Infants are born with a natural drive to explore and make sense of the world around them. They are curious explorers and they wonder how and why things work the way they do. Their natural curiosity and creativity are enhanced and supported through nurturing, responsive relationships with their families and caregivers. This lesson will further explore and define the creativity of infants and toddlers and offer an opportunity to think about the importance of creativity for infants, toddlers and adults.
- 定义创造力并检查自己生活中创造力的重要性。
- Describe the creativity of infants and toddlers.
- 为婴儿认识到创新的重要性and toddler development.
Think about the word "creativity;" what does it mean to you? Can you think of a time when you thought totally "outside the box" or asked yourself, "Am I Creative?" What about when you were younger, did you love imaginative play? What about drawing, painting or making play-dough masterpieces? During our days of to-do lists and hurried moments, how wonderful it would be to have moments to treat our mind as a playground and think freely and creatively.
有些人认为创造力是寻找公开表达自己的方法,没有判断。当成年人对自己表达并根据他们的个人经历和感情创造和探索事物时,他们更能够支持幼儿来做同样的事情。创造性并不意味着你需要成为一个着名的艺术家或伟大的厨师。创造性意味着你是开放的表达自己,并调查周围的世界。它也意味着你的工作要找到一种新的和更好的回答问题或解决问题。做白日梦,规划,改变 - 创造力可以在日常生活中以不同的方式显示所有人。
Below are possible ideas you might consider if you're finding yourself in need of creativity:
- Ask yourself, "What if…?" as opposed to saying "I don't know." or "I can't."
- 采取不同的路线来工作或听取不同的无线电台或音乐。
- Exercise to gain fresh, new ideas - physical activity can help stimulate new thought patterns!
- Read books or watch programs about people whose creativity you admire.
"Creativity is the ability to produce work that is original (that others have not thought of before) and that is appropriate (sensible or useful in some way)"(伯克,2000,第349页);
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep"(Adams, 1996 in Kauffman, p.20);
"Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people"(Leo Burnett);
“创造力需要勇气放弃确定性”(ERICH FROMM)。
As you can see, creativity has different meanings for different people. However, creativity is a trait that exists in everyone! Dr. Michael Kirton demonstrated through his research that all humans are born with unique, creative ways; this is a disposition we can nurture and cultivate. We must simply understand that one person’s approaches to creativity differ from others; we are all unique. Therefore, it is important to begin thinking about “how” an individual is creative rather than “if” an individual is creative (Cropley, 2001).
According to school technology consultant Doug Johnson (2012), creativity can be demonstrated in a number of ways:
- As writers, presenters, and storytellers
- 作为数字问题 - 解决方案
- 作为通过绘画,绘画,雕塑,摄影和设计的图形艺术家
- As athletes and dancers kinesthetically
- As musicians creating new works, performing, and conducting
- 作为所有媒体的幽默主义者
- As team-builders and collaborators
- As problem-solvers
- As inventors and systems innovators
- 作为组织,激励和激励的领导者
- As excuse-makers
At the end of the Learn section, download and print the handout创造性地说要访问视频链接以观看并聆听一些伟大的思想家分享他们对创造力的看法。
For infants and toddlers, creativity is about active exploration, self-expression, and experimentation supported within the context of nurturing and responsive relationships. While young infants cannot cut with scissors or create their own short story, they can actively engage in exploration of their environment using all of their senses to learn how things work, taste, smell, feel, and sound.
Infants imitate the facial expressions and actions they see from their adult caregivers. They remember a lot of what they see, feel, and hear. As they get older and their skills are further developed, you will notice infants and toddlers reenacting their experiences. For example, an infant who drinks from a bottle while being cradled and gently rocked by her caregiver, may later hold a doll and pretend to feed the doll using a bottle.
