这节课可能特定的某些内容udiences. Differences between audience views may be subtle or non-existent. Please select your audience:


    • Describe typical child developmental milestones.
    • Identify developmentally appropriate expectations for children’s behavior.
    • 找出使儿童更容易遭受虐待或忽视的危险因素。





    Understanding child development is a protective factor because it helps us recognize when a child needs extra help. If we do not understand child development, we might become frustrated instead of recognizing an opportunity to scaffold or strengthen a child’s experiences. When we get frustrated, we do not use our best thinking. We are less able to problem-solve, use new practices, think creatively, and be patient. We may be less able to support the children who need our help the most.


    • 所罗门是个婴儿。他一天要哭很长时间。
    • Dante is almost ready to start crawling. He gets frustrated and cries every time he cannot reach something he wants.
    • Flora has pulled every toy off the shelf and keeps going back for more. She is always right behind you every time you try to start cleaning up. She doesn’t seem to want to play with the toys. She’s just really interested in touching everything.
    • 你告诉希拉里该换尿布了。她喊道:“不!“然后从你身边跑开了。
    • 佐伊正在高脚椅上吃午饭。她说,“都做好了”,然后开始往地上扔豌豆。她几乎什么都没吃。
    • Patrick screams, “No! I do!” when you try to help him put his coat on. As other children begin going outside, Patrick begins to scream and cry.


    Let’s take look at how children typically develop from the ages of birth to three. The information on this table is compiled from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You can find this same information in an easy-to-use checklist form in the Apply section.

