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Discuss ideas for addressing the needs and backgrounds of all infants and toddlers in your care. Learn Learn “为了充当孩子的教育者,环境必须灵活;它必须经常由儿童和教师进行频繁修改,以便保持最新,并响应他们的需要是构建他们的知识的主角。“- Lella Gandini, 1998. Know The Third Teacher In Italy after World War II a teacher by the name of Loris Malaguzzi, along with parents of the villages outside Reggio Emilia which were destroyed by the war, got together to create a new approach for teaching young children. The Reggio Emilia philosophy is based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community. These principles are developed through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment created based on the interests of the children. In Reggio Emilia programs, the environment is known as the third teacher as a result of its importance to development and learning. Environments and Materials that Promote Infants' and Toddlers' Cognitive Development Infants and toddlers thrive and cognitive learning explodes when young children are allowed to explore an environment that is rich in developmentally appropriate materials with teachers who are respectful of their needs and know how to tailor experiences based on individual learning styles. As highlighted in previous lessons in this course, early experiences matter. Infants and toddlers are born ready to learn and this learning takes place when they cuddle with caregivers, listen to language or music, taste foods, and explore their environments in numerous ways every day. How you set up your learning environment for infants and toddlers can make a difference in their development and learning. 婴儿和幼儿是自然探险家,但你仍然可以做到很多,以帮助他们学习和成长。例如,您需要知道婴儿和幼儿探索。您还必须有意义地设计您的环境,并找到原料以激发探索。最后,您可以计划促进学习的经验。yabo电子游艺本课程将突出有目的地创造环境和选择促进婴儿和幼儿的学习和增长的重要性的重要性。yabo电子游艺本课程的最终课程将讨论促进认知发展的经验和活动。 Learning is both individual and social and it takes place within social and cultural contexts. Therefore you need to make sure your learning environment provides opportunities for infants and toddlers to engage in individual experiences, as well as meaningful interactions with peers and caregivers in your room throughout the day. Consider the different areas in your room. How are these set up? Are there interesting, age-appropriate and fun materials for infants and toddlers to manipulate, explore, and learn from? When thinking about interactions with peers, how are you setting up the environment for these interactions to take place? For example, do you provide enough materials, such as large blocks or balls of different textures for a group of children to manipulate them, stack or push them, and have fun while interacting with you and their peers? Or do you provide cause and effect toys and encourage infants and toddlers to explore them? Infants and toddlers find enjoyment in making their own discoveries and learning how things work and don't work. They love to experiment! They want to use materials in many ways and not be limited. It is important that toys and materials meet the children's needs and are not necessarily attractive to adults. Consider for example that young children often enjoy a box a particular toy comes in more than the actual toy! Have you thought about why this is? A box has flaps for opening and closing, and a child can put items in and take them out. They can push it, kick it, carry it, and add a string and pull it. Some boxes are big enough to climb in, or even stick a head in for a look. Young children can put their arms in it and maybe attempt to stand in it. Every item a child puts in that box will make a different sound when shaken. Different items make it heavier or lighter. A box encourages discovery, exploration, experimentation and problem solving. It's a great learning tool for such a "simple" item. When choosing materials keep the following in mind: Materials must be intact, usable, and safe at all times. If batteries in electronic toys have lost their charge, replace batteries or remove the toy from play. Materials can be purchased, borrowed, or donated from a variety of places. Donated or borrowed materials must be approved before use in the classroom. Materials do not have to be purchased from early care and education companies to support learning and play. Materials can be homemade or make-it-and-take-it from crafts that are added to the classroom. 具有特殊需求的婴儿和幼儿可能需要在提供或支持的经验以及他们使用的材料中进行调整。但是,孩子的特殊需求不应该抑制他或她探索,解决问题和体验认知发展。 在本课程的学习部分结束时,您将找到一份文件,该文件分享有关选择促进婴儿和幼儿的认知发展的材料的其他信息。 Accessibility of Learning Materials 婴幼儿学习通过和材料must be within their reach for them to have appropriate experiences. Many early care and education resources refer to the importance of accessibility of materials within learning environments. Infants and toddlers follow their desire for certain materials and experiences, and if materials are not accessible for much of the day then their needs may go unmet. If this happens frequently and consistently, their learning opportunities are greatly diminished. It is important to remember that wait time before, during, and after routines and during transitions is a time when infants and toddlers should have access to materials. Keep wait time to a minimum; suggested wait time is three minutes or less. Accessible materials are: Within reach of infants and toddlers, not stored in cabinets or on shelves that are out of reach. 