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    • 知道如何应对性行为挑战。
    • 审查如何与关于性行为挑战的员工和家庭沟通的例子。
    • Understand the importance of respecting the privacy of students with sexual behavior challenges.



    就像您为以一致性的学生提供支持时,它对成年人的例程和期望也有助于具有一致性。当您观察性行为时,您的直接行动要回应在此刻should be the same whether you recognize the behavior to be normative or severe or you are unsure. You first learned the Responding to Sexual Behavior steps in Lesson Two, and you can review these steps again here.


    1. 暂停
      • 保持冷静
      • Collect your thoughts
    2. Redirect
      • 改变例程或环境
      • Suggest other activities
    3. Listen
      • 找出信息
      • 从学生的观点看
      • 传达期望和规则
      • 加强适当的行为

    反应性行为after the Fact

    1. 反映
      • 考虑所有已知信息
      • 确定行为的类型
    2. 准备
      • 知道how to respond in the moment:pause,redirect,listen, and将来
    3. 交流
      • 与教学团队沟通
      • 确定与家庭的沟通

    Sexual Behavior Challenge Case Study


    水晶观察Makayla(8年)和卡梅伦(11years), two students in the same school having an argument at recess about whose turn it is to use the tire swing. Makayla insists that another staff member told her she could have a turn next, and Cameron yells, “Ms. Crystal said I could have a turn!” Makayla ignores Cameron and moves forward with sitting on the tire swing. Cameron tells Makayla she is going to “get it on the bus tomorrow.” Cameron further threatens Makayla using sexually explicit language to describe how he is going to make her perform sex acts. As he is speaking, Cameron forcefully puts his hand down Makayla’ pants and touches her genital area. Makayla runs toward Crystal and is very upset.

    反应性行为Challenges: In the Moment

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    暂停-Crystal feels very angry toward Cameron and recognizes she needs to quickly intervene. She immediately calls to have an additional staff member help with supervision and also requests that a member of the leadership team assist. Sheila, the school administrator, will soon be able to help. This is not the first time there has been an incident of Cameron threatening other students. However, staff have never observed him to use inappropriate sexual touch. Staff are already providing targeted support (Tier 2) for Cameron because he has repeatedly had challenges with handling typical, peer conflicts that occur in school-age students.

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    重定向 -水晶平静地重定向,“卡梅隆,坐在这里等等”,因为她为他等待附近的手势。当额外的工作人员,乔希到来时,水晶要求他密切监督卡梅伦,同时她与Makayla私下讲话。水晶要求乔希让Sheila知道他们在哪里,请加入。


    Listen (Makayla) –Once they are in a private area, Crystal checks in with Makayla, “Are you OK?” Makayla begins to cry as she explains that Cameron is always, “Cutting in line for the swing and doesn’t let anyone else have a turn. He is a bully!” Crystal tries to comfort Makayla. Crystal knows she needs to address the explicit language and inappropriate touching to make sure she knows exactly what happened, per Makayla’s account. Crystal waits for Sheila to arrive before asking Makayla open-ended questions about the incident. When Sheila joins, Crystal explains to Makayla, “When things like this happen we have to have two grown-ups available, so Ms. Sheila is going to sit with us while we talk.” Crystal asks Makayla, “Can you tell me exactly what happened to cause you to be so upset?” Makayla used her own words to describe the incident, and Sheila makes sure to carefully document. Both know they must have detailed documentation, including staff observations and those of the students involved.


    教(Makayla) -一旦Makayla平静下来,水晶保证Makayla,没有人应该受到威胁,欺负或不恰当地触及。她赞扬Makayla去参加工作人员,而不是用卡梅伦争论或成为对抗。Makayla仍然非常沮丧,并希望看到她的妈妈。水晶建议他们看看Toni女士是否是Makayla喜欢的另一位老师,可以让Makayla与她在操场上坐在场。Makayla很讨人喜欢。Crystal股与Toni认为Makayla发生令人沮丧的事件,并希望与她感到靠近的人在一起。她小心翼翼地继续控制她的情绪,而不是详细讲述其他学生的情况。


    听(卡梅伦) -Crystal requests that Josh stay so she, Sheila, and Cameron can speak in private. Crystal explains to Cameron that another grown-up must be present and write some things down when there is a serious conflict with students at school. Crystal uses open-ended questions to understand why Cameron engaged in this behavior. “Can you tell me what happened?” Cameron is upset but withdrawn, gesturing that he doesn’t know. Crystal keeps her cool, trying to minimize the anger she feels inside. She tells Cameron, “You are a good person, and I know you care about other people. How do you think Makayla felt when you threatened her and touched her private parts?” Cameron acknowledges that he made Makayla feel “sad” and “scared.” Cameron says, “I get so mad over stupid stuff,” as tears roll down his face.


