A teacher reported a second incident that involved Dari in the girl's bathroom with two other students, Nya and Kendra. The three students were in the bathroom when the teacher entered. The teacher spoke to them, and Nya and Kendra said Dari asked them to show her their private parts. The principal spoke to Nya and Kendra, and they reiterated what they told the teacher.
James was asked to come to the principal’s office and speak more about what really happened. He started crying and said, “Dari made me kiss her privates.” The principal called Kendra and Nya back to her office and asked what really happened. Kendra said Dari had asked them to show her their private parts and to kiss her or she would not be her friend. The principal asked her "Kiss you, where"? Kendra pointed to her private parts. The principal made a report toPUBLICa specialistand made phone calls to the parents of all students involved.
Response Step | What Would You Do/Want Staff to Do? |
1. Staff members remain calm and collect their thoughts. |
When encountering the students and when speaking to them, maintain a calm, nonaccusatory demeanor. Show that you care for them and want to make sure they are always safe.
2. “In the moment,” staff members redirect the behavior and ensure that all children are safe. |
When students are involved in concerning situations or if something seems off, staff should make sure they are OK. An open-ended question to these students such as, “Is everyone OK?” provides them the opportunity to share if they need something or if something is not OK. If students confirm they are OK, make sure they each return to their classrooms and are appropriately supervised. If a student is visibly upset or injured, make sure they receive individual support. |
3. Work with staff members and the children involved to understand the incident. |
当事件发生或有可能有疑虑时,员工应该向某人通知某人从学校领导,他们可以决定与个别学生交谈。与学生交谈时,有关性行为问题,应该出现两个成年人,包括领导地位的人。即使您是学校管理员,也最好练习出席的同事。在与学生讲话之前,与第二位成年人讨论可能会有所帮助。单独和私密地与学生交谈,并使用开放式问题。如果学生拒绝发言或者你怀疑,或者可以确认,他们没有讲述真相,请不要推动他们谈论他们的意志或威胁他们的后果。避免重新提起提问学生或要求他们重述他们已经共享的内容。无论学生报告是什么,如果您知道有关观看闭路视频的行为,请参与PUBLICa specialist. |
4. Appropriately document the incident and behaviors and brainstorm whether a short-term support plan or preventive plan is needed. |
文件从所涉及的学生的角度出现的事情以及所涉及成年人的角度发生的事情。提供有关谁存在的详细信息,直接引用,时间,日期和位置。如果包括基于闭路视频的信息,请在文档中表示此操作。如果您创建短期支持计划(弥合事件之间的差距和PUBLIC专家输入),详细记录。 |
5. With relevant staff members, lead engagement with appropriate outside supports as relevant. |
Administrator will initiate assistance from other agencies. |
6. With relevant staff members, lead communication with families. |
A member of leadership should communicate objective factual information to families in a confidential and respectful way, for example, “Dari was observed coming out of the boy’s bathroom with another student today. She said that she and the other students were, “just playing.” When reviewing the closed-circuit footage, we observed Dari in the bathroom with her pants down and the other student touched her genital area with his mouth. The other student stated that Dari made him do this. Additionally, a different student, found in the bathroom with Dari on a separate occasion, stated that Dari asked her to show Dari her private parts and kiss her. It is our school’s policy that we must engage thePUBLICa specialist随时有一个关于我们学校的性行为。这是为了支持所有参与者,包括达利的人。“ |
7. Communicate with the applicable leadership members. |
Follow your school’s policy on who is to be informed when there are sexual behavior incidents and whenPUBLICa specialist已经订婚了。 |
8. Lead the action planning process for your program’s more immediate response, until you have concrete guidance fromMILFAP orspecialists. Work with the relevant staff members to create a short-term support or prevention plan. |
While staff may be instrumental in creating short-term support plans, it is the role of the administrator to ensure that this has been done and is being implemented. Review all short-term plans and check in with the staff responsible for implementing. |
9. Support multidisciplinary teams so specialists, staff, and families know each other’s roles and responsibilities. |
Administrators or another school leader will need to coordinate the communication between various individuals. If you are the point person in your school, make sure relevant individuals are informed when there are updates. |
10. Work with other professionals on strategic responses in the program to best support the children and families. |
如果您或员工在支持各个学生和家庭或您的学校社区的支持方面需要更广泛的支持,请参与其他专业人员进行帮助。 |
11. Follow up with staff to ensure support plans are implemented appropriately, and if needed, additional documentation is complete. |
学校领导人应与正在实施支持计划的员工办理服务员工,以确保其按预期进行,如果需要额外的支持。此外,记录支持计划的有效性。行为是否再次发生?如果是这样,多久一次?在哪里?员工如何回应? |
12.审查学校的预防计划整体,以确保所有员工都知道如何实施适当的预防技术。 |
工作人员可能会受益于预防技术的复述培训,新员工可能需要更多关于性发展和行为的指导。 |
13. Work with a specialist for guidance on when law enforcement, child protective services, or other agencies should be involved. |
If you are unsure if you should contact child protective services or law enforcement, engage another specialist for guidance. |