可用于婴儿和幼儿在他们想要的情况下使用,而无需要求他们。 Visually accessible, meaning they aren't in a tub where an infant or toddler would have to dig for them. For materials to be accessible to非移动婴儿,您必须经常并始终如一地将婴儿移动到各种材料并将材料移动到婴儿。小型,浅筐或容器为此目的工作。 When you get to know each child you care for well by observing them on a daily basis, your selection of age appropriate materials and planning of child- directed and adult- guided experiences that encourage discovery, exploration, and problem solving will support their cognitive development. Your attention to what they need developmentally and what they are interested in motivates their desire to learn, which in turn inspires you to continue to adapt and change to support who they are today and shape who they will be tomorrow. Environments and Materials that Address the Needs of All Learners There are many things you can do in your learning environment to help all infants and toddlers meet important learning goals. The first and most important step is to gather information about the children in your care. You will need to know what infants and toddlers are able to do well and what seems to be hard. Gathering information will help you know the skills and strategies that are likely to help each child in your care. Universal Design for Learning (UDL; CAST, 2011) is one strategy you can use. UDL helps all people learn and be successful in their environments. There are examples of universal design all around us: audio books, curb cutouts for strollers and wheelchairs, keyless entry on cars, electric can openers. Many of these tools were developed for people with disabilities, but they make life easier for all of us. Using the concept of UDL, some examples of what caregivers can do in their classrooms to support infants and toddlers with special learning needs are: using a simple picture schedule, adapting seating arrangements, or using adaptive toys and eating utensils. For additional examples demonstrating the use of UDL, please refer to Lesson 5 in this course, Supporting Cognitive Development: Experiences and Activities. Reflecting on Your Own Practices It's important to recognize the messages you send in your classroom. Sometimes biases sneak into our environments, materials, or interactions.Awareness of your own bias is the first step in supporting development。Think about which of the following biases might be in your own classroom: Biased language。语言可以发送陈规定型的性别消息。成年人可能会称婴儿和幼儿“女婴,”“大男孩”或“可爱”而不是他们给出的名字。工作人员可能会鼓励女孩们“小心”,同时说“男孩将成为男孩”。为抗击这种偏见,员工可以鼓励和平解决方案all孩子们(避免不打击女孩或不击中戴眼镜的孩子)。一定要在女孩的外表和成就上平等评论。 陈规定型的游戏机会。Infants and toddlers are often encouraged to play in certain ways (e.g., girls with dolls and boys with trucks). Make sure boys and girls get equal access and encouragement for playing balls, blocks, music, art, active play, and messy play. Biased materials。有时,课堂的海报和材料存在陈规定型图像(例如,“战争涂料”,“全男性建筑机组人员”)。确保课堂上的图像同样地展示各种职业。确保残疾人的图纸或照片是尊重的图像。包括显示不同种族背景,社会阶层和家庭结构的书籍。 There are many ways you can enhance the curriculum to improve children's understanding and acceptance of culture. The following are some examples (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010): Classroom props or materials:包括来自各种文化的道具。书,furniture, dolls, dress up clothes, or musical instruments can all reflect experiences from around the world. Art materials should include a range of materials for representing skin tones and various artistic styles, fabrics of various patterns, and books about art around the world. 公告板和显示器:这个空间可以用来反思和尊重家庭传统。请家庭带来董事会的图片或其他物品。 Class books or biographies:Books about the infants and toddlers in the class document the real experiences of children and families. Talk to infants and toddlers about their lives and their families and incorporate those in drawings, stories, or songs throughout your day. Family stories:Provide families with materials and instructions for creating a Family Book. Families and children can work together to talk about and record their family history and daily life. This can be a great way to introduce children and families to one another. Storytelling:鼓励祖父母或社区长老分享与班级或团体的幼儿期的故事。这些可以进行音频记录或转录,以为课堂创建昆徒书籍。 Messages from home:Using a tape-recorder, encourage family members to record a brief message in their home language. This can be played for an infant or toddler when he or she is upset or homesick. Music:Include music tapes or CDs and songs from different cultures during music time or story time. Collaborative work:When appropriate, encourage children to work together in groups. This may minimize the pressure on a child who is learning English. It also exposes children to a variety of ideas and encourages creativity. Snacks and meals:Invite families to share a traditional meal or snack with the children. 