    婴幼儿Development Chart

    • 开始对人微笑
    • Can briefly calm himself (may bring hands to mouth and suck on hand)
    • Tries to look at parent
    • Coos, makes gurgling sounds
    • 把头转向声音
    • Pays attention to faces
    • 开始用眼睛跟踪事物,认出远处的人
    • Begins to act bored (cries, fussy) if activity doesn't change
    • 趴在肚子上时能抬起头并开始俯卧撑
    • 使手臂和腿的动作更流畅
    • 自然地微笑,尤其是对人
    • Likes to play with people and might cry when playing stops
    • 复制一些动作和面部表情,如微笑或皱眉
    • 开始唠叨
    • 喋喋不休地说着他或她听到的声音
    • 用不同的方式哭来表示饥饿、痛苦或疲倦
    • Lets you know if she or he is happy or sad
    • 对感情有反应
    • 用一只手去拿玩具
    • Uses hands and eyes together, such as seeing a toy and reaching for it
    • Follows moving things with eyes from side to side
    • Watches faces closely
    • 能认出远处熟悉的人和事
    • 保持头部稳定,无支撑
    • 推动了腿时脚硬屋面e
    • 也许能从肚子翻到背
    • Can hold a toy and shake it and swing at dangling toys
    • 手到擒来
    • 仰卧时,向上推至肘部
    • 认识熟悉的面孔,并开始知道某人是否是陌生人
    • 喜欢和别人玩,尤其是父母
    • 对他人的情绪做出反应,通常看起来很高兴
    • Likes to look at self in mirror
    • Responds to sounds by making sounds
    • Strings vowels together when babbling and likes taking turns with parents while making sounds
    • 响应自己的名字
    • 语言/沟通
    • 发出表示高兴和不高兴的声音
    • 开始说辅音(叽叽喳喳地说“m”、“b”)
    • Looks around at things nearby
    • Brings things to mouth
    • 表现出对事物的好奇心,并试图得到那些够不着的东西
    • 开始把东西从一只手传递到另一只手
    • 在两个方向上翻滚(从前向后,从前向后)
    • 开始支撑着坐着
    • When standing, supports weight on legs and might bounce
    • Rocks back and forth, sometimes crawling backward before moving forward
    • May be afraid of strangers
    • 可能和熟悉的成年人粘在一起
    • Has favorite toys
    • 理解“不”
    • 发出很多不同的声音像“妈妈”和“爸爸”
    • 模仿别人的声音和手势
    • Uses fingers to point at things
    • 观察某物下落的轨迹
    • Looks for things he or she sees you hide
    • Plays peek-a-boo
    • 把东西放进她或他的嘴里
    • 把东西平稳地从一只手移到另一只手
    • 在拇指和食指之间捡起麦片之类的东西
    • 站着,坚持住
    • 可以进入坐姿
    • Sits without support
    • 拉着站着
    • 爬行
    • Is shy or nervous with strangers
    • Cries when mom or dad leaves
    • 有最喜欢的东西和人
    • Shows fear in some situations
    • Hands you a book when he or she wants to hear a story
    • Repeats sounds or actions to get attention
    • Puts out arm or leg to help with dressing
    • 玩“偷窥”和“拍拍蛋糕”之类的游戏
    • Responds to simple spoken requests
    • 使用简单的手势,如摇头“不”或挥手“再见”
    • Makes sounds with changes in tone (sounds more like speech)
    • 说“妈妈”和“爸爸”,然后大叫“哦哦!”
    • Tries to say words you say
    • Explores things in different ways, like shaking, banging, throwing
    • 容易发现隐藏的东西
    • 当它被命名时看正确的图片或事物
    • Copies gestures
    • Starts to use things correctly; for example, drinks from a cup, brushes hair
    • Bangs two things together
    • Puts things in a container, takes things out of a container
    • Lets things go without help
    • 用食指戳
    • 遵循简单的指示,如“拿起玩具”
    • 在没有帮助的情况下达到坐姿
    • 停下来站着,拿着家具走着
    • 不停地走几步
    • 可能会孤立无援
    • Likes to hand things to others as play
    • May have temper tantrums
    • May be afraid of strangers
    • 对熟人示爱
    • 玩简单的假装,比如喂娃娃
    • 在新情况下可能会依附于护理者
    • Points to show others something interesting
    • Explores alone but with parent close by
    • 说了几个单字
    • 说并摇摇头“不”
    • Points to show someone what she or he wants
    • 知道什么是普通的东西,例如,电话,刷子,勺子
    • 引起他人注意的要点
    • 通过假装喂食来表现对玩偶或填充玩具的兴趣
    • Points to one body part
    • 自己涂鸦
    • 不需要任何手势就可以执行一步到位的口头命令;例如,当你说“坐下”时就坐
    • Walks alone
    • 我可以走上台阶然后跑
    • 边走边拉玩具
    • Can help undress
    • Drinks from a cup
    • 用勺子吃饭
    • 抄袭他人,尤其是成年人和较大的儿童
    • Gets excited when with other children
    • 显示出越来越独立
    • 表现出挑衅的行为(做他或她被告知不要做的事)
    • Plays mainly beside other children, but is beginning to include other children, such as in chase games
    • Points to things or pictures when they are named
    • 知道熟悉的人和身体部位的名字
    • 用两到四个词造句
    • 遵循简单的说明
    • 重复谈话中听到的话
    • 指向书中的东西
    • Finds things even when hidden under two or three covers
    • Begins to sort shapes and colors
    • Completes sentences and rhymes in familiar books
    • 玩简单的假装游戏
    • 建造四个或更多街区的塔楼
    • 可能一只手比另一只手用得多
    • 遵循两个步骤的指示,如“拿起你的鞋子,把它们放在衣柜里”
    • Names items in a picture book such as a cat, bird, or dog
    • Stands on tiptoe
    • 踢球
    • Begins to run
    • 在没有帮助的情况下爬上爬下家具
    • Walks up and down stairs holding on
    • Throws ball overhand
    • 制作或复制直线和圆
    • Copies adults and friends
    • Shows affection for friends without prompting
    • 在游戏中轮流
    • Shows concern for a crying friend
    • 理解“我的”和“他的”或“她的”的意思
    • Shows a wide range of emotions
    • 很容易和爸爸妈妈分开
    • 可能会对日常生活的重大变化感到不安
    • 自己穿衣服和脱衣服
    • 遵循两个或三个步骤的说明
    • 你能说出最熟悉的事情吗
    • 理解“in”、“on”和“under”等词
    • Says first name, age, and sex
    • 说出一个朋友的名字
    • 说“我”、“我”、“我们”和“你”以及一些复数(“汽车”、“狗”、“猫”)
    • 大多数时候都能让陌生人听懂
    • Carries on a conversation using two to three sentences
    • Can work toys with buttons, levers, and moving parts
    • 玩偶、动物和人的游戏
    • 有三块或四块拼图吗
    • 明白“二”的意思
    • 用铅笔或蜡笔复制一个圆
    • 一次翻一页书
    • 建造超过六个街区的塔楼
    • 拧松罐盖或转动门把手
    • Climbs well
    • 跑起来容易
    • 骑三轮车
    • Walks up and down stairs, one foot on each step




