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    • 定义家庭参与。
    • Recognize and understand the importance and benefits of family engagement.
    • Describe the significance of building relationships with families and identify practices that help families feel welcome.
    • Identify practices that help families feel welcome.



    What are your feelings about working with families? What do you enjoy about it? What seems difficult? While you may feel motivated to develop relationships with families and to support family engagement, it is common to feel more success in focusing on your teaching practices and your direct care of infants and toddlers. It may not seem simple to combine these practices.

    Family engagement has different meanings for different people. In many cases, it relates to an ongoing partnership between you and families. Early care and learning programs are committed to engaging and involving families in meaningful ways, and families are committed to actively supporting their child’s learning and development. The literature around family engagement highlights the following characteristics:

    • Caregiers,家庭和社区之间的强大,信任关系
    • 对家庭需求的认可,尊重和支持以及差异
    • 基于力量的合作伙伴关系,其中分享决定和责任
    • 活动,互动和支持增加家庭参与他们孩子的健康发展
    • Families take responsibility for their child’s learning
    • Acknowledgment that family engagement is meaningful and beneficial to both families and the early care and learning program

    It’s important to realize that family engagement can look different and take on many forms. What family engagement means and looks like depends on the unique characteristics and the individual comfort levels and understanding of each family.

    为了帮助确保家庭致力于孩子的学习,并从事他们的婴儿或幼儿的早期护理和学习计划,应邀请家庭参加他们觉得最舒适的水平。yabo电子游艺参与是否为每月会议或参加父母咨询委员会?(并与所有父母共享的母公司咨询委员会会议纪要?)参与意味着捐赠饼干的烘焙销售吗?在护理环境中读一本书到所有幼儿?对于家庭感到支持并认识到他们所能做的方式并选择参与和参与 - 将他们的婴儿或幼儿带到照顾环境中的方式,以便在委员会中分享或服务。看到讲义,支持家庭的方法Engagement, for additional ideas and considerations.


    Family engagement in early learning can benefit infants, toddlers, parents, families, caregivers, and program quality in various ways. Can you remember what caring adults in your family, community or early care program did to help you grow and develop?




    Infants and toddlers feel secure when the adults in their lives are working together on their behalf. The engagement in the early care and learning program and relationships between families and caregivers are a network of support with the well-being of the infant or toddler at the heart of it all.


    Think about a relationship you have with someone special and how it developed. What is it about this person (their characteristics and their actions) that supported your relationship development? Was this person upbeat, consistent, flexible, respectful, a good listener, reliable, honest? Some of these same characteristics and supportive interactions can lead to positive, trusting relationships with families.


    By first understanding yourself, you can better recognize the importance of family in the lives of others and create an environment where different values and traditions are respected and honored.



    You can also make sure that families have access to and are provided developmental information that is understandable, meaningful and specific to their infant or toddler. As families share information about their infant’s or toddler’s interests and successes at home, together, you can use this information to establish and work toward goals for their child in the early care and learning setting, home, and community. Lesson Three,Communicating With Families,将提供与家庭共享发展信息的其他信息和想法。你也可以:

    • Create and provide families with newsletters, calendars or postcards with developmental topics.
    • Take photos of infants and toddlers engaged in various play activities and write captions for the photos, such as,“鲍比正在祝新朋友。”
    • Observe families interacting with their infant or toddler and share how certain behaviors are typical of a developmental stage.“幼儿是忙碌的蜜蜂!我打赌她让你快速移动!“

    Family engagement starts by meeting families where they are and engaging them in interactions and experiences they choose and that feel most comfortable to them. When families have trusting, consistent, and responsive relationships with others (such as community members, service providers, caregivers, teachers), they are more likely to have positive relationships with their children. In essence, if you think of yourself in partnership with families, you will be attuned with family-centered practice that you learned about in lesson one. The benefits are rewarding!