看 以下视频展示了在支持认知发展方面的重要环境和材料。 Infant Block Play Video not available 观看如何使用块支持学习。yabo电子游艺 The Band Video not available Watch how accessible music materials support learning Do 选择认知发展材料 Ensure materials are safe.Choking and falling are primary concerns for infants and toddlers and toys and materials need to be safe. When evaluating your materials, watch out for sharp edges or projections, as well as chipping paint. Select items that are non-toxic. Select materials that are easy for infants and toddlers to handle on their own.Young children learn by manipulating items by themselves; however, be ready to assist them if needed. Select materials that support cognitive development for each age group served.使用发育里程碑信息来制作支持认知发展的选择。 Choose items that are used in homes(如厨房刮刀,锯齿状的勺子,过滤器, wooden spoons, plastic bowls, shoe boxes, dish towels). This links home and child care experiences in the eyes of the child and shows families that learning materials are often at their fingertips and inexpensive. A lot of these materials are also open-ended, and therefore appropriate for children at different ages and developmental stages. Examine each item and evaluate how it promotes child development.Does it support cause/effect actions? Does it utilize fine motor skills? Does it teach infants and toddlers about spatial relationships? Does it help them practice problem solving skills? Include materials that support each child’s interest and skill level.For example, if you have a few pre-toddlers who love soft toys that squeak, make sure you have several bins of soft toys that squeak available for them to play with. 提供相同项目的确切复制和三倍一次(相同的颜色,尺寸,功能)。This allows more than one infant or toddler to play and learn at the same time and also supports social-emotional growth and development. Choose materials that honor diversity.Materials should be representative of children and families who attend the program and the community and promote positive portrayal of all persons. A variety of materials should include people of differing genders, roles and occupations (female firefighter, male caring for a young child), ages, ethnicities, and ability level (person wearing glasses, person using an assistive device like a walker or a wheelchair). 提供包含各种纹理,技能,颜色,尺寸,形状和功能的材料。Items can be made of wood, metal, plastic, cloth, vinyl; be smooth, bumpy, rough, soft, and hard. Neutral and natural colored items are pleasing to infants and toddlers; bright colors don’t make an item “better”. Explore Explore Using the information that you have learned in other lessons in this course, download, print and complete theLearning Materials Activity。Write your responses and share them with a supervisor, trainer, or coach. Learning Materials for Cognitive Development Describe how the following learning materials promote cognitive development Required:Complete and review this document with your trainer, coach, or administrator Apply Apply Providing learning materials that support the interests and developmental needs of infants and toddlers is an essential part of your job. Reflecting on why infants and toddlers do or do not choose certain learning materials can help you adapt your classroom environment to support their individual needs. Download, print and complete theLearning Materials Reflective Exercise。Write your responses and share them with a supervisor, trainer, or coach. Learning Materials Reflective Exercise Think about how learning materials spark interest Required:Complete and review this document with your trainer, coach, or administrator Glossary Term Description Cause and effect Making things happen and understanding the causes of some events. For example, shaking a rattle to make the sound continue, dropping objects from different heights and positions, pulling a string attached to a toy to bring it closer 发育合适的材料 与孩子们开发和学习相匹配的材料 Problem solving Understanding how to use one’s self or objects to attain a goal. For example, twisting a shape until it fits into a hole in a container, moving around to the side of the aquarium to see the fish better, using a spoon or fork, using a cup to roll out clay 证明 证明 Assessment: Q1 True or False? The way you set up the learning environment for infants and toddlers impacts their cognitive development. True False Q2 Wait time before, during, and after routines and during transitions should be kept to a minimum. Which of the following is the suggested wait time for infants and toddlers? 10 minutes 15.minutes 5分钟 3.minutes or less Q3 Accessible materials are defined as: Materials infants and toddlers have to ask to play with 储存的材料,便于访问教师 为具有特殊需求的婴儿和幼儿设计的材料 材料婴儿和幼儿可以随时达到和使用 References & Resources: 婴儿,幼儿课程,第2版的创意课程;道奇,鲁迪克,贝尔克。教学策略华盛顿特区2006年 黄金时期,第二版。格林曼,石楼,Schweikert。Redleaf按,圣保罗2008 Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale-Revised Edition, Teacher's College Press, New York, 2006 俄亥俄州的婴儿和蹒跚指南;Occra Columbus,2006年 零到三(2014)。为幼儿选择玩具的提示。从...获得http://www.zerotothree.org/child-development/play/tips-for-choosing-toys-for.html Prev Lesson 下一课