期望在某些惯例中独立。



    更多关于婴儿和幼儿的日常生活和日常护理。下载并打印响应的例行handout and look for ways to highlight your strengths and continue supporting infant and toddler development and learning.



    Pictures can be used with infants and toddlers to help them learn language and make sense of the world around them. Download and print the followingVisual Cue Cardsattachment to support infants and toddlers during daily routines. These picture cues can act as daily routine or schedule reminders; you can use them to craft a visual schedule. You can also take pictures of routines in your own classroom to make the visual cues more reflective of your community.


    Term 描述
    住宿 提供所需的行为。For example, while the environment, learning experiences and materials in most early care and learning environments are designed to meet the needs of many children, they can be adapted or expanded when they do not meet the specific needs of a child to accommodate that child’s individual needs
    主要照顾者 成年人负责会议care and educational needs of a specific group of children within the larger group for most of each day
    惯例 一致,可预测的日常活动婴儿或幼儿在一天中经历,例如尿布,喂养和睡眠




    真的or false? As an infant and toddler caregiver, it is important to stick to a set clock time and schedule throughout the day.




    A parent considering your program for her infant visits your classroom and asks about your schedule and daily routines. What do you tell her?


    道奇,D.,Rudick,S.,&Berke,K。(2006年)。The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers and Twos, (2nd ed.). Washington DC: Teaching Strategies, Inc.

    Gonzalez-Mena,J.(2002)。婴儿/幼儿护理:惯例指南(2nd ed.). Sacramento: California Dept. of Education.

    Petersen, S. H., Wittmer, D. S. (2008).婴儿和幼儿开发和响应计划规划:基于关系的方法。Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.