
    • Define family engagement.
    • 认识并理解家庭参与的重要性和益处。
    • 描述与家庭建立关系的重要性,并确定有助于家庭感受的实践。
    • 确定帮助家庭感到欢迎的实践。




    家庭订婚:What Is It?



    • Caregiers,家庭和社区之间的强大,信任关系
    • Recognition, respect, and support for families’ needs, as well as differences
    • 基于力量的伙伴关系where decisions and responsibility are shared
    • Activities, interactions, and support increase family involvement in their child’s healthy development
    • 家庭对孩子的学习负责yabo电子游艺
    • 致谢,家庭参与对家庭和早期护理和学习计划有意义,有利于yabo电子游艺


    To help make sure that families are committed to their child’s learning and engaged in their infant or toddler’s early care and learning program, families should be invited to participate at whatever level they feel most comfortable. Does participation mean monthly meetings or taking part in a parent advisory committee? (And are meeting minutes from the parent advisory committee shared with all parents?) Does participation mean donating cookies for a bake sale? Reading a book to all of the toddlers in the care setting? It is important for families to feel supported and recognized for the ways in which they are able and choose to participate and engage—from bringing their infant or toddler to the care setting each day to sharing their concerns or serving on committees. See handout,Ways to Support Family订婚,用于其他想法和考虑因素。

    Importance of Family Engagement


    When you encourage families to care for and nurture their infants and toddlers, the likelihood increases that children will grow up to be healthy individuals who experience success. Infants and toddlers need support and responsive care from their most important adult caregivers to learn the skills to become caring and supportive later in life.

    Families are their children’s first teachers and they have a powerful effect on their young children’s development. Family engagement during the first years of life can support an infant’s or toddler’s readiness for school and ongoing academic and lifelong success. Research shows that when children have involved parents, the results are very positive, especially over the long term (A New Wave of Evidence, 2002).

    When families are involved in their infant’s or toddler’s early care and learning program, they may also feel more vested in what happens there and more competent in their role as parents. Through these interactions and relationships, families may learn additional strategies from you to promote development and learning at home. Such strategies include pointing to and naming objects, following their child’s lead in play, or identifying feelings and emotions.


    Relationships With Families


    To effectively build relationships with families, you, as a caregiver, must first understand yourself and what “relationships” mean to you. You can spend time thinking about the importance and influence of your family and family relationships. For example, ask yourself,“What messages did I receive about relationships from my family and culture?” “Do I build relationships and interact with others in the same way important adults interacted and behaved with me when I was a child (e.g. playful, joking, patient, honest, cautious)?”


    When you build respectful, trusting relationships with families, you help create a network of support for infants and toddlers that provides for healthy development and well-being. These relationships are critical to providing the best care for infants and toddlers and to fostering a sense of safety and attachment.

    You can work together with families to build strong relationships that support consistent sharing of strength-based information regarding an infant or toddler’s development and learning progress. For example, share something positive about a toddler with her family:“Trinity used the cleanup basket today when I asked and she helped pick up all of the blocks!”

    您还可以确保家庭有权访问,并提供可理解的信息,有意义,对其婴儿或幼儿具有可理解的信息。随着家庭在家中分享有关他们婴儿或幼儿的兴趣和成功的信息,您可以使用这些信息来建立和努力为他们的孩子在早期的护理和学习环境,家庭和社区中的目标。yabo电子游艺第三课,与家庭沟通,将提供额外的信息和想法sharing developmental information with families. You can also:

    • 创建并提供具有开发主题的新闻通讯,日历或明信片的家庭。
    • 拍摄婴儿和幼儿的照片从事各种播放活动和写字标题,如,“Bobby is making a new friend.”
    • 观察与婴儿或幼儿互动的家庭,分享某些行为是典型的发展阶段。“Toddlers are busy bees! I bet she keeps you moving quickly, too!”


    Children are born into families





    Sometimes these goals may differ.


    Begin by thinking about what it might mean for families and new parents to consider your program for their infant or toddler. Families often experience uncertainties and feel scared when seeking a care setting for their child. As caregiver, you can do the following to support families during this sensitive time:

    • Invite families to访问before their infant or toddler’s start date
    • Send families a个人欢迎注在婴儿或幼儿开始日期之前
    • 问家庭他们希望如何参加在程序中
    • Ask families about their infant or toddler’s日常生活和护理- 将信息更新为婴儿或幼儿开发,并随着护理程序的变化
    • Ask families about their infant or toddler’s常规,优势,兴趣,喜欢和不喜欢
    • 请家庭分享关键词和短语他们以他们的主要语言在家中使用
    • 询问家庭并鼓励他们带来一个comfort item对于他们家中的婴儿或幼儿,如奶嘴,最喜欢的毛绒动物或毯子
    • 请家庭分享theirhopes, dreams and goals对于他们的婴儿或幼儿
    • 保持A.家庭公告板with information about current program activities, upcoming meetings and events, and community opportunities that are of interest to families
    • Ask families to记录自己阅读故事书或唱歌最喜欢的歌曲 - 全天与婴儿和幼儿分享这些录音
    • Make sure you ask families about theirpreferred method of communication和留在婴儿或幼儿日的方式
    • Include反映和尊重多样性的照片,玩具和书籍of the families supported by your program
    • Display照片of infants, toddlers and their families – hang them on the wall where they can be seen or in durable photo books that infants and toddlers can hold and explore
    • Includeobjects that families have brought from homethat are safe for infants and toddlers to explore

