Case Study - Supervision Plan - Elementary School - Jasmin |
First, revisit the case study below. Then review the specialist or administratively prepared supervision plan. Reflect on how your program would implement this plan and if there are additional support or personnel needs. Discuss your thoughts with a colleague. Jasmin is a kindergarten student and new to the school and classroom. She can speak but does not communicate with others and struggles to follow simple instructions. Jasmin pays little attention to peers and adults and prefers to be alone. Teachers have been trying to learn more about what Jasmin enjoys doing at home, so they can engage her in more activities while at school. Jasmin’s favorite activity is throwing things- toys, cups, and various other objects. The family’s pediatrician told Lauren and Tyler, Jasmin’s parents, that Jasmin “probably has autism” and recommended they have further evaluation by the school psychologist. Lauren and Tyler were angry when this happened, and have said they are going to, “find a new doctor.” The school continues to work with the family, but teachers are finding it increasingly challenging to engage and support Jasmin’s learning. Over the past few months, Jasmin frequently displays concerning sexual behaviors. She will put her hands down her pants and touch her genitals in a self-stimulatory way. The teachers report that this occurs during free choice time, when Jasmin likes to hang out in the bean bag area. The other students notice and some will say things like, “I don’t want to be near nasty Jasmin.” In the bathroom, Jasmin tries to quickly strip off all of her clothes. When the teachers try to help Jasmin get dressed or try to redirect her from touching her genitals, Jasmin becomes agitated and will smack people in the face. Her teachers report that they have tried to redirect the behaviors and are using social stories, but things have not gotten better. Supervision PlanStudent’s Name: JasminStaff Responsible for Supervision Plan:Classroom teacher, related arts teachers, and classroom aide with administrator, social worker, and counselor support Classroom Supervision
Common Area Supervision (cafeteria, playground, auditorium, etc.)
Bathroom Supervision
Bus Supervision
Staff Support for Student LearningStudent to receive additional support on:
Communication Expectations
Additional Notes & Recommendations:Classroom staff will provide standard line-of-sight supervision while Jasmin is in common areas and on the bus (no concerns reported during these times). Line-of-sight supervision is appropriate for most classroom activities, but staff should increase support by shadowing during free choice and less structured times. While shadowing, staff will facilitate Jasmin engaging in other activities that support exploring her interests and focusing on building engaging relationships with staff. Consider removing bean bags, for now. Reinforce safe versus unsafe touch and public versus private using very simple language. Jasmin may benefit from having a choice board for free choice times and a social story for her bathroom routine. Parent Signature / Date: Administrator Signature / Date: Staff Signature / Date: Staff Signature / Date: |