
    • 反思你个人的信仰和文化观,对性发展和行为的看法。
    • 定义性发展和行为的关键术语。
    • Understand critical factors to consider when analyzing sexual behavior.





    Children and adolescents develop in many ways, and you play an important role in your students’ development. In the school environment, you are especially concerned with development that contributes to cultivating a successful student. Sexual development is like any other area of human development, and you should feel confident in your ability to promote healthy sexual development in students.

    When you think of sexual development in students, what comes to mind? Maybe you feel somewhat uncomfortable talking about anything related to sexuality and sexual behavior, or perhaps you think about sexual abuse. Others may think about specific incidents they’ve encountered in their work in schools. There is no right or wrong answer. It’s important, however, to acknowledge that your experience, knowledge, and culture influence how you feel. Take a moment to reflect on the following questions:

    • 我有什么机会了解性发展?
    • Was sexual development discussed in my family? In my school?
    • How confident am I in my knowledge about sexual development?
    • How comfortable am I discussing sexual development and behavior with students? With families and colleagues?

    Many adults, including seasoned educators, have had little or no formal education or professional development on child and adolescent sexual development. This topic may feel inappropriate to talk about because it is often left out of broader discussions on student education and well-being or only discussed from an abuse and prevention perspective.

    Because it is not commonly discussed, sexual behavior is often viewed as a problem rather than a normal part of development. Families’ and educators’ lack of opportunities to learn and ask questions about sexual behavior creates stigma—a lack of respect that may cause shame.

    To expand your thinking and ease any discomfort you may feel about the topic of sexual development and behavior, you must be able to define it. The following definition will help you understand what this area of development includes and help you view sexual development like other areas of human development.

    “Sexual development includes not only the physical changes that occur as children grow, but also the sexual knowledge and beliefs they come to learn and the behaviors they show.” (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2009)


    Continue to think about all of the areas included in the definition—physical changes, knowledge and beliefs, and behaviors—as you learn more and as you observe the students in your school.


    If you think about sexual behavior along a continuum, there are three broad types: normative, cautionary, and problematic. These terms are used throughout this course to guide your thinking and support response to student sexual behaviors. Review each description in the table below. While these descriptions provide guidelines, know that the lines between each type are not exact or easy to define.


    Normative "Common"
    • 不常见和随机
    • Developmentally typical
    • 轻松重定向
    • No harm to self or others
    • Usually occurs between youth close in age or development who spend time together
    • May be random or planned
    • Developmentally typical but more preoccupation than is typical
    • May not always be redirected
    • 可能会对其他人造成一定的破坏
    Problematic "Uncommon"
    • 在tentional and repeated pattern
    • Advanced for development
    • Difficult to redirect; continues after clear redirection; met with anger or strong emotions
    • 经常对他人破坏
    • Forced harm to others; use of manipulation
    • 在terferes with normal interests, activities, and development
    • May be a large age or developmental gap between youth (2+ years)


    Culture & Family Norms:

    不同意见是群体内不同经验和观点的结果。有些家庭在教孩子们生殖器的单词时,会使用特定于儿童的语言。你可能听过家庭说“尿尿”是指阴茎或外阴;这是一个儿童特定单词的常见示例。其他家长和许多专家认为,孩子们学习正确的术语对于身体所有部位都很重要。如果你不习惯这样做,听年轻学生用“乳房”或“阴囊”等词汇,可能会让你措手不及,语言是家庭规范和文化影响孩子行为、了解身体和性发展的一种方式。请参阅文件,Sexual Development and Behavior Terminology, in the Learn section for a list of anatomically correct words and definitions. When thinking about a family’s culture and norms, also consider other factors they have experienced such as trauma, deployment, and their formal and informal supports.


    在青春期间,所有的行为,包括性behavior, is influenced by development. There may be differences between a student’s chronological age and their developmental abilities. A student who is chronologically 8-years-old but has cognitive and social-emotional skills similar to a 4-year-old may not feel shyness or modesty about others seeing their body. If this student frequently walks out of the bathroom with their lower body exposed, you would view this behavior with the understanding that the child’s social-awareness and self-awareness are less like that of an 8-year-old and more like that of a younger child. For this specific student, this may be a normative behavior. If the same behavior were observed in a developmentally typical 8-year-old, however, the behavior would likely be viewed differently.