    教(Cameron) -水晶她最好舒适的卡梅伦。她平静地谈到了威胁如何威胁任何一种暴力或性行为是一种欺凌或骚扰的形式,学生永远不会触及另一个人的私人部分。她与卡梅伦分享,如果他感到不确定他可以做些什么,如果他不同意某人或者他会失去对他的愤怒,他应该立即来到她或另一所学校的工作人员。通常,水晶鼓励学生互相谈判冲突,但她认识到卡梅伦没有技能来做这件事。卡梅伦仍然不安,晶体认识到他需要直接监督。Sheila安排确保Cameron具有一对一的监督。


    Sheila确保Makayla和Cameron都有直接的监督和支持。Crystal和Sheila去了一个私人地区来完成Responding after the Fact脚步。

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    反映-Crystal shares with Sheila her account of what happened. They make sure they are in agreement about what has been documented. They work through theSexual Development Definition and Factors讲义和Sexual Behavior Flow Chart一起。您可以在学习附件中看到已完成的表格,这也为您提供有关Cameron及其家人的更多信息。Sheila和Crystal确定Cameron的行为是非规范性的,因为:

    • 卡梅伦使用了先进的性知识,并有力地触及了另一个学生的私人部分。
    • 卡梅隆的威胁行为的模式has not improved with targeted support and redirection.
    • Overall behavior is interfering with his ability to have peer relations.
    • 该事件发生了2年或更高年龄差距的学生。
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    • Sheila will call Makayla’s parent and inform them of the incident, what staff did to support Makayla, the school’s plan to provide additional supervision for the other student, and share information about specialized support they can utilize if Makayla needs it. Sheila will follow-up with them in one week and encourage the family to come to her if they need help with anything sooner.
    • Sheila将打电话给Cameron的父母并告知他们事件,支持Cameron的工作人员,计划额外监督Cameron,并建议下一步。Vanessa和Chris,Cameron的父母,意识到该计划一直在实施针对Cameron对同行困难的目标支持。Sheila将告知他们,当支持不成功或学生升级其行为时,最好的学生有更强化的干预。她将沟通,教师需要一个专业的专业知识,以最好地支持卡梅伦的学习和发展,并提供协调这一帮助。yabo电子游艺
    • 在学校开始之前,Sheila将与其他教育工作者或与Cameron密切合作的工作人员分享事件。她将突出Crystal的回复,所以工作人员知道如果这发生了什么。此外,Sheila将明确哪些工作人员负责阴影Cameron,直到他们获得专业专业的指导,以获得强化干预。此外,Sheila将加强机密性的问题以及使用适当语言来了解Cameron的行为以及Makayla经验的重要性(例如,“Cameron展示了性行为挑战,”Makayla参与了另一个学生的性行为挑战。“
    • With Sheila’s support, Crystal will share the new procedures for the tire swing with the school staff and the plan to do a refresher for all the students on respect, safe touching, and bullying.



    尊重学生的隐私with Sexual Behavior Challenges





    • 仅与直接关心具有性行为挑战的学生的教育工作者或工作人员沟通和分享支持计划细节。例如,如果您在K-12课堂中作为教师工作,您不应该讨论与不负责任的同事的学生的行为计划,IEP或医疗信息。
    • Only discuss details about student’s sexual behavior in private, not in front of students or other families.
    • When a sexual behavior challenge involves another student, you must keep information about others confidential. For example, when Sheila speaks with Makayla’s parent she will state that “another student” threatened and inappropriately touched Makayla. Though you cannot control what information students share with their families, it is important that you uphold confidential practices.
    • Make sure families and staff know who the point person is for communication, should there be questions from families of students involved, or from other families in the program. This will likely be the school administrator.
    • 如果家庭与您在家庭环境中与学生的性发展和行为有关的关切或问题,请确保您没有与其他工作人员讨论细节,除非他们需要了解信息直接照顾学生。



    Practice is key to achieving mastery of a new skill. You may have limited opportunities to practice responding to sexual behavior, but the steps to respond can be applied to other parts of your work with students. Complete the周到的回应activity here, and reflect on your ideas with a colleague.


    学期 描述
    targeted support Second tier of the Pyramid Model, a systematic approach to teaching social skills to have a remedial or preventive effect










    Bancroft, J. (Eds.). (2003).童年的性发展。Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

    Chaffin, M., Berliner, L., Block, R., Cavanaugh Johnson, T., Friedrich, W., Garza Louis, D., Lyon, T. D., Page, J. Prescott, D. Silovsky, J. F., Madden, C. (2006).Report on the task force on children with sexual behavior problems.从治疗性滥用者协会的调查结果。从...获得

    Friedrich, W. N., Fisher, J., Broughton, D., Houston, M., Shafran, C. R. (1998). Normative sexual behavior in children: A contemporary sample.儿科,101(4),E9-E9。

    Friedrich,W. N.,Fisher,J.L.,Dittner,C. A.,Acton,R.,Berliner,L.,Butler,J.等人。(2001)。儿童性行为库存:规范性,精神病和性虐待比较。虐待儿童,6(1),37-49。

    Kellog, N. D., Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect. (2009). Clinical report: The evaluation of sexual behaviors in children.儿科(124)3,992-8。

    Lucier-Greer, M., Nichols, L. R., Peterson, C., Burke, B., Quichocho, D. & O’Neal, C.W. (2018). A brief guide to understanding and responding to normative and problematic sexual behaviors among children. Auburn, AL: Military REACH.


    全国儿童创伤压力网络和国家性行为中的青年中心。(2009)。Understanding and coping with sexual behavior problems in children. Retrieved from


    Swisher, L. M., Silovsky, J. F., Stuart, R. H., Pierce, K. (2008). Children with sexual behavior problems.少年和家庭法院杂志,59(4),49-69。