创造力in infants and toddlers is supported through nurturing and responsive relationships. With this type of care, infants and toddlers feel safe to explore their environments freely and use their imaginations. They learn to trust that their caregivers will value and accept the ways they express themselves and experiment with their new ideas. Below is a chart that highlights different behaviors you might see from infants and toddlers that are related to creativity:
Young Infants
- Looks at contrasting and colored objects
- 注意面部表情
- 看着图片和镜像图像
- Notices differences in textures
- 转向令人愉快的声音音乐玩具,移动或声音
Mobile Infants
- 选择彩色蜡笔在一张纸上制作标记
- 回应音乐并试图拍手在一起
- Bangs a wooden spoon on a pot or pan
- Pretends to feed a doll using a bottle
- 探索撕裂的纸张
- Sings and dances to music
- 在房屋区播放时设置表格
- Points to and uses words to describe pictures
- Uses play dough to create three-dimensional work
As infants and toddlers explore, their goals remain simple – learn about the world by exploring and taking advantage of the opportunities available in the moment. Infants and toddlers strive to understand how things work and what they can make things do. The process of creating is more important than the product or end result. There is no right or wrong when creating.
Infants and toddlers must have the opportunity to imitate and create moments that reflect their own experiences, thoughts and feelings. By nurturing their natural curiosity and offering opportunities to engage in a variety of creative experiences and activities, you are helping build skills for infants and toddlers who will become able to:
- Share ideas and express themselves verbally and nonverbally - listening to stories and playing imaginary games helps support communication skills
- 例如,表达思想和感受 - 例如,假装为幼儿的竞争,为幼儿提供了一个他们想要的人,他们所看到和学到的练习技巧,并探索不同的情感
- Problem solve - researchers found that children who are imaginative when they're young tend to maintain this quality as they get older and become better problem solvers
- 建立关系,与其他的关系rs
There are many things you can do to show infants and toddlers that you recognize and appreciate their creativity:
- 在婴儿和幼儿的目光接触和微笑。
- Provide opportunities for open-ended discovery, exploration and experimentation - encourage their efforts as part of the process. For example, allow toddlers to play with blocks however they want rather than encouraging them to build specific structures.
- Describe their creativity and what you notice. For example, point as an infant looks in a mirror and say, "There you are! There is Sally's beautiful face!"
- Talk and share with infants and toddlers what you hear, see, etc. as you walk around the room or while outdoors. "You turned your head and looked toward the tree. Yes, there is a bird chirping a song for us. I hear it, too."
- Offer infants and toddlers as much time as needed for their ideas, exploration and responses.
Completing this Course
有关本课程中预期的更多信息,创造性表达Competency Reflection, and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Infant & Toddler Creative ExpressionCourse Guide。
Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.
下载并打印讲义,创造力Characteristics, which outlines questions you can ask yourself when considering how infants and toddlers express creativity. Answer the questions and then share your thoughts and responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.
The following links correlate to sections in the activity document and are linked here for your convenience. After you have watched a few of the recommended videos, take time to think about and answer the questions on the Creatively Speaking attachment.
Spark your own creativity by watching a few of these recommended videos:
- Ken Robinson, a visionary cultural leader and creativity expert, author of the book The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything gives a talk entitled “How Schools Kill Creativity.”
- Elizabeth Gilbert,吃饭的作者,祈祷,爱,给出一个题为“你难以捉摸的创造性天才”的谈话。
- Tim Brown,创新设计公司IDEO的首席执行官,提供了一个题为“创造力和戏剧的故事”的谈话。
- David Kelley,设计公司IDEO的创始人,帮助创建了许多数字一代的图标,给出了一个题为“如何建立创造性信心”的谈话。
- You can also find 10 videos compiled under the playlist “The Creative Spark.”
Berk,L. E.(2000)。Child Development(第五次)。Centrham Heights,Ma:Allyn&Bacon。
Cropley, A. J. (2001).教育与学习的创造力:教师和教育工作者的指导。yabo电子游艺阿宾顿,英国牛顿:Routledge Falmer。
詹姆斯,K。(2010)。传感器电机经验导致显影大脑中的视觉处理的变化。Developmental Science, 13,279-288.
约翰逊,D。(2012)。Developing Creativity in Every Learner. Library Media Connection, 31(2), 44-46.
Kaufman,J. C.(ED)。(2009)。创造力101。Springer Publishing公司。
Kirton,M. J.(1999)。手册:Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory。(第3辑。)。哈特菲尔德,英国:职业研究中心。
罗宾逊,肯(2009)。元素:如何找到激情更改一切。New York: Penguin Group.
Russ,S. W.,&Schafer,E. D.(2006)。影响幻想的戏剧,记忆中的情感和发散的思维。创造性研究杂志, 13,211-219.
Zevin, J. (2013).全部创造性教学:在盒子里,开箱即用,偏离墙壁。Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.