    当你观察性行为的学生ill want to consider the function or reason for the behavior. Think about why the student may have engaged in the behavior and how it benefits them, or what they get out of it. The same behavior in two different students can have different functions. For example, the function of the behavior for a student who creates a sexually explicit drawing following a trauma is different from a student who draws sexually explicit images on another student’s folder to get a reaction from them. Also, think about the cognitive and social-emotional development of students to analyze whether behaviors are reactions to the environment or more planned out occurrences. Even when sexual behaviors appear to be more planned out and intentional, many students, even those in high school, do not fully understand the implications and why they engage in such sexual behavior.


    For most young children, normative sexual behaviors are usually random and infrequent, motivated by curiosity and play. In later developmental stages it’s expected that the frequency or participation in sexual behaviors will increase due to the physiological changes that characterize those years; although, they are less likely to occur in public. Knowing how many times a behavior occurs over a period of time and whether the student limits other activities due to more interest than is typical for sexual behavior will help you think about frequency and participation in the context of individual student’s development.

    For example, a 14-year-old student masturbating in private a few times per week is normative sexual behavior because it aligns with their current developmental stage and does not interfere with involvement or participation in other activities. But a 14-year-old student that leaves class several times daily to masturbate in the bathroom may be exhibiting a different type of behavior on the continuum. While there is no definitive line, consider the context of the behavior and how it may influence participation in other activities to help guide your thinking.




    Think about how sexual behaviors impact others when responding to and creating action plans. A 16-year-old who watches sexually explicit videos on their phone with two close friends has a different effect on others than if the same individual sent a sexually explicit video and images to everyone in his school on social media.Who受影响且hoW其他个人受到学生的性行为的影响,有助于您确定如何支持。考虑参与是否(a)使用互动或武力或操纵,(b)受影响的学生是否恼火,干扰或受到伤害,(c)青年的年龄,规模和发育差异。

    Ease of Redirection:

    Behavior that is common and typical is easily redirected, meaning that students stop unwanted behavior with developmentally fitting guidance and expectations. This is also true for normative sexual behavior. For example, two 6-year-old students are playing a game of “doctor” or “nurse” and are touching each other’s bodies during recess. Rather than asking them to “stop,” you can redirect them by suggesting more appropriate activities such as taking turns pushing each other on the swings. This provides these students guidance on acceptable touch and play while still fulfilling their need to be physically active. Students with sexual behavior that is outside of normative are less responsive to redirection and may express strong emotions such as anger when redirected.

    For adolescents, kissing or hugging is considered a normative sexual behavior and can be redirected. For example, on the way to your classroom you notice two 17-year-old students kissing in the hallway. You remind them that they’re at school and discuss appropriate touch in school settings, such as holding hands instead.




    Listen as school professionals discuss the importance of being aware of your beliefs on students’ sexual development and behavior and how sexual development is a part of human development. What factors or experiences from your childhood and adolescence influence how you think of sexual development as an adult?

    An Introduction




    • 许多儿童在同伴环境中表现出性行为(Phips Yonas等人,1993)。
    • Most children will engage in sexual behavior at some point during childhood (Kellogg, 2009).
    • 谨慎和有问题的性行为的儿童并不总是被滥用(Freidrich,2001)。
    • Using developmentally appropriate information to educate youth about sex does not encourage advanced sexual behavior (Lindberg & Maddow-Zimet, 2012).
    • 具有性行为问题的儿童不是成人性犯罪者的年轻版本(Chaffin等,2006)。
    • Most children who receive treatment for sexual behavior do not continue the behavior into adolescence or adulthood (Silovsky, Swisher, Widdifield, & Burris, 2012).
    • 大约27%的青少年已经收到了“SEXT”,或分享性明确的图像,视频或消息,以及他们已经发出了SEXT的青少年报告的14%(Madigan,Ly,Rash,Van Ouytsel,&Temple,2018年)。
    • 在2017 approximately 39.5 percent of high school students report that they have had sexual intercourse (CDC, 2017).



