Abuse and neglect is a traumatic experience for everyone involved. If you witness abuse or neglect or are involved in reporting it you can also feel traumatized by the experience. This lesson will provide strategies for strengthening your own resilience through the protective factors framework.
这节课可能特定的某些内容udiences. Differences between audience views may be subtle or non-existent. Please select your audience:
- 认识到与怀疑虐待和报告儿童虐待或忽视相关的情绪。
- Identify the protective factors that can help you manage the stress related to child abuse and neglect in homes and programs.
- 确定与促进自己的健康和建筑弹性的每个保护因素相关的策略。
There are few professional experiences as stressful as suspecting and reporting child abuse or neglect. Before and after the report, you will likely feel a range of emotions. Read these quotes from professionals who have experienced this situation. Reflect on how you might feel.
“I was afraid that I would hurt the family’s feelings and put a wall up between us. I knew they needed help, but I just didn’t know if it was the right thing to do.”
“I was afraid people wouldn’t believe me.”
After the Report...
“I was relieved to have admitted what I saw.”
当你情绪更加复杂suspect and report child abuse or neglect that occurred in your own program. You may suspect one of your colleagues or friends. You may be neighbors or attend the same community events. You might worry that you will be judged or socially excluded because of your report. You may feel compelled to “cover” for someone you know or like. You may also feel pressured to protect the reputation of your program. All of these emotions are natural, but you must remember your legal obligation to protect children from harm.If a child has been harmed or is in imminent risk of harm, you must make a report。记住,你在右边。任何人都不适合压力,你不要报告对虐待或忽视的清楚怀疑。不要忽视你的本能。孩子的生命可能取决于它。
这种事件的压力是巨大的。当你加入自己的真实生活压力源 - 儿童饲养,婚姻冲突,住房问题,财务问题时,它可能会感到压倒。重要的是你照顾好自己。您必须尽力为每天照顾儿童的重要工作。当你感到平静,舒适和自信时,你更能够与家庭建立关系。与家庭应对挑战的相同保护区因素适用于美国所有人的成年人。让我们探索每个保护因素以及它们如何适应您自己的福祉。该材料已从预防的儿童虐待和促进福祉方面调整:美国卫生和人类服务部的行动网络资源指南。
Strengthening Families Protective Factors(图1)
Adult Resilience
We all need the ability to cope with the stresses of everyday life. In the context of this particular course, let’s think about the stresses associated with suspecting and reporting child abuse or neglect. The emotions you feel may make you feel less capable of doing your job. The stress may reduce your capacity to cope with the stresses of your own family life. Each one of us has strengths we can draw upon: faith, flexibility, humor, communication skills, problem-solving skills, mutually supportive caring relationships, or the ability to identify and access outside resources (https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/preventing/). We can take the time to make sure we nurture and expand these strengths in ourselves and others.
It seems obvious, but understanding typical child development will help you continue to do your job during stressful times. It will enrich your ability to build connections with children and respond to them in developmentally appropriate ways. Your knowledge of child development can help you recover from a stressful event like reporting a suspicion of abuse or neglect. It will help you feel more confident continuing to work with children and families everyday. By understanding typical development, you will develop the tools you need to talk to coworkers or children about their experiences and emotions—and your own.
Social connections
We all need tools to help us do our jobs. It is OK—and important—to ask for help when it is needed. Talk to your米尔trainer or主管关于您可以为课堂,个别儿童或家庭提供新的想法。还请记住,您也不会免受工作之外的压力。您可能正在遇到家里的任何数量的压力。寻求并使用社区资源,无论是缴纳税收,寻找质量保健或配偶或合作伙伴的工作援助。
You do hard work every day. To keep yourself mentally and physically healthy, you must learn to recognize your own signs of stress. Watch this video to learn more about stress and protecting your own mental health.
- 与您服务的家庭建立信任关系,以及您每天看到的同事。花点时间了解这些人。通过对话和庆祝活动投资关系的时间可以帮助您更多地享受您的工作,并更好地做到这一点。
- 定期与您的T&CS或经理交谈。这个人在那里支持你的工作,可以在我们需要时帮助你。它们可以成为您的宝贵专业资源。
- 了解课程中的心理健康支持资源米尔或在您的安装中。心理健康专业人员应该是你团队的一部分。每当您感受到需要时与他们交谈,并确保家庭可以访问其服务。米尔Find out if non-medical counseling is an option to help you work through short-term stressors. Explorehttps://www.milelatehoneource.mil/confidential-help/nonmedical-counseling.for more information.
- Watch for early signs of stress in yourself. Get help early.
- 寻求策略的专业发展,减少压力:目标设定,预测困难,解决问题,沟通和自我保健。
- 请记住,心理健康和身体健康是相互关联的。花时间锻炼,吃得好,寻求放松,冥想或祷告的机会。
- 完成虚拟实验室学校的课程。这些课程将帮助您了解社会,认知和身体发展。它还可以帮助您学习和使用与儿童一起工作的有效实践。
- 在您的社区和在线寻求资源。信誉良好的机构有各种工具,如疾病控制和预防的中心。CDC已易于编制有关发育里程碑的信息。您还可以在教育资源中心找到信息米尔or from your trainer。
- 利用专业发展机会。参加会议和研讨会。参与教练或指导机会。
- Use (or talk to management about creating) a relaxing space in your program where you can take a break.
- 在您的计划中参加像Potlucks这样的社交活动。与家庭和同事交谈。
- Develop a new hobby or expand an old one. Take a class on a topic that interests you. Community colleges, local retailers, and community recreation departments offer inexpensive courses around a variety of topics like cooking, technology, foreign languages, exercise and knitting.
- 建立或留住与您的邻居,敬拜地点或其他社区机构的强大联系。
- 当您需要帮助时承认。如果您正在努力努力,关系问题或其他个人关注,请不要让自己变得不堪重负。成为您服务的家庭的榜样,并获得所需的帮助。
- 了解医疗保健选择,儿童保育补贴以及可能帮助您和您服务的家庭的其他优惠。
- Observe for signs of stress in yourself and talk to someone who can help. If you have a history of trauma yourself, you may be especially vulnerable to stress.
- Talk to your米尔trainer or关于课程或战略的主管您的计划用于促进社会和情感能力。
- Identify the key social skills children need during the infant and toddler years. Create and post a chart of developmental milestones as a reminder for yourself, co-workers, and families.
- 请记住,您可以在孩子的生命中成为一种安全和稳定的影响力。
在过去的几课上学到了很多关于蒂莫西和他的家人的教训。花一些时间来反思蒂莫西的经历和家庭的经历。下载并打印Case Study Reflectionactivity. Reflect upon the questions and share your responses with a trainer, supervisor, or coach. Then, review the suggested responses for additional reflections.
Take some time to think about how to handle your own stress. Download and print this S十字架提示。反思自己生命的领域,可以加强或支持。这个尖端从美国心理学协会转载。有关原始提示表的更多信息和链接,请访问:http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/stress-tips.aspx
American Psychological Association: Psychology Help Center Stress Tip Sheet. Resrouces available from:http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/index.aspx
Center for the Study of Social Policy (n.d.). Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework. Retrieved fromhttps://cssp.org/our-work/projects/protective-factors-framework/