    When you focus on families, an infant and toddler’s learning and development are optimized.

    Families have different strengths and skills

    When they share what they know, everyone benefits.

    Families have goals for their infant or toddler


    Helping Families Feel Welcome


    • 邀请家庭visit在他们的婴儿或幼儿开始日期之前
    • 送家庭A.个人受欢迎的注意before the infant or toddler’s start date
    • Ask families how they would like toparticipatein the program
    • 向家庭询问他们的婴儿或幼儿daily routines and care– update the information as the infant or toddler develops and as the care routines change
    • 向家庭询问他们的婴儿或幼儿routines, strengths, interests, likes and dislikes
    • 问家庭sharekey words and phrasesthey use at home in their primary language
    • Ask families about and encourage them to bring a舒适项目为他们的婴儿或ddler from home, such as a pacifier, favorite stuffed animal or blanket
    • 请家庭分享他们的希望,梦想和目标为他们的婴儿或ddler
    • Maintain afamily bulletin board有关于当前计划活动,即将举行的会议和活动以及家庭感兴趣的社区机会
    • 问家庭record themselves reading a storybookor singing a favorite song – share these recordings with infants and toddlers throughout the day
    • 确保你问家庭有关他们的优选的沟通方法and ways to stay connected to their infant or toddler’s day
    • 包括photos, toys and books that reflect and honor the diversity您的计划支持的家庭
    • 展示photographs婴儿,幼儿及其家庭 - 将它们挂在墙上,他们可以看到或者在耐用的照片书中,婴儿和幼儿可以持有和探索
    • 包括家庭从家里带来的物体对婴儿和幼儿来说是安全的



    • Inviting family members to share special talents (e.g., play an instrument, read a book, sing, engage in an art activity)
    • 提供ing family members jobs (e.g., help repair broken toys, create books or special photo albums)
    • Meet regularly with families to review and evaluate the goals they have for their infant or toddler. Talk to them and ask, “What do you see happening? What do you think is working? What is not working? What could we do differently the next time?”
    • 要求一个家庭使用他们邻里的照片或图纸创建社区故事书
    • Inviting families to observe their infant or toddler with you
    • 要求家庭根据他们的优势和利益帮助计划他们的选择
    • Creating and sending out a short survey to families asking about their ideas and suggestions for ways they might like to participate
    • 安排家庭加入婴儿或幼儿的家庭早餐或午餐的机会
    • Encouraging families to share suggestions or concerns with you

    Within your program, there should be a specific plan as to how to engage families throughout the year. Though families’ participation is voluntary, it is your job to make them feel welcome by actively encouraging involvement. Program activities should reflect families’ interests and motivate them to participate. Additionally, your program may have a family involvement committee. This committee is composed of family members who encourage communication and involvement with the goal of strengthening and supporting the well-being of children and families. This committee is a resource and asset to your program as families may discuss issues or concerns and suggest changes to improve family satisfaction and involvement. Collaborate with a trainer, coach, or supervisor to promote family involvement.

    Families teach the skills that enable their infant or toddler to relate positively with others and to engage in activities. In addition, research has found that home-learning opportunities and parental responsiveness are significantly related to motor and social development, language competence, and achievement test scores across poverty levels and different ethnic groups for children birth to age 13. By offering a variety of ways that families can choose to be involved in your program and continue learning at home, you are helping to enrich infant and toddler learning through stable, nurturing relationships.


    Promoting Family Engagement in Your Program

    Watch this video to hear a parent share her experiences within her child’s program and what family engagement means to her.

    学ing About Families

    Watch this video about the importance of learning about families’ unique needs, ideas, and goals.

