Secondary tabs

    • 学to identify various traumatic experiences.
    • 了解儿童可能在暴露于创伤后表现出的症状。
    • 考虑对个人寿命的不利童年经历的长期影响。




    最近,您可能已阅读或听到“创伤创新的护理”一词或“创伤敏感学校”。创伤知识的护理与使用幼儿一起使用的个人特别相关。The federal government’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines “trauma-informed care” as an approach that is grounded in understanding and responding to the impact of trauma in a way which focuses on the strengths of the survivor and prioritizes the physical, psychological, and emotional safety for all involved (2014).




    The following are just some of the possible traumatic experiences that young children may experience, according to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network:

    • Physical, sexual, psychological, or emotional abuse.
    • Witnessing domestic violence in the home.
    • Witnessing community violence.
    • Experiencing a natural disaster.
    • Traumatic grief (the sudden loss of a caregiver or loved one).
    • 医疗伤害或疾病。
    • Experiencing a robbery or break-in.
    • 体验慢性无家可归。
    • 与父母部署或受伤等军事相关的压力源。


    Another assumption we may have regarding trauma is that it occurs as a single, one-time event that a survivor has witnessed or experienced. However, trauma is complicated and can be experienced in several ways. Trauma can beacute, appearing as a single one-time event such as a home burglary or a serious car accident, or it can be慢性的, occurring repetitively and over an extended period of time. Chronic trauma may include exposure to war, repetitively witnessing community violence, or extended displacement from a natural disaster.

    复杂的traumaadds an additional layer to traumatic experiences and is considered to be especially invasive and disruptive to a child’s development. Complex trauma consists of varied and multiple traumas and often stems from experiences with trusted caregivers in early childhood. Children that have been neglected, or emotionally, sexually, or physically abused may be dealing with complex trauma.

    复杂的心理创伤可以对年轻人尤其有害children because it occurs within the caregiving system, or with the individual that is supposed to be a source of safety and stability in a child’s life. Complex trauma in early childhood can interfere with a child’s ability to form a secure attachment to a caregiver. Attachment theory suggests that children’s early experiences with their primary caregivers are critical and have a lasting impact on children’s lives (Bowlby, 1969). Children that struggle to form a positive secure attachment to their caregivers within the first few years of life due to complex trauma may have difficulties forming healthy intimate relationships or establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries in adulthood. For more information on attachment theory in early childhood, see these Virtual Lab School lessons in the婴儿幼儿轨道:认知发展课程三节andSelf and Cultural Understanding Lesson One

    Trauma in Families







    The following list identifies common symptoms that children may exhibit following exposure to trauma, broken down by developmental stage. It’s important to note that not all children exposed to trauma will experience these symptoms and several of the symptoms listed can be part of typical development or unrelated to trauma. When considering the symptoms that survivors of trauma may experience, it’s important to consider the severity of the symptoms and the impact these symptoms can have on the everyday lives of children and their families.


    Infants and young toddlers

    • Tantrums that do not stop within a few minutes
    • 无法抚慰或安慰
    • 很容易吓了
    • 丧失技能(例如,使用厕所或演讲)
    • 侵略
    • Sleeplessness
    • 退出以前可信赖的成年人
    • Avoidance of eye contact or physical contact

    Older toddlers and preschoolers

    • 糟糕的技能开发
    • 难以聚焦
    • Inability to trust others or make friends
    • 胃痛和头痛
    • 异常的粘着力
    • Bedwetting
    • Sleeplessness
    • Eating problems
    • 缺乏自信
    • 在社会环境中表现出来


    • School problems
    • 自杀思想或行动
    • 模仿创伤事件
    • 对他人的口头虐待
    • 过度反应情况
    • Fear of being separated from caregiver
    • 胃痛、头痛、其他身体问题
    • 寂寞
    • 缺乏自信
    • Fear of adults who remind them of the trauma
    • 超越儿童年龄的性知识
    • Hoarding of food

    Source: Mental Health Connection of Tarrant County, Texas.