    Temperament influences how each of us interacts with the world and the people around us. We are born with certain temperament traits or styles, and temperament is thought to be consistent across a life span. Here are nine temperament traits that you might see in infants and toddlers (Thomas, Chess, & Birk, 1968):

    • Activity level: Is the child always moving or sometimes sitting still?
    • Regularity: Do children naturally have consistent schedules for eating and sleeping or are they more variable?
    • 注意力分散:孩子是集中注意力还是转移注意力?
    • 对待新事物:孩子在新的生活习惯或经历中是否谨慎?
    • Adaptability: Can the child adjust to new people or situations?
    • Intensity of reactions: How does the child respond to situations?
    • 反应阈:孩子需要多少刺激才能做出反应?
    • 情绪质量:孩子一般是高兴还是悲伤?
    • 注意力广度和持久性:一个孩子在分心的情况下花多少时间在某事上?



    • 适应性:这些是“容易”的婴儿。他们对新情况持开放态度,活动水平适中,总体上很快乐。
    • 精力充沛的:这些婴儿有很高的活动水平,通常对新刺激有很强的反应。他们可能被认为精力充沛,自信,充满感情。
    • 谨慎的:这些婴儿需要时间和支持才能在新的环境中感到舒适。他们可能被认为胆小或严肃。



    Tips for Children with Cautious Temperaments:

    • Provide plenty of space and time for the child to get comfortable. Encourage families to stay as long as possible to help children transition into the room.
    • 避免强迫眼神接触或碰到孩子的脸。慢慢地接近孩子们,给他们时间和你热身。
    • Minimize changes to schedules and routines.
    • Encourage children to bring comfort items such as a favorite blanket or teddy bear.
    • Comfort children when they become upset. Spend time sitting together with an infant or toddler and watching others play.
    • 鼓励婴儿在计划中与照顾者形成主要依恋。确保该成人始终在房间内,并为婴儿提供服务。

    Tips for Children with Feisty Temperaments:

    • 提供大量的移动机会。让他们帮助翻开故事的篇章。在小睡前给他们额外的时间放松。
    • 提供探索的机会。在介绍新的或令人兴奋的物品时,要保持距离。帮助孩子学会安全探索。
    • 不要惩罚强烈的反应。而是安慰孩子:拥抱孩子,摇晃孩子,帮助他或她克服情绪。
    • 当需要帮助孩子解决与其他孩子的困难互动时,介入。

    Children At-Risk for Abuse and Neglect

    There are three categories of children more at-risk for child abuse and neglect: young children, children with disabilities, and children with challenging behavior. Why do you think these children are at an increased risk? Generally, these children might have a difficult time communicating, controlling their emotions, following directions, or getting along with others. The adults around them might get frustrated easily or not know how to help the child. This can put the child in a dangerous situation. We must be careful to remember this does not mean that the child causes the abuse and neglect. The child is never to blame.这也不意味着只有这些类别的儿童受到虐待或忽视。相反,我们必须记住为那些孩子符合这些特点的家庭提供额外的支持。

    Children under the age of 4 are at the greatest risk for child abuse and neglect. Can you think of reasons why this might be the case? When we think about the developmental milestones described above, we might see reasons. These children are least able to communicate their wants and needs to us. They are also not developmentally ready to solve complex social problems, regulate their behavior or emotions, and follow complicated directions. All of this leaves them vulnerable to negative interactions with adults who do not understand development.

    When children do not meet the milestones described above in predictable ways and at predictable times, we can experience stress. We may not understand the child’s communication, we may not know how to meet the child’s physical needs, or we may doubt our competence. All of this can leave a person feeling helpless and confused. This stress puts children with developmental delays or disabilities at greater risk for child abuse or neglect.



    哭是婴儿期的正常现象。所有的婴儿都会哭。在婴儿出生的第一个月到第四个月之间,许多婴儿变得更加挑剔,哭闹声增加。一些专家称之为“紫色哭泣期”(Barr,n.d.)。这并不意味着婴儿哭得发紫。相反,它是描述这一阶段特征的缩写。您可以访问Purple Crying网站了解更多信息:http://www.purplecrying.info/what-is-the-period-of-purple-crying.php




    Understanding Infant and Toddler Development

    Learn about realistic expectations for infants and toddlers

    Read the following statements from staff members. On the left, you see unrealistic expectations. On the right you see realistic expectations. Which classrooms or programs do you think feel like better places to be for children? Which staff members do you think feel less stressed at the end of the day?

