As a Training & Curriculum Specialistor Coach,您是您的节目社区的领导者,当有关于性发展和行为有疑问时,员工和家庭将转向您的指导。您应该有足够的知识来提供准确的信息,以非贫旧和文化反应的方式教练其他信息,以及模型最佳实践。传统上,儿童的性发展和行为在教育者或儿童发展培训中受到了很少的关注。在本课程中,您将学习如何应对不同的员工信仰,支持员工在回应性行为时,并开发在多学科团队中工作的方式。本课程还为提供了对性发展和行为方案专业发展的方式提供了建议。
- 确定回应工作人员对性发展的多样性信念的方法。
- Explore how to support direct care professionals’ responses to children’s sexual behavior.
- Demonstrate how to support a whole program in implementing best practice.
As you learned in Lesson One, most child care professionals, even those with many years of experience and advanced education, have had little or no professional development or formal education on sexual development and behavior. Due to a lack of opportunity to learn about this topic, program staff may need more extensive support.
Perhaps you have observed how the lack of opportunity to learn affects staff members’ beliefs and how they view their role in supporting sexual development. You may have heard staff make the following comments:
虽然这些感受可能是常见的,但工作人员很了解他们的主要角色是让孩子安全,并支持他们的学习和发展,包括性发展。yabo电子游艺当您讨论员工对性发展的感受和信仰时,在此期间我的知识和信仰of Childhood Sexual Developmentactivity inLesson One,重要的是要承认员工feelings while emphasizing that they play an important role in teaching children about boundaries and appropriate touch and in responding appropriately to sexual behaviors when they occur. For example, you may acknowledge that a staff member might feel uncomfortable or unqualified to discuss sexual development and behavior with children and youth while also explaining the many ways that they can promote healthy sexual development in the program by using appropriate vocabulary, teaching what is “safe” versus “unsafe” touch, teaching children about boundaries (physical and verbal), and pointing out others cues and responses to touch. If you encounter beliefs from program staff similar to those mentioned above, you can do the following:
When staff members indicate that they feel uncomfortable with children’s sexual behavior, or seem overwhelmed when asked to use specific strategies, acknowledge their feelings. Staff members may ignore sexual behavior or become angry when asked to provide support to children when they are not sure what they should do or feel uncomfortable.
教练: “You seem unsure of what to do when school-age children make jokes of a sexual nature. What can I do to support you?”
Show the staff member you relate to how they feel by sharing about a time when you felt uncomfortable with a work responsibility or task. You could talk about what you felt before you formally learned about sexual development and behavior. Let them know you recognize that stepping outside of one’s comfort zone can be difficult.
教练: “Supporting sexual behavior is sometimes uncomfortable for me, too. I’m a very private person who doesn’t usually discuss things like this. But I also know that this is an important part of children’s development that I can’t ignore.”
Take action
而重要的是,工作人员opportunity to speak with someone about the challenges in their work, coaches will want to take action to evolve thinking and behavior. Collaborate with staff by asking them to develop an action step. For example, they could complete a lesson or observe another staff member implement a strategy, but make sure they have input in deciding on the action step.
教练: “I’m hearing you say you disagree that you should model asking for permission to touch children. Tell me more about this and what we can do to help you feel more comfortable in doing so.”
Remember that several factors affect children and youth’s sexual development and behavior:
- Culture and family norms
- Development
- Function of the Behavior
- 频率和参与
- 环境
- Effect on others
- Response to redirection
虽然您将考虑所有这些因素,但在分析儿童的发展和性行为功能时,直接护理人员可能需要最多的帮助。当员工完成时,您可能需要成为流程的一部分性行为反射工具,Sexual Development Definition and Factors,和other forms. Even when a more seasoned teaching team completes these forms without you, you should review their documentation to ensure best practice.
Typical or age-appropriate behavior, especially during the early childhood years, is variable. As more children with disabilities or delays are cared for in inclusive programs, it is valuable to think about development based on children’s individual abilities rather than chronological age or program placement. This can be difficult for direct care staff, particularly when they identify strongly as a caregiver for a specific age group. For example, a caregiver may say: “I’m a school-age staff member, and school-age children should know to cover their private parts.” While this statement is generally true, this staff member may care for a 7-year-old child who is developmentally similar to a 4-year-old.
When staff members encounter sexual behavior, help them think about development by asking them the following questions:
- 发生了什么行为?