    虽然有一系列症状,儿童可能表现出由于创伤,但程序员工看到的最常见症状是:刺眼,焦虑,烦躁,冲动,难以集中,侵略和挑战性行为。暴露于创伤可以表现为挑战性的行为,这是对工作人员的压倒性和令人沮丧的行为。重要的是要记住孩子使用行为作为一种沟通形式,而且由于他们所经历的创伤,他们可能表达困难或挑战性的行为。了解创伤可能对儿童发展和行为的影响是至关重要的,以便您可以对其需求进行敏感和敏感。有关了解和响应具有挑战性行为的更多信息,请参阅VLS重点主题课程:yabo11vip支持ing Children with Challenging Behaviorand儿童与青年的性发展与行为


    When we encounter a stressful situation, our bodies react to protect us from the perceived threat; you may have heard this referred to as the “fight or flight” reaction. It’s normal for our bodies to increase heart rate, begin to sweat, or become hyper-alert following a situation we believe to be dangerous. These immediate physiological reactions return to normal once we feel that the danger has passed. However, some children that have experienced trauma can have longer-lasting reactions that interfere with their daily lives and their physical and emotional development (NTCSN, 2003).



    While trauma can be a life-altering experience, not all children develop traumatic stress that interferes with their daily lives. In fact, there are several factors that can influence the severity of symptoms that children may experience. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network outlines several factors that may affect the way a survivor may process or experience the trauma.

    Severity of the event 活动有多严重?孩子或他们喜欢受伤的人有多糟糕?有没有人去医院?警察涉及吗?孩子是否与护理人员分开?家庭成员死了吗?
    接近事件 孩子们实际上是在活动发生的地方吗?他们看到这个活动发生在某人身上还是他们是受害者?他们在电视上看了这个活动吗?他们听到有人谈论这个活动吗?
    照顾者反应 家人是否相信孩子正在讲述真相?护理人员如何应对孩子的需求,他们是如何应对这一活动的?
    创伤的之前的历史 被重复暴露于创伤的儿童更有可能开发创伤应激反应。
    Family and community factors 文化、种族和种族的儿童,他们的足总milies and communities can be a protective factor.


    Maria, one of the children in your care, recently lost her mother to cancer. While this experience was clearly a traumatic experience for Maria, her close-knit family and community came together to help support her and encourage healthy coping. Maria’s neighbors and members from her faith community showed their support by assisting the family with immediate needs. Maria’s father created a safe environment for Maria to express her feelings and even signed the family up for counseling services. Maria’s father has communicated with you so that you are aware of the situation at home.



    一个著名的研究,探讨了far-reaching impact of exposure to trauma during childhood is The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE). The ACE study is one of the most expansive investigations to date and explores the connection between adversity in childhood and later-life health and well-being (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). In 1995, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Kaiser Permanente collected data from over 17,000 individuals in California. The participants of this study were asked to complete surveys about their childhood experiences as well as their current health statuses. Findings from this study suggest that adverse childhood experiences are common—nearly 2/3 of participants reported at least one ACE and more than 1 in 5 participants reported enduring three or more ACEs during childhood (CDC, 2016).


    • 身体虐待
    • 性虐待
    • 情绪虐待
    • 身体忽视
    • 情绪疏忽
    • 见证亲密的合作伙伴暴力
    • 目睹你的母亲以暴力的方式对待
    • 家庭内的物质滥用
    • 家庭精神病
    • 父母分离或离婚
    • 被监禁的家庭成员



    • Disrupted neurodevelopment

    • Social emotional and cognitive impairments

      The parts of the brain that control decision-making, impulse control, and processing of emotions may develop differently in children who have experienced trauma. These children may need more help developing relationships with others and may require specialized strategies or more help and time to learn new skills.
    • 采用健康风险行为

    • 疾病,残疾和社会问题

      ACEs are also associated with more health and social issues including heart disease, cancer, depression, unintended pregnancy, and poor academic achievement.
    • 早期死亡




    • 3岁:


    • 5岁:


    • Age 13:


    • Age 16:


    • Age 29:


    • 31岁:


    After learning about Laci’s story, it’s important to remember that although adverse childhood experiences can have significant effects on one’s life, strong relationships are an important protective factor. Children are resilient and although some may experience significant ACEs, family and community supports can help children better cope with these experiences and disrupt an otherwise negative trajectory. In the next lesson, you will learn more about the role you and your program play in supporting children and youth through adverse experiences to promote resilience.