    Here are some ideas to help you continue to engage families, to increase their involvement in the program, and to build relationships:

    • Communicatewith families and take time to observe their body language to help you measure their comfort level in the care setting. Find ways to ask them how they are feeling about the program, such as afamily survey,并讨论他们可能拥有的任何疑虑。
    • Smileandgreet families by name.
    • 以鼓励家庭在那里花时间的方式安排环境。用简单但有吸引力的迹象让入口区打开和整洁,非常适合他们。如果可能的话,为家庭的外套或物品提供空间。考虑在房间中心附近的墙上设置一个大板,为父母留下日常信息。包括一些舒适的斑点,如地毯或小沙发上的枕头,所以父母可以阅读他们的孩子或一小群孩子。
    • 花时间observing家庭与他们的婴儿或幼儿互动,以学习在您的照顾中支持它们的策略。例如,观看父母更改婴儿的尿布,并注意在此例程中支持关系建设的交互和步骤。
    • Show families where importantsupplies还存储了其他物品,因此他们可以访问他们在护理环境中可能需要他们的婴儿或幼儿的东西。
    • 包括特殊材料或海关family’s culture.
    • Establish regular times to与家庭面对面见面and help families design a plan or create activities to reach the dreams and goals they have for their infants or toddlers.
    • 分享观察and other strength-based information about their children.
    • 问家庭的问题about their infant or toddler.
    • Share something personal about yourself(e.g.,“我的妈妈告诉我,我努力睡着了,就像卡洛斯一样。她说我永远不想停止玩!“).
    • 提供每天沟通的多种方式与家庭(例如,注意回家,分享婴儿或幼儿播放的照片,通讯表与例程信息,电话通话,时事通讯)。
    • Createritualsaround hellos and goodbyes.
    • 邀请家庭share他们看到并听到他们在家或社区中的婴儿或幼儿。


    Ways to Welcome and Involve Families




    Think about a relationship that you value, the qualities this person brings to the relationships, and the characteristics that make that relationship successful. Which of those characteristics would be important in developing relationships with families? Download and print theRelationship Characteristics活动。在这份文件上写下你的想法。然后,与培训师,教练和主管分享并讨论您的回复。




    然后用来Getting to Know and Building Relationships with Familiesactivity to think about your strengths and the ways you develop relationships with families. Then, on the second page of this tool, choose a family you would like to get to know better as you plan concrete steps to strengthen your bond with this family.


    学期 Description
    Family Engagement Ongoing, strength-based partnership between families and their child’s early care and learning program; early care and learning programs are committed to engage and involve families in meaningful ways and families are committed to actively supporting their child’s learning and development




    真的or false? Infants and toddlers are too young to benefit from family engagement.


    Family engagement means different things to different people, including:



    References & Resources:

    Infant Toddler Taskforce (Spring, 2011). Recommendations for Improving Services to Infants, Toddler and Families. Retrieved March 14, 2013.

    Baker, A. C., & Manfredi/Petitt L.A.. (2004). Relationships, the Heart of Quality Care: Creating community among adults in early care settings. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    Buell,M.J.,Hallam,R. A.,&Beck,H. L.(2001)。早期开始和儿童保育伙伴关系:共同努力为婴儿,幼儿及其家人提供服务。幼儿56(3):7-12。

    File, N. (2001). Family-Professional Partnerships: Practice that matches philosophy. Young Children 56(4): 70–80.

    Gadsden, V., & A. Ray. 2002. Engaging Fathers: Issues and considerations for early childhood educators. Young Children 57(6): 32–42.

    格林伯格,j .(2012)。全没了,空的,完整的:Math Talk Every Day in Every Way. YC Young Children, 67(3), 62-64. Retrieved from

    亨德森,a T & Mapp k . l .(2002)。新一波of Evidence: The impact of school, family, and community connections on student achievement. Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.


    Parlakian, R., & Rovaris, J.M. (2009). Celebrating Fathers as a Resource in Early Child Care Settings.YC幼儿,64(5),64-65。

    Ray, J., Pewitt-Kinder, J., & George, S. (2009). Partnering with Families of Children with Special Needs.YC幼儿,64(5),16-22。