There are countless toys and materials available for infant–toddler classrooms. It can be difficult to decide what to include in your space. This lesson will help you ensure a variety of developmentally appropriate materials are available. You will read about how to choose materials based on cultural relevance, children’s interests, the material’s open-ended possibilities and children’s developmental goals.
- Define and describe “developmentally appropriate” materials.
- 确定选择材料时的关键考虑因素,以及对婴儿、幼儿和护理者的益处。
- Choose toys and materials that represent the cultures, interests and learning goals of your space.
Most infants learn to explore objects with all of their senses: seeing, touching, hearing, tasting and smelling. Through safe exploration, they also begin to develop ways of learning and gathering information about objects. Researchers have found that 12-month-old infants can remember and copy some actions they see up to four weeks later, even without practicing the actions in the meantime (Klein & Meltzoff 1999).
While infants and toddlers explore materials that are interesting to them, it is the caregiver that helps make the experience meaningful. Caregivers should select materials that are:
- Culturally relevant:这些材料是否反映并尊重该计划和更广泛的社区的种族,种族,文化,语言和家庭多样性?
- Developmentally appropriate:这些材料允许婴儿和幼儿以各种方式发挥吗?这些材料是否有助于我们为婴儿和幼儿达到重要的学习目标?yabo电子游艺
- 与儿童的利益相关联:Do these materials reflect the infant and toddlers’ current interests and help spark new interests?
There many simple ways to expose children to positive images of people from a variety of backgrounds:
- Display pictures that represent all children, families and staff in your program.
- Display pictures of men and women in a variety of jobs (police officer, construction worker, teacher, chef).
- Include items that represent cultures from around the world (scarves, cooking utensils, musical instruments)
- 库存您的学习空间与书籍yabo电子游艺提供有关年龄,性别,种族,文化,特殊需求,不同家庭和语言多样性的积极信息(例如,字母表和各种文化的书籍)。
- 让家人把家里的东西借给你。
- Dolls should represent a range of ages, races and abilities.
- Play traditional and contemporary music from around the globe.
Developmentally Appropriate
Toys and materials in your learning space should be developmentally appropriate. This means they should match the stage of development of the children in your care. Because children develop at different rates, choosing developmentally appropriate materials means you should have a range of toys available that can accommodate differences between individual children’s skills, interests and characteristics. A room stocked with developmentally appropriate materials “fits” the child—the child should not have to adjust to “fit” the learning space!
- 情绪化:Book reading and quiet book areas give infants and toddlers an opportunity to relax and recharge.
- 社交:Looking at books with a caregiver or friend can help strengthen a relationship.
- Motor:Turning the pages of a book uses and enhances fine-motor skills.
- 语:护理人员可以阅读并帮助婴儿和幼儿探索书籍,图片和新词。
- Cognitive:Infants and toddlers are introduced to new words, text and pictures.
Examples of developmentally appropriate materials for older infants (about 7–12 months) include:
- 建筑用软砌块
- Baby dolls
- 大球
- Nesting toys (e.g., plastic cups)
- Plastic and wood vehicles with wheels
Examples of developmentally appropriate materials for toddlers (about 24 months) include:
- 木制拼图4-12件
- Dress-up clothes, puppets
- Chalkboard with large pieces of chalk
- Blocks, transportation toys
- 更详细的图画书
指的是两个附件后在这节课中,选择材料(Learn section) andMeeting Infants’ and Toddlers’ Needs: Developmentally Appropriate Materials(应用部分)为婴幼儿选择玩具和材料的优秀指南。
Linked to Children’s Interests
Materials that can be used in a variety of ways and that meet infants’ and toddlers’ developmental needs can provide a sense of security. Opportunities created for infants and toddlers to easily access, have fun with and manipulate materials that meet their interests and learning styles help infants and toddlers:
- 感到能力,认识到他们有能力做不同的事情和表达想法
- 发展自助技能技能
- 与他们的照顾者和同行互动
- 感到平静和支持
Remember some families may not value play the way other families do. Some families may not have an environment that allows for safe play or a tradition of special time or floor play with their infant or toddler. Learn about families, seek to understand differences and find what is most important in the care of their infants and toddlers.
