
    • 区分集团体验,隐私,存储和显示的空间。
    • 确定精心设计的室内学习环境的特征。yabo电子游艺
    • 学习方法安排室内学习环境,促进婴儿和幼儿的增长和发展。yabo电子游艺
    • 描述如何组织独立材料,轻松使用和学习。yabo电子游艺



    Infant and toddler caregivers make many decisions each day: which books to read, what questions to ask a toddler’s family, which experiences to offer, which materials to place where, etc. In many instances, these decisions are the result of careful advanced consideration, in addition to a personal understanding of how an infant and toddler learning environment should be, feel and look.




    当考虑游戏的物理空间领域,it is important to create a space that is not too open or too crowded. Young infants need protected areas with enough room to practice their growing abilities and movements, such as rolling over and crawling. Mobile infants and toddlers need space as they explore and learn to crawl, walk, dance, jump and build with blocks. Space is important for both active and quiet play. Well-designed areas provide both physical boundaries and visual cues that support individual and peer play.





    Places for Group Experiences

    虽然婴儿和幼儿主要通过与护理人员的探索和互动学习,但在团体中花费时间是开始建立学习社区的理解的绝佳方式。yabo电子游艺For instance, a brief (5 minute or less) daily group time can encourage infants and toddlers to share their ideas and notice the ideas of others (e.g., a caregiver notices an infant kicking and encourages everyone to kick their feet together, or a toddler says “ice cream” and the caregiver suggests that everyone pretend to eat ice cream together). Caregivers can also lead infants and toddlers in songs with corresponding motions that can help develop motor skills and awareness of the sounds and patterns of language (Lang et al., 2010).

    Having designated spaces for these experiences and designing them to minimize distractions can help you make the most of these times. This doesn’t mean you must have a spot that is used just for group experiences. The block area, or the book and language area can make a natural home for larger group experiences. Just think about having enough space for all the children to come comfortably together.

    cozy corner



    Places and Ways to Support Adults

    Although the majority of your room should be designed with infants and toddlers in mind, as discussed in the introductory lesson, caregivers and children’s families are also an integral part of the learning environment. The physical environment should reflect this, by having at least some spaces that “speak to” the adults in the learning environment and make them more comfortable. For example, having one or two “adult sized” chairs in the room (e.g., a rocker or a sofa chair) can visually communicate to family members, who may be less comfortable in a kid-sized environment, that they are welcome too. These adult chairs can serve as a space where family members can read a book to their child during pick-up or drop-off times, or provide a space for mothers to visit and nurse, and helps to build a home-like atmosphere in the room. Remember, children’s own homes are not all child-sized!

    In addition, you should have some communication or display boards that provide family members with important information about your room (e.g., the weekly curriculum, special notes from the day, or upcoming events).


    • 为成人提供滑翔机或摇杆在喂食时使用,可以有助于提供舒适性和支持程度。这也可以帮助培养照顾者和孩子之间的关系。密切的关系反映并促进了对儿童需求的知识,最终使护理人员的工作更容易。
    • 使用地毯的立管不仅支持婴儿和幼儿的使用机动技能,而且有助于照顾者在地板上更容易地起床。
    • 为旧幼儿延伸区域的更改表添加步骤可以减少护理人员需要提升较重儿童的次数,同时还为较老的幼儿提供自主感。


    Infant and toddler learning spaces require a lot of materials! Toys, books, and other resources are regularly rotated in and out of active use. It is important to plan for at least three kinds of storage in an infant and toddler learning space: open storage for children to access, closed storage for caregiver materials, and storage for personal belongings (Dodge et al., 2010). It is also important to plan for storing and displaying children’s assessment materials and artwork.