    Listen as experts on trauma-informed care discuss trauma and its effects on children and youth, adverse childhood experiences, and the importance of building resilience through relationships. Are there children and youth in your program who have experienced trauma? How does your program support the development of resilience?


    An expert discusses how trauma may affect the behavior of children and youth and the tenets of trauma-informed care.




    An expert describes how nurturing relationships are a protective factor for children affected by trauma.

    CAPPD是由乘以联系倡议开发的首字母缩写,为看护人提供与幸存的儿童一起使用的护理人员。CAPPD呼吁CAPEIVERS的信件是平静,调整,礼物,可预测的 - 并且不要让孩子的情绪升级你自己的升级。通过下面的CAPPD的每个元素读取,并参考使用CAPPD步骤的护理人员示例的学习附件。

    冷静的: Regulating your emotions and returning to a calm state after being alarmed or shocked can be beneficial for you and the children you care for.想想你用来调节你的情绪的健康方法,并尝试在环境中展示这些行为。



    可预测的: Provide children with a structured routine so that they can feel a sense of safety and stability. When children feel safe, they can focus on other cognitive tasks.Think about some of the routines you have in your room and how they provide stability to the children you work with.







    你童年的经历是什么让你今天是谁?你遇到过不利的童年经历吗?如果是这样,您如何应对这些经验?作为护理人员,探索自己的背景可以有助于批判性地思考您如何影响您与您工作的儿童相关的方式。点评审查我的ace得分是什么?handout. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the questionnaire, if you feel comfortable, you can respond to the questions and calculate your ACE score. This handout involves sensitive topics and it is up to your discretion whether you share. If, after completing this unit, you would like to speak to someone about your own experiences with trauma, speak with your coach, trainer, or administrator to identify counseling resources accessible in your area.



    暴露在创伤中会影响孩子在你的程序中的行为方式。挑战性行为,如抵抗、不尊重或消极的注意力寻求可能与孩子试图应对创伤有关。审查Recognizing Trauma工作表。花几分钟才能阅读并回复这些问题。然后,与培训师,教练或管理员分享并讨论您的回复。


    学期 描述
    急性创伤 A single traumatic event (e.g., burglary, natural disaster, house fire)
    Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) A traumatic experience in an individual’s life that occurred before the age of 18 years of age.
    附件理论 John Bowlby创造的早期儿童发展理论,指出婴儿的早期附属和与主要看护人的粘合对于在成年期形成健康的亲密关系是重要的。
    慢性创伤 Trauma that occurs repetitively, or more than once (e.g., domestic violence, exposure to war).
    复杂的创伤 在童年早期发生的多种或各种创伤,涉及小学家(例如,性虐待,身体虐待,忽视)。
    保护因素 Conditions or attributes in individuals, families, or communities that promote health and well-being.
    创伤知识护理 一种接地的方法,以理解和对创伤的影响为基础的影响,这是基于优势的,并优先考虑创伤幸存者的身体,心理和情感安全性以及护理人员。
    创伤压力 当接触创伤导致孩子无法正常工作时。孩子可能会感觉到与创伤暴露相关的强烈症状(例如抑郁、焦虑、行为改变)。










    Bowlby,J.(1969)。Attachment and Loss: Vol 1. Loss。纽约:基本书。

    疾病预防与控制中心。(2016)。关于CDC-Kaiser Ace研究。从...获得







    Mental Health Connection of Tarrant County (Texas). (n.d.). Symptoms of Trauma. Retrieved from


    Nakazawa,D. J.(2016)。aces太高:童年逆境的七种方式改变了孩子的大脑。从...获得 -ways-child - adversity-changes-a-childs-brain/

    The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (n.d.). About Child Trauma. Retrieved from

    The National Child Traumatic Stress Network. (2008). Child Traumatic Stress: What Every Policymaker Should Know. Retrieved from

    全国儿童创伤压力网络(2005). 创伤和无家可归儿童的事实。检索自

    The National Council for Behavioral Health. (n.d.). How to Manage Trauma. Retrieved from