    Encouraging Families to Be Involved

    Families want to be included and involved in their infant or toddler’s life within the care program. There are a number of ways to encourage and support family participation, such as:

    • 邀请家人分享特殊才能(例如,播放乐器,读一本书,唱歌,参与艺术活动)
    • 提供家庭成员工作(例如,帮助修复破坏玩具,创建书籍或特殊相册)
    • 定期与家庭会面,以审查和评估他们对婴儿或幼儿的目标。跟他们说话并问:“你看到了什么?您认为工作是什么?什么不起作用?我们下次可以做些什么不同的?“
    • Asking a family to create a community storybook using photos or drawings of their neighborhood
    • 邀请家庭与您观察他们的婴儿或幼儿
    • Asking families to help plan activities of their choice based on their strengths and interests
    • 为询问他们的想法和建议的家庭创建和向询问他们想要参加的方式发出简短的调查
    • Scheduling opportunities for families to join their infant or toddler for breakfast or lunch
    • 鼓励家庭与您分享建议或疑虑










    • 通信与家庭一起,花时间观察他们的肢体语言,以帮助您在护理环境中衡量他们的舒适度。找到方法来询问他们是如何感受到该程序的感受,例如a家庭调查, and discuss any concerns they might have.
    • 微笑按名称迎接家庭
    • Arrange the environment in a way that encourages families to spend time there. Keep the entrance area open and uncluttered with simple but attractive signs welcoming them. If possible, have a space for families' coats or belongings. Consider setting up a large board on a wall near the center of the room for parents to leave daily messages. Include some comfortable spots, such as pillows on the rug or a small sofa, so parents can read a picture book to their child or a small group of children.
    • Spend time观察families as they interact with their infant or toddler to learn strategies for supporting them while in your care. For example, watch a parent change an infant’s diaper and notice the interaction and steps taken to support relationship building during this routine.
    • 展示重要的家庭用品和other items are stored so they have access to things they might need for their infant or toddler when in the care setting.
    • Include special materials or customs from a家庭的文化
    • 建立常规时间meet with families face-to-face并帮助家庭设计计划或创造活动,以实现他们对婴儿或幼儿的梦想和目标。
    • Share observations以及其他基于力量的关于他们孩子的信息。
    • Ask families questions关于他们的婴儿或幼儿。
    • 分享有关自己的个人信息(例如。,“My mom tells me I struggled falling asleep for nap, just like Carlos. She said I never wanted to stop playing!”)。
    • Offermultiple ways to communicate dailywith families (e.g., note home, share a photo of an infant or toddler playing, communication sheet with information about routines, phone call, newsletter).
    • 创造仪式周围Hellos和再见。
    • 邀请家庭分享what they see and hear their infant or toddler doing at home or in the community.

    观看此视频以了解更多信息,了解您可以欢迎,聘用和与家庭建立关系的方式。Additionally, this resource outlines ten reasons why engaging fathers in your program benefits children:





    考虑一下你有价值的关系,这个人带来了关系的品质,以及使关系成功的特征。哪些特征在与家庭建立关系方面是重要的?下载并打印关系特征活动。把你的想法写在这个文档。Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, and supervisor.



    This section includes information you can reference and use to learn additional ways to promote engagement and build relationships with families. Review some of the following articles below:

    Then use the了解和建立与家庭的关系要考虑自己的优势和与家庭关系的方式思考的活动。然后,在此工具的第二页上,选择一个您想要更好地了解的家庭,因为您规划了与这个家庭加强您的债券的具体步骤。


    Term 描述
    家庭订婚 持续,基于力量的家庭与孩子的早期护理和学习计划之间的伙伴关系;yabo电子游艺早期的护理和学习计划致力于参与yabo电子游艺并涉及家庭以有意义的方式,家庭致力于积极支持孩子的学习和发展








    Your co-worker asks you for suggestions on how to help families feel welcome. How do you respond?



    Baker,A. C.,&Manfredi / Petitt L.A ..(2004)。关系,质量保健的核心:在早期护理环境中创造成年人的社区。华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。

    Buell, M. J., Hallam, R. A., & Beck, H. L. (2001). Early Head Start and Child Care Partnerships: Working together to serve infants, toddlers, and their families. Young Children 56 (3): 7–12.




    Henderson,A.T.,&Mapp,K. L.(2002)。一股新的证据:学校,家庭和社区联系对学生成就的影响。奥斯汀,德克萨斯:西南教育发展实验室。

    McMullen, M., & Apple, P. (2012). Babies (and Their Families) on Board! Directors Juggle the Key Elements of Infant/Toddler Care and Education. YC Young Children, 67(4), 42-48. Summary available fromhttps://eric.ed.gov/?id=ej992258.

    帕拉克,罗,罗瓦里斯,准噶尔(2009)。庆祝父亲作为早期育儿环境中的资源。YC Young Children, 64(5), 64-65.

    雷,J.,Pewitt-inder,J.,&George,S。(2009)。与具有特殊需求的儿童家庭合作。YC Young Children, 64(5), 16-22.