Not all toys are created equal. Some toys spark imagination and some hinder it. You might have noticed that young children are often more interested in the box than the toy that came inside it. Why? Because the box can become anything. It becomes a drum when you hit it, a house when you put a doll inside it, a hat when you put it on your head and a mask when you play hide and seek behind it. The possibilities are endless. Infants and toddlers learn and explore more when a toy is only limited by their imaginations. Consider the following list and think about why toys spark or limit imaginative play.
Toys that may limit imaginative play:
- Action figures or plastic dolls with preset accessories or movements
- Toys that talk, sing or dance
- Toys that are branded, such as with a TV show or popular character
- Dress-up clothes
- Large boxes
- Baby dolls
- Musical instruments
- Writing and art materials
- Items that are “open-ended” or can be used in a variety of different ways (e.g., blocks, scarves)
Linked to Developmental Goals
也许最重要的是要思考为什么哟u have selected the materials in your room. Ask yourself: how will this toy help infants and toddlers meet their individual learning and development goals? What will they learn from the toy? Use your knowledge of learning and development standards for infants and toddlers and your curriculum guidelines to shape your classroom decisions. Select materials that will help individual children in your classroom work on their current developmental or learning goals.
Look for materials that promote infant and toddler development in a variety of ways. For example, perhaps you have colorful mobiles hung low for younger infants to grasp, kick and move to assist with their fine- and gross-motor development. These mobiles could be constructed out of different colored and textured fabrics so as infants and caregivers interact with them, caregivers can make comments about the different characteristics (“I see you just grabbed the red string,” or “Oooh, that one feels soft doesn’t it?”) These comments help children’s cognitive understanding of the world around them and build their early vocabularies.
Watch this video for more ideas about the selection and use of materials to support learning and development in infant and toddler care.
- Talk to a trainer, coach or supervisor about materials that are most appropriate for your learning space.
- Offer materials that challenge infants and toddlers but are not so complex they cause frustration.
- Change materials in response to infants’ and toddlers’ growth and development.
- 包括最喜欢的项目的重复。
- Make adaptations so that all infants and toddlers can be included in experiences and can use materials in the learning environment.
- Ask families to contribute materials from their own homes.
- Reflect on the materials in your learning space. If you notice any biased materials, make a change.
您在学习环境中拥有的材料是有力的学习工具。yabo电子游艺当您观看婴儿和幼儿教室的日常经验的这些视频时,请考虑孩子的学习。yabo电子游艺下载并打印Materials Activity. 观看视频并完成图表,同时考虑不同材料如何影响婴幼儿的游戏、学习和发展。与培训师、教练或主管分享您的回答。然后将你的答案与建议的答案进行比较。yabo电子游艺
下载并打印Developmentally Appropriate Materials讲义。该资源确定了适合婴幼儿发展的材料。用它来考虑如何在你的学习空间中促进安全感、探索和学习。将本课前面视频中的材料和课堂材料与此处的列表进行比较。与培训师、教练或主管谈谈你房间里的材料是如何促进安全感、探索和学习的。有关适合婴幼儿发展的玩具的更多建议,请参阅参考资料和资源列表。yabo电子游艺
Term | Description |
Culturally relevant materials | Classroom materials that reflect the backgrounds, knowledge and experiences of the diverse children in the classroom |
发育合适的材料 | Materials that fit the stage of development children are in, but still allow for differences between children in skills, interests and characteristics |
精细电机技能 | 能够利用手指和手好 |
Gross-motor skills | 涉及身体大肌肉运动的技能,包括跑步,跳跃,投掷和维持平衡 |
Cryer,D.,Harms,T.,和Riley,C(2004).All About the ITERS-R: A Detailed Guide in Words and Pictures to be Used with the ITERS-R. Lewisville, NC: Kaplan Early Learning Co.
Dodge, D., Rudick, S., Berke, K. (2006).The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers and Twos,(第2版)。华盛顿特区:教学策略公司。
Elkind,D。(2007)。游戏的力量:学习自然的东西yabo电子游艺. Reading, MA: Da Capo Press.
Greenman, J., Stonehouse, A., Schweikert, G. (2007).黄金时期:婴儿和幼儿卓越的手册,(第2辑)。St. Paul: Redleaf Press.
幼儿的好玩具. National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Harms, T., Cryer, D., & Clifford, R. M. (2006).Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale, revised edition. New York: Teachers College Press.
Lally, J. R. (Ed.). (1990).A Guide to Setting Up Environments: Infant/Toddler Caregiving,(第2辑)。萨克拉门托:加州教育和西部的部门。