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- Define communication and discuss its importance for our lives.
- Reflect on your own ideas and experiences associated with communication.
- Discuss how relationships promote communication development and learning in infants and toddlers.
We are by nature social beings, and communication plays a significant part in our daily personal and professional lives. What comes to mind as you think about the word “communication?” Perhaps you are thinking about the words “talking” or “speaking.” Listening? Understanding? Body language?
能够有效沟通的需求,feelings and emotions is critical to lifelong success. Effective communication helps us better understand people or situations and enables us to build trusting and respectful relationships, resolve conflicts, and create environments where ideas, problem solving, and empathy can flourish.
沟通像看起来的那样简单,我们的大部分地区try to communicate to others—and what others try to communicate to us—gets misunderstood. Our ability to communicate and understand others is dependent upon how we interpret and make meaning out of the information we take in. We take in this information using our senses, including hearing what others say, seeing body language, and experiencing emotional responses. We then make meaning out of the information. Challenges to communication occur when we consider the fact that the ways we interpret and make meaning of information varies from person to person. Miscommunications can cause conflict and frustration in personal and professional relationships. The way we make meaning of information is a result of our early experiences, our beliefs and values, and other influences. Pause for a moment and think about situations in your own life where communication seemed successful and unsuccessful. What feelings did you associate with these situations? Perhaps excitement, contentment or relief when communication was effective? Frustration, anger or disappointment when effective communication seemed difficult to achieve?
What is Communication?
Effective communication is more than just the exchange of information; it’s about understanding the emotion behind the message. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards defines communication as “a tool that human beings use to meet their physical, social, and emotional needs” (2012, p. 27). A goal of effective communication is to find a balance between thinking andfeeling. This balance involves conveying your thoughts without letting the emotion behind the message take over.
Effective communication involves a variety skills, including nonverbal communication, active listening, emotional awareness, and the ability to manage stress. Communication can be achieved through spoken language, as well as through facial expressions, gestures, movements, postures, and touch. Pictures, images and written symbols are means to communicate. No matter the method, effective communication can help support and improve relationships, teamwork, decision-making and problem solving. According to researchers Robert Stillman and Ellin Siegel-Causey (1989), people communicate for different reasons:
- 影响另一个人的行为
- To offer information
- To convey thoughts and feelings
- For the purely social reason of engaging in an interaction with someone
What are some reasons您与其他人在日常生活中与其他人进行沟通?
What Does Communication Look Like in Infants and Toddlers?
Infants also communicate with their caregivers through nonverbal engagement cues. Infants might communicate their desire to engage and stay engaged by reaching for a caregiver. Caregivers might see an infant’s eyes widen, a smile, or a turn of the head toward the caregiver. Infants also use disengagement cues to communicate that they are ready for a break from an interaction. Disengagement cues include whimpering, frowning, back arching, turning away, or an increase in the rate of sucking.
随着婴儿年龄的增长,他们开始哄骗讲话。他们了解与他们的照顾者的手势,音调和面部表情组合使用的单词。接近18个月的年龄,幼儿开始使用动作词来表达他们所看到或想要的东西,例如“我去”或“靴子”。他们还继续身体表达他们的需求和需求;他们在物理上做了什么与他们实际说的那么重要。“不,”和“我的”是幼儿用来断言自己并控制自己的世界。断言独立是成为他或她自己的人的早期和重要一步。幼儿也在试验并开始学习语法的基础知识。例如,一个32个月大的可能会说,“今天我打了一个小睡。”幼儿可以继续了解语言如何运作,因为他们的照顾者用正确的形式响应,如,“哦,是的! You took a nap today. You were feeling quite sleepy.”
Relationships affect all areas of infants’ development, including communication. It is through relationships, for example, that infants and toddlers learn what happens when they cry, laugh or make a scared face. Through these consistent, appropriate and individually sensitive interactions, infants learn how to trust their caregivers, share emotions, respond and regulate strong emotions, and understand facial expressions and tone of voice associated with certain emotions (Smith, 2005). Infants develop trusting relationships based on the consistent and contingent care they receive from sensitive caregivers, and through these relationships they learn to draw understanding and build skills from their communicative and social interactions.
Infants and toddlers watch and listen to the people around them. Communication and language development require other areas of development, such as visual skills, thinking skills, and memory, and the experiences offered contribute greatly to their development and learning. Infants and toddlers learn to communicate not only through the words you use, but by what and how you do things, such as holding and smiling at them. Take time to review the strategies listed below which highlight ways to support communication for the infants and toddlers in your care:
- Touch, cuddle, and sing to babies and toddlers
- Point to objects as you name them
- Hold and rock infants and toddlers to communicate reassurance and comfort
- Invite babies and toddlers to make sounds while singing and sharing nursery rhymes. Learn a few simple rhymes like “Hickory Dickory Dock”, “Humpty Dumpty”, and “Hey Diddle Diddle.” Sing simple movement songs like “Pat a Cake”, “Row, Row, Row your Boat”, “Where is Thumbkin?”, and “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.”
- Extend the sounds and words used by infants and toddlers; for example, if a toddler says, “Me home,” you might say, “You want to go home. After snack time, Daddy will be here to pick you up and go home.”
有关该课程的预期,通信和语言开发的更多信息能力反思以及在课程中提供的随附的学习,探索和应用资源和活动列表,参观婴儿和幼儿通信和语言开发Course Guide。
Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.
怎么做您定义通信?您对您自己的能力有何看法是什么?下载并打印探索沟通handout. Take a few minutes to read and respond to these questions. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.
Infants and toddlers give cues that can help you understand what they are trying to communicate and how you should respond. All young children are different and will develop their own ways to communicate their needs and wants. To help you further recognize the cues of the infants and toddlers in your care, print out the handout,Cues Communicate,并记下你注意到的东西。然后,与培训师,教练或主管分享并讨论您的回复。如果您需要一些想法,您可以下载并查看样本提示通信讲义。
Berk, L. E. (2013).儿童发展(第9届)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司
Bernstein, D. K., & Levey, S. (2002). Language Development: A review. In D. K. Bernstein & E. Tiegerman-Farber (Eds.),儿童语言和通信障碍(5th ed., pp. 27-94). Boston: Allyn & Bacon
Brazelton, T.B., Koslowski, B., & Main, M. (1972). The Origins of Reciprocity: The early mother-infant interaction. In M. Lewis & L.A. Rosenblum (Eds.),婴儿对护理人员的影响(pp. 49-76). New York: Wiley-Interscience.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (2015). DAP with Infants and Toddlers.https://www.naeyc.org/dap/infants-and-toddlers
Owens, R.E. (2005).Language Development: An introduction(第6届)。波士顿:皮尔逊教育公司
Smith, A. D. (2005). The Inferential Transmission of Language.自适应行为,13(4), 311-324.
Stillman, R., & Siegel-Causey, E. (1989). Introduction to Nonsymbolic Communication. In E. Siegel-Causey & D. Guess (Eds.),Enhancing nonsymbolic communication interactions among learners with severe disabilities(pp. 1-13). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.
Trawick-Smith, J. W. (2014).幼儿发展:多元文化的角度,(第6届)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司
Zero to Three (2015). Supporting your Child’s Communication Skills.http://www.zerotothree.org/early-care-education/early-language-literacy/communication-skills.html