- 确定环境可以帮助支持自我监管的方式。
- 探索环境如何有助于提供额外的支持并防止具有挑战性的行为。
- 学习通过一致和响应的例程和转换来支持支持婴儿,幼儿和家庭的方法。
Below are some examples of how the environment can directly impact social development, and strategies to consider within your early-care and learning environment to support self-regulation and prevent challenging behavior:
- 响应性,一致的常规和时间表有助于加强婴儿,幼儿和护理人员之间的关系。这提供了安全感和控制感,让婴儿和幼儿知道接下来是什么,这让他们可以放松和探索他们的环境。发达的清晰和一致的时间表和例程可以帮助保持幼儿从事当天的活动,预防痛苦,减少幼儿的焦虑,特别是那些抵抗变革或惊喜的人。
- 帖子家庭照片婴儿和幼儿可以全天看到。
- 在风扇附近使用飘带,以帮助创建白色噪音,从而降低分散注意力的噪音。
- 在白天谈论家庭,让婴儿和幼儿知道他们的父母正在考虑他们。
- 提供响应幼儿发展和兴趣的玩具和材料。
- Post a visual schedule of the day’s events at young children’s eye level so they are aware of what is coming next, helping them to understand the sequence of events.
- 在过渡期间使用多种策略,例如提供显示幼儿清理的图片,同时说,“当气泡停止时,它将是清理的时间。”
- 提前改变准备婴儿和幼儿。一些婴儿和幼儿将注意到其他更改的变化,可能会因变化而感到压力。此外,审查过去的活动可能有助于与幼儿一起,协助他们在过去的情况下从过去的事件中建立联系,以便在他们的一天中进行结构感。
- 邀请婴儿和幼儿参加日常惯例。例如,您可能会让婴儿握住干净的尿布,或者邀请幼儿在桌子上放出板块。通过允许婴儿和幼儿参加,您将显示它们是重要的。
- 通过为他们提供空间和时间来说“再见”,帮助支持儿童和家庭。有时,在他或她到达后,孩子可能会迅速参与课堂,让家人“偷偷偷偷”。然而,请记住,来自亲人的分离可能对婴儿和幼儿有挑战性,因此最好的是他们诚实地体验这一过渡,以抵御未来的痛苦。
- 向家庭询问他们家中的惯例以及他们的感受在过渡期间会有所帮助,特别是在Hellos和Genes。孩子们可能有安全物品,如毯子或毛绒动物,帮助他们感到平静和安全。许多家庭对惯例有自己的做法。在试图在您的计划中纳入家庭的例程时,您正在响应于文化。
在一个程序中对于婴幼儿,而作tant to engage young children with the environment, including the people around them. Comfortable furnishings and soft surfaces with interesting patterns provide visual interest and a safe place for young children to explore. Incorporating separate spaces for play, frequently rotating materials, and providing duplicates of toys will help to avoid conflicts, hurt feelings, and tantrums. Additional ideas and information can be found in both the VLS Learning Environment and Social-Emotional courses.
- 气质:成年人护理人员可以想到一个孩子,并考虑不同的方式来支持这个孩子的气质。例如,如果婴儿或幼儿在新的情况下感到焦虑,那么成人照顾者当常规发生变化时可以提供额外的支持。
- 环境: Adult caregivers can change the environment to encourage additional positive behaviors. For example, if a toddler bites during cleanup time, caregivers can involve the toddler in helping the adult with a specific cleanup task. Or, if the environment is too stimulating, the caregivers might dim the lights, reduce the noise level, separate into smaller groups or create a designated space for toddlers to recharge and relax with the support of an adult.
- 沟通: If a young child’s biting is their most effective form of communication, adults can help support the development of new communication skills, such as, “Stop!” or “Help!” Sometimes, a young child might bite as a form of greeting. In this instance, adult caregivers can support the child to learn other ways to say hello.
- 饥饿,口渴,嗜睡: Eating and resting times may need to be adjusted if a young child seems to be biting when hungry or tired. Also, toddlers should have access to drinking water throughout the day.
- 强烈的情绪:成年护理人员可以帮助幼儿学会通过标记和验证它们来识别和表达强烈的情感。例如:“她似乎很开心;当你把她带来街区时,她笑了笑,“或者”,我也感到如此失望,在外面下雨!“
- 压力:成年护理人员可以继续识别婴儿和幼儿的压力迹象,并提供言语,触摸或物品,以提供额外的舒适度。
For additional support in finding the most responsive and effective approaches to a young child’s behavior, talk with your trainer, coach, or supervisor about your program’s policies regarding responding to challenging behavior. Also, discuss ways you can continue to communicate with families to learn about the infant’s or toddler’s world.
Children in your classroom who have developmental delays or who experience challenging life events or circumstances may also experience challenges with behaviors. These challenges may influence their ability to benefit from high-quality early education and to engage in positive social interactions with peers and adults. Even though challenging behaviors are typical for young children, some children show persistent challenging behaviors that may affect their overall early care and learning experience. It is important to provide children with the support they need so they can benefit as much as possible from their early care and learning experiences. For these young children, you may need to adapt your routines, program environment and experiences to enable them to be successful. Think about large group activities, transitions, lunch and snack time, potty time, free play time indoors and outdoors, or other routine and program events. What are you doing during these times to ensure you address the needs of all children in your program?
You will also have to work with children’s families to ensure consistency between the early care and learning environment and home. Families may benefit from your strategies that support children’s positive behaviors. Some infants and toddlers in your care may have conditions that affect their social-emotional development, including developmental delays, autism, neurological and perceptual disorders, or language and communication delays. Children with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs) have a specific plan to help them meet their education or developmental goals. Very often, these children will need changes or adaptations to their schedule, routine, and classroom environment.
- 提供一致和可预测的期望和护理程序。
- 有重复的是最喜欢的玩具和材料。
- 定期旋转玩具以提供新的兴趣。
- 提供与婴儿和幼儿兴趣或新兴技能相关的材料和经验。
- 最大限度地减少过渡期间的等待时间。
- Provide safe opportunities for exploration and independence.
- 与婴儿和幼儿交谈他们的一天以及他们将接下来的事情。在过渡之前提供警告,以帮助婴儿和幼儿准备。
- 提供多种感官活动。
- 提供谈论或展示不同情绪的书籍,图片或其他材料。这些项目提供了帮助标记情绪的机会,并讨论表达他们的适当方法。
It can be useful to ask a trainer, coach, or supervisor to observe your classroom environments and give you feedback on how these environments function. You can use this information to reflect on the appropriateness of your classroom spaces. Download, print, and complete the观察环境活动. Share and discuss the findings with your trainer, coach, or supervisor.
Brenner,M. I.(2001)。当没有让你无处可去的时候:教你的幼儿和儿童自我控制,Prima出版
Koralek,D. G.,Dombro,A.L.,&Strister Dodge,D。(2005)。照顾婴儿和幼儿。教学策略。
威廉姆森,G.G.,&anzalone,M. E.(2001)。婴儿和幼儿的感官融合和自我调节:帮助非常幼儿与他们的环境互动。华盛顿特区:零至三。