    Choose at least oneCase Study在中小学以下完成协调活动,加深对性发展和行为的认识。与学校领导团队成员分享您的答复。这项活动旨在帮助你思考性发展的所有部分以及影响性行为的因素。您将有机会在以后的课程中重新讨论这些案例研究,以集思广益行动步骤。



    Now that you have learned the definition, key terms, and factors to consider for sexual development and behavior, complete the我对性发展的认识与信念activity to further reflect on what you know and feel.


    Term Description
    年代 从出生日期测量的人的年龄
    deployment To move military personnel from a home installation or base to an assigned duty
    formal support Help from an organization or professional who is trained to provide a service
    genitalia Organs of the reproductive system, especially the external organs
    非正式支助 通过家人和朋友的帮助,他们没有被支付为工作或专业的一部分
    逻辑推理 能够连接两个或多个想法并思考未来后果
    self-stimulation Touching and arousing one’s genitals for pleasure; also referred to as masturbation
    sexual behavior challenges Children ages 12 and younger who initiate behaviors involving sexual body parts (i.e. genitals, anus, buttocks, or breasts) that are developmentally inappropriate or potentially harmful to themselves or others
    柱头 A strong lack of respect for a person or a group of people or a bad opinion of them because they have done something society does not approve of




    What is the National Child Traumatic Stress Network’s definition of sexual development:


    True or false? It is easy to determine if a child’s sexual behavior is normative, cautionary, or problematic because these categories of sexual behavior are clear cut and distinct



    References & Resources:

    Bancroft, J. (Eds.). (2003). Sexual development in childhood. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). Youth risk behavior survey: Data summary & trends report 2007–2017. Retrieved fromhttps://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/index.htm.

    查芬,M.,贝林纳,L.,街区,R,卡瓦纳约翰逊,T.,弗里德里希,W,Garza Louis,D。Silovsky,J。F(2006).性行为问题儿童问题工作队报告。Findings from the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. Retrieved fromhttps://www.atsa.com/pdfs/Report-TFCSBP.pdf

    Counterman, L. & Kirkwood, D. (2013). Understanding healthy sexuality and development in young children.Voices of Practitioners (8)2,1-13.

    Friedrich, W. N., Fisher, J. L., Dittner, C. A., Acton, R., Berliner, L., Butler, J., et al. (2001). Child sexual behavior inventory: Normative, psychiatric, and sexual abuse comparisons.儿童虐待,6(1), 37–49.

    凯洛格,N.D.,虐待和忽视委员会。(2009)。临床报告:儿童性行为评估。Pediatrics (124)3,992-8。

    林德伯格,L.D.&MaddowZimet,I(2012). 性教育对青少年和青少年性行为和结果的影响。Journal of Adolescent Health. 51(4), 332-338.

    Lucier-Greer, M., Nichols, L. R., Peterson, C., Burke, B., Quichocho, D. & O’Neal, C.W. (2018). A Brief Guide to Understanding and Responding to Normative and Problematic Sexual Behaviors Among Children. Auburn, AL: Military REACH.

    Madigan, S., Ly, A., Rash, C.L., Van Ouytsel, J., & Temple, J.R. (2018). Prevalence of Multiple Forms of Sexting Behavior Among Youth: A systemic review and meta-analysis. JAMA pediatrics, 172(4), 327-335.

    The National Child Traumatic Stress Network & National Center on Sexual Behavior of Youth. (2009). Sexual Development and Behavior in Children—Information for Parents and Caregivers.

    Phipps-Yonas, S., Yonas, A., Turner. M., Kamper, M. (1993). Sexuality in Early Childhood: the observations and opinions of family daycare providers. CURA Reporter. (23) 1-5.

    Silovsky,J.F.,Swisher,L.M.,Widdifield,J.,&Burris,L.(2012)。当孩子有问题的性行为时,临床考虑因素。在Handbook of Child Sexual Abuse, pp. 399-428.