- 我们想要发生什么?
- What can the child do?
Kari walks out of the bathroom with her private parts exposed.
Kari will pull her pants up before leaving the bathroom.
What can the child do?
- Recognize when it is time to go to the bathroom
- Can independently pull down pants and underwear but can’t yet pull up
- 需要帮助服装紧固件
- 尚未感受到暴露私处的抨击
- Learning about public versus private
A developmental frame helps staff determine ways they can support the strategy, “What do we want to happen” with Kari. Staff may decide to give her a reminder cue before she enters the bathroom like, “tell me if you need help pulling up your pants.” A staff member will stay near the bathroom so they can hear if Kari requests help. They can also teach her what private means by explaining, “Our private parts stay covered in the classroom” or “Pants get pulled up before we leave the bathroom.”
Function of the Behavior
All behavior occurs for a reason or has some function and determining the function of sexual behaviors requires careful thought about children’s cognitive abilities. You may need to coach direct care staff when trying to determine this. Some children may be able to tell you why they engaged in a behavior, “I did it to be funny.” But many children, especially children preschool-age and younger, will not understand why they engage in sexual behaviors or unsafe touch. In these instances, you need to think carefully about the child’s environment and development to determine if the intention behind the behavior is a reaction or a more thought-out occurrence.
A reaction to the environment is a response to what a child experiences. The child was not thinking about what they were going to do beforehand. Instead, they reacted to their environment. A planned occurrence involves thinking about what one will do ahead of time and the effect that action will have on others. This requires advanced cognitive skills including logical reasoning, self-awareness, and social awareness.第五课of the VLS Focused Topic course,Supporting Children with Challenging Behaviors提供有关行为函数的其他信息。
支持直接护理人员with Follow-up Questions
In this example, a school-age team hears about a sexual behavior involving Neil, a 9-year-old child with autism. Other children report that when Neil is in the bathroom, he will walk up to them while they are using the urinal and attempt to look at their genitals. After hearing of this behavior, the team completed the性行为反射工具以下。使用Toggle功能阅读Ashley,培训和课程专家的后续问题询问教学团队。
Ashley's follow-up questions for the team help them decide that although Neil’s sexual behavior is inappropriate for 9-year-olds, it is not unexpected given Neil’s development. They develop a plan to make a picture schedule for Neil’s bathroom routine. Also, Neil is to have direct supervision while in the bathroom. Ashley and the team plan to implement this prevention plan for two weeks before reassessing the behavior. The coach will communicate the plan to Neil’s family, in addition to calling the families of the two children who reported the incident. She will confidentially share what was reported and that the program has a prevention plan in place to address the behavior. If there are still concerns after two weeks, program leadership will consult withPUBLICa specialist。You may wonder why Ashley or the program administrator chose to wait to contactPUBLICa specialist。计划领导层评估了尼尔的行为与他的发展能力一致;因此,他们有信心决定这种性行为对于尼尔规范规范,并且可以轻松地使用普遍和有针对性的策略(监督和图片计划)。
It is helpful to have a baseline for the knowledge and comfort level of program staff regarding sexual development and behavior. You can collect data to assess this by asking staff to complete the我的知识和信仰self-assessment tool in theApply section of Lesson One。这是衡量个别员工和整个程序的一种方法。如果您发现您的大多数计划人员报告了有限的性发展和行为知识,或者对与您的方案管理员合作的这一话题会对职业发展机会进行合作。您和程序管理员可以通过以下方式支持方案范围的学习:yabo电子游艺
- Lead a presentation or discussion to orient staff to sexual development.
- Invite a specialist with expertise in this area to give staff a presentation.
- 设定一个内部目标,如“在日历年结束时,所有领导工作人员都将在儿童和青年专注的主题课程中完成性发展和行为。”yabo11vip
- 提供小组案例研究机会。例如,您可以使用诸如此之类的工具领导小组讨论和练习性行为反射工具和性行为:定义和因素工作表。
Normalize Communicating About Sexual Development
教练: “I’ve noticed that Lola asks a lot of questions about where babies come from, and I do my best to provide developmentally appropriate responses. She recently asked, “Do mommies poop out the babies?” I let Lola know that when babies are born, they come out through the mother’s private parts or a doctor uses special tools to help the mother birth the baby another way. These kinds of questions are very typical for children this age and show that Lola is learning about how the body works and the human life cycle. What questions do you have?”