    • 打开存储:For materials that are in active use, caregivers should carefully label and store them on open, easily accessible shelves. This will help children build independence, and toddlers can avoid frustration when they are able to find what they want and need.
    • Closed storage:在不使用时需要安全地储存成人办公用品,炊具或清洁液等工具。同样,重要的是指定和仔细标记这些项目的安全位置。这将有助于您维护库存并确保儿童的安全。
    • cubbyPersonal storage:婴儿和幼儿还需要个别空间的东西,如尿布袋,服装,用品和创作。最喜欢物品的空间(例如,毛绒动物,最喜欢的毯子)可以帮助婴儿和幼儿感到安全。当幼儿可以轻松访问空格时,它们可以在需要时检索个人物品。即使年轻婴儿没有完全理解他们自己的东西的空间,提供这些空间也使学习环境更加个性化,并将帮助父母对他们的孩子被视为具有独特品质和需求的人。yabo电子游艺
    • 孩子们展示:Storing and displaying artwork and portfolios sends powerful messages to children about the value of their work and helps you do your job more effectively.







    Children are more likely to feel they can be themselves and have a sense of belonging when their classroom environment is like their homes. There are many ways you can add personal touches to your classroom to create a home-like feel (we will address this more in the Materials lesson). For example, you can include:

    • 软家具,如沙发或大型扶手椅
    • 无毒植物
    • Natural or soft lighting, through the use of window or lamps
    • 扔枕头,靠垫
    • 其他装饰性接触,如区域地毯或重新铺设家具
    • Family photos from the children and staff
    • 廉价的框架挂在墙上的儿童艺术品
    • 中性漆色





    • 图片:包括他们的利益可以帮助e的照片xtend exploration of certain concepts and send the message that children’s ideas are valued in your classroom. Use pictures of real items as much as possible.
    • An event or experience:例如,在户外散步或在教室里举办“野餐”。您也可以在活动期间拍摄照片以稍后显示。与个人存储和儿童艺术品一起使用这些图片,也会传达这个空间属于孩子。
    • 图书:战略性地将与儿童目前的兴趣相关的书籍可以改变他们的戏剧和参与。例如,在街区旁边的施工地点提供一本书,或者在照顾戏剧戏剧旁边的婴儿。
    • 来自大自然的物品:这包括您从外部收集的物品,例如叶子或螺母,或鲜花的花瓶。
    • 显示简单更改例如,在地板上添加一个儿童安全镜子,让孩子们看到自己,或者在戏剧性游戏中设置娃娃婴儿,可以邀请老年婴儿和幼儿“饲料”娃娃。对于婴儿和幼儿,显示器的变化还可以包括重新排列攀爬设备,以提供新的挑战或在地板上结合不同的纹理和颜色。







    Creating spaces for all infants and toddlers, discussing adaptive equipment and environments.





    First, as children develop we want them to learn that they can find and use materials on their own. The best way to accomplish this is to store materials on low, open shelves. This lets children see the materials available, make a choice, and return the item with less adult support. Keep in mind, though, that too many choices can be overwhelming. Low, open shelves should display the toys and materials in a simple and attractive way. For young infants who are not yet mobile, materials will have to be brought directly to them. But, as soon as children are able to creep or crawl to materials, they should be encouraged to select and access the materials they are interested in playing with on their own.










    Organizing Materials for Play


    学ing space arrangement may seem like an art and a science. It is an art for you to make your room feel welcoming and like a home. It is a science as you use knowledge of developmentally appropriate practice to plan your room’s floor plan. Remember that developmentally appropriate means that the environment you create for children should fit their stage of development, while still being flexible to allow for differences between children in skills, interests, and characteristics.