    Unrealistic Expectations


    • Marchia cries全部的时间。她被宠坏了,认为她需要一直被抱着。
    • 当玛西娅难过哭泣时,我们知道她想告诉我们一些事情。我们试着找出问题所在并帮助安抚她。
    • 德克伦咬其他孩子是因为他是个卑鄙的孩子。
    • 德克伦还没想好如何索取他想要的东西,当他沮丧的时候,他会咬人。我们需要密切关注并在这之前介入。
    • 这些孩子需要学会盘腿坐着听故事。他们明年就要上学前班了,所以他们一定要得到这个。亚慱彩票
    • 孩子们喜欢在自由玩耍时选择要读的故事,也喜欢坐在大人的腿上听故事。阅读和谈论这些书是多么有趣。
    • Caldwell is so clingy. He hides behind my legs and cries when I try to make him sit with another adult. He’s got to get over his shyness.
    • 每当一个新的程序助理走进教室时,考德威尔都相当紧张。我们确保他的主要照顾者总是在附近,帮助他感到舒适。


    • 在你的职业生涯中,继续尽你所能学习有关儿童发展的知识。虚拟实验学校的课程将帮助你学习更多关于认知、身体和社会发展的知识。你还将学习如何培养孩子们的沟通技巧和健康的自yabo11vip我意识。
    • 收集有关儿童发展的信息,与家人分享。疾病控制和预防中心在申请部分的讲义是一个很好的开始,但是你的项目或课程可能有其他资源可以共享。
    • 作为一名新员工,花时间观察你工作的项目中的孩子。这将帮助你开始了解什么是典型的年龄范围。也可以参观教室或为年龄较大或较小的儿童开设的课程。这将有助于你从长远的角度看待发展。如果你对两岁孩子的期望和你在幼儿园教室里看到的一样,那你就是在给自己设置挫败感。亚慱彩票
    • 当你感到沮丧时,记住你在这里学到的东西。当一个蹒跚学步的孩子说“不”或咬人时,这可能会令人沮丧,但这是成长的一部分。许多挑战成年人的行为是发展过程中非常典型的部分。如果你对孩子的行为有顾虑,可以和你的教练、主管或教练谈谈。他或她可以帮助你了解这些行为是否典型。
    • 当你需要帮助时,请寻求帮助。我们都需要新的想法和支持。当你感到沮丧或不确定该为孩子做些什么时,向培训师或同事征求意见。这是一个建立你自己的社会关系和专业知识的好方法。



    下载并打印Reframing Activity. 阅读表格中的情景。指出你认为情景是对孩子行为的现实期望还是不切实际的期望。然后写下你认为员工应该说的反映现实期望的话



    It is important to find resources that can help you understand child development.

    Talk to yourMILTraining and Curriculum SpecialistPUBLIC监督人about resources available in your curriculum. Many curricula, like Teaching Strategies Gold, provide a continuum of milestones. Talk to yourMILT&CsPUBLIC监督人关于对您和族可用的材质。如果你想要更多的资源,有很多选择供你使用。



    期限 Description
    儿童发展 儿童从出生到青春期的变化。这些变化可以是生理上的,心理上的,情感上的,或者社会上的
    适合发展 Knowledge and practice based on how young children develop and learn, what is known about an individual child, and what is culturally important
    Developmental milestone 孩子们通常在一定年龄左右发展起来的一种技能或行为
    Scaffold 一种教育术语,将儿童的技能培养过程比作建造房屋所用的临时结构;在教学中,它可以包括给予提示或提示,并随着时间的推移逐渐减少这些支持













    References & Resources:

    社会政策研究中心。(2018). 加强家庭:保护因素框架。检索自https://cssp.org/our-work/projects/protective-factors-framework/

    疾病控制和预防中心。(2013). 预防暴力。检索自http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Learn the Signs, Act Early: Developmental Milestones. Available fromhttp://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/millestones/index.html


    Seibel, N. L., Britt, D., Gillespie, L. G., & Parlakian, R. (2006). Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect. Washington, DC: Zero to Three: Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families.


    U、 美国卫生和公共服务部。(2012). 虐待儿童2011。

    零三岁:婴幼儿和家庭中心。(2006). 虐待和忽视儿童的普遍存在。检索自https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/91-the-possibility-of-child-虐待和忽视