教练: “I’ve observed Demarcus talking about his genitals in the bathroom, a very typical behavior. He uses the term, “pee pee” and I model the word “penis” for him when he brings up the topic. I teach children the correct names for all body parts, including private parts, because it educates them about their bodies. Also, this is a strategy that experts recommend to prevent sexual abuse. If a child says, for example, that someone touched their “pee pee,” it can be unclear what that means. But if a child says that someone touched their penis, it is very clear what happened. What questions or thoughts do you have about this?”
As discussed in Lesson Six, families with children with sexual behavior challenges may have additional life stressors as a result of their child’s needs. Review the specific ways program leadership can support families:
- For children who attend intervention appointments in the middle of the day, offer to help the staff and family by getting the child ready to leave. The family member can then quickly pick up their child. This is especially helpful for family members who take time off work for appointments.
- Keep all paperwork you receive for the child, such as support plans or evaluation reports, organized and readily available. If a family misplaces their documents, offer to make a copy for them.
- If a child leaves your program to attend intensive treatment for sexual behavior challenges, you or your program administrator can reach out to the family via a phone call to let them know you are thinking of them. Be available to listen if they would like to share updates, but it’s OK if the conversation ends with you sharing your thoughtful message.
- It is not uncommon for children with sexual behavior challenges to also display normative sexual behaviors. When children and youth have sexual behavior challenges, work withPUBLICa specialist为了传达所观察到的行为范围,所以家庭明白一些性行为是典型的。这可以帮助有性行为的儿童的家庭挑战挑战感到不那么耻辱,了解有关性发展的更多信息。
HowPUBLICMultidisciplinary Teams SupportChildren with Sexual Behavior Challenges
直接护理人员将有方案领导的支持,PUBLICa specialist而且家庭在为具有性行为挑战的儿童实施支持计划时。虽然团队方法是最好的,但重要的是每个参与者都有明确定义的角色。查看下面的示例以查看程序如何选择指定特定职责。
- Complete evaluation and create support plan for child care programs.
- Recommend and coordinate external intervention (outside of child care program) with family.
- 协调会议和团队沟通。
- Assist direct care professionals when completing the性行为反射工具和other program tools.
- Review all internal documentation of sexual behaviors.
- Be present when staff member speaks with children or youth after a sexual behavior incident has occurred; ensure documentation procedures are followed.
- Put temporary support plans in place while awaiting recommendations fromPUBLICa specialist。
- 作为联系点PUBLIC专家和有关问题或更新的家庭。
- 担任有关疑问或更新的计划人员的联系点。
- Ensure that support plans and other documents are placed in child’s file.
- Ensure that support plan can be implemented (staffing needs, etc.).
- 模型recommended strategies for direct care staff.
- Observe and provide feedback to direct care staff.
Direct Care Staff
- May work with program leadership or in some cases with teaching team, to complete documentation of sexual behaviors.
- Inform and receive feedback from program leadership on all sexual behavior documentation.
- Carry out support plan recommendations and strategies.
- Bring questions and concerns about support plan implementation and behavior to program leadership.
- 与计划领导层分享来自家庭的相关沟通。
- Continue to communicate with family using best practice.
Jane Silovsky, Ph.D., Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, discusses ways coaches can support staff in promoting healthy sexual development and behavior. As you listen to this video, think about the recommendations made and if you are already doing some of these things. Are there new practices you would like to begin in your work as a coach, trainer, or administrator?
Use the menu at left or the pager below to cycle through
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You Observe:Carmen使用SLANG术语来参考儿童私人部分。 |
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对工作人员表示:Individually discuss with these staff members what you heard them say.
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Take Action
Complete the确定孩子的意图activity to brainstorm whether the described behaviors were reactions or planned occurrences. Reflect on your responses with a colleague.
Counterman, L. & Kirkwood, D. (2013). Understanding health sexuality and development in young children.Voices of Practitioners (8)2,1-13.
Future of Sex Education Initiative. (2012). National sexuality education standards: Core content and skills, K-12 [a special publication of the Journal of School Health].
Hagan,J.F.,Shaw,J.s.,Duncan,P.(EDS)。(2008)。主题8:促进健康的性发展和性行为。在明亮的期货:健康监督婴儿,儿童和青少年的准则(3rded.) (pp.169-176). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network & National Center on Sexual Behavior of Youth. (2009). Sexual development and behavior in children: Information for parents and caregivers. Retrieved from