    • 安全优先:Be sure to supervise infants and toddlers closely. Check toys and materials for safety every day and remove broken toys or play materials. Make sure that you have secure storage for all items that are unsafe for children. This includes your personal belongings, cleaning supplies, office supplies, etc. Many of the storage recommendations already described (e.g., open storage labeled with words and pictures) will help ensure safety by providing opportunities for children to access their own toys and materials safely and encouraging them to clean up after themselves. A well-designed learning space will also keep children engaged in appropriate play and help prevent undesirable, unsafe behaviors (e.g., jumping, running). See Safety course for more information.
    • 让学习空间感觉像是yabo电子游艺家:使用本课程中提供的一些建议。确保您的一些视觉显示屏处于儿童的眼睛水平。
    • 未雨绸缪:考虑如何为组经验,存储和显示使用空格。然后识别使这些空间工作所需的资源。例如,您可以为您在尿布和喂食区域每天使用的物品存储。想想如何收集和使用子评估信息。如果它们处于可见位置,您可能更有可能保留您的记录电流。列出根据您规划的活动,存储和显示的每个空间中所需的所有材料。
    • 组织独立材料,轻松使用和学习yabo电子游艺:This includes desired objects and materials as well as materials not in use. When materials are organized, it is easier to rotate toys on a regular basis and find just the right thing for an infant or toddler at just the right time. Infants and toddlers take cues from the way things are organized to help guide their interactions with the environment.
      • 将材料放在儿童尺寸的架子上,物品之间的空间,因此儿童可以轻松地看到每件作品。如果可能的话,将单行的材料保持在架子上。
      • 在开放式货架上将像材料一起存放,以帮助儿童进行连接,并使清理更容易。
      • Store materials for a specific activity together so children can easily find all the materials needed to complete the activity. (e.g., puzzle pieces in the puzzle board to show a complete puzzle, shape sorters with shape container).
      • Use small, clear containers to store like fine-motor pieces, such as rattles, teethers, connecting blocks (with each size and kind having its own container).
      • 标签货架和容器,带有物品的图片,便于清理,并支持早期扫盲技能。



    Using the information you have learned from this lesson, examine your environment while considering the question “If I were an infant or toddler…?” Download and print the我们的室内学习环境活动yabo电子游艺to capture your thoughts and ideas. Then share your responses with your trainer, coach or supervisor.



    下载并打印Indoor Room Design Activity。使用网格和标签来帮助您考虑不同的方式来设计或重新设计室内学习环境。yabo电子游艺



    学期 Description
    适应 Something that is changed to be more suitable for an experience; for example, in high-quality programs, caregivers understand the needs, temperaments and preferences of each child and adapt their care to meet those individual needs
    美学 The attractiveness or pleasantness in appearance of a space; in this lesson, we discussed aesthetics in terms of creating a home-like, yet engaging classroom environment
    发展适当的环境 适合发展阶段的环境,孩子们在但仍然足够灵活,以便在技能,兴趣和特征之间进行儿童之间的差异
    精细电机技能 能够利用手指和手好
    机动性技能 涉及大肌肉运动的技能,包括跑步,跳跃,投掷和维持平衡
    yabo电子游艺学习区 婴儿幼儿室内的一个地区,允许护理人员提供儿童特定的培育和学习体验,包括许多参与体验,但不应该是该领域的标签中的独家;yabo电子游艺例如,婴儿和幼儿的感官探索将在所有关心和学习领域发生yabo电子游艺
    低,开放式架子 设计成人的架子可以在所有时间内看到或通过它们,孩子可以访问他们需要的材料
    无毒植物 如果消耗或触及,不会引起不利或有害反应的植物
    挑衅 激发思想,兴趣,问题或创造力的图片,经验,展示或项目;挑衅为儿童提供了他们可以与材料互动的方式的灵感或指导









    References & Resources


    格林曼,J。(2007)。关怀空间,学习场所:儿童的环境yabo电子游艺。Redmond,Wa:Exchange Press,Inc。

    Greenman, J., Stonehouse, A., & Schweikert, G. (2007).黄金时期:婴儿和幼儿卓越的手册,(第2辑)。圣保罗:redleaf按。


    Lally, J. R. (Ed.). (1990).设置环境指南:婴儿/幼儿护理,(第2辑)。萨克拉门托:加州教育和西部的部门。


    Petersen,S. H.,&Wittmer,D.S.(2008)。婴儿和幼儿开发和响应计划规划:基于关系的方法。Saddle River,NJ:Pearson教育,Inc。