
    • 反思你的经历和看法,以便更好地了解性别膨胀和LGBTQ个人的经历。
    • 定义和描述一些性别膨胀儿童及其家庭的经历,以及与性别和性身份相关的术语。
    • 解释确认、肯定和宣传策略,以加强包容性计划。






    • 在这次经历中你对自己的感觉如何?
    • Did you want to form relationships with these people?
    • 你想从这个人或团体中学到吗?
    • Did you want to come back to this setting?
    • 你是如何处理这些感受的?

    Children and adults who identify as gender-expansive or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer – what we refer to with the acronym LGBTQ—are often pressured by society to hide or be careful when deciding how to express their identity. It is likely that programs serving children and youth have at least one gender-expansive or LGBTQ child or a child with a gender-expansive or LGBTQ family member. The estimates of the size of the adult gender-expansive and LGBTQ population vary, with a common estimate being 10 percent of the population identifying as LGBTQ (AAP, 2016). More recent Gallup surveys show closer to 5 percent. Between 700,000 and 1.4 million adults in the United States identify as transgender specifically (Flores et.al, 2016).

    As you read this course, some of you may be very comfortable with individuals who are gender-expansive or LGBTQ, however, we realize that others may hold strong personal or religious beliefs that it is not okay to be gender-expansive or LGBTQ. This course is designed to make you more knowledgeable about individuals who are gender-expansive or LGBTQ and the practices that allowallchildren and families in your programs to feel safe and worthy. Many of the strategies we present are actually best practices for all children or can be used to ensure that all the populations served within your program are appropriately supported. Regardless of your beliefs, all individuals in your program deserve respect and dignity. You do not need to change your beliefs to treat gender-expansive or LGBTQ children or families in your program with respect. As you’ve learned in other VLS courses, inclusion is about ensuring all children, families, and staff members in your program receive the respect and support they deserve. This course helps you know what it means to treat gender–expansive or LGBTQ children respectfully.





    同性恋——这个术语同样适用于个体识别male and are attracted to other males. Historically, gay has been used to describe anyone who is attracted to someone of the ‘same sex’, but in the spirit if being more inclusive, that is not as common today.

    双性恋或泛性恋- 被一个以上的性别吸引的人。

    变性人- 一个伞术语,适用于其性别身份或性别表达的人们不同于他们出生时的性别;类似的术语是性别膨胀,性别创意,性别变体或性别不合适。最好避免变性术语,这意味着一个人发生在一个人身上,如呼叫纸泛黄而不是黄色的.在dividuals who are transgender may define themselves as male or female (boy or girl), both, or neither.

    奇怪– Everyone on the LGBTQ spectrum. Generationally, younger people often feel more comfortable with this term as older generations may consider it offensive. Some groups feel the umbrella term is one that erases their unique identities, for example as lesbians or gays, though others may embrace and “reclaim” the term as reflective of their experiences and identities as individuals whose sexual identity is something other than heterosexual or “straight.”








    Unlike gender identity, sexual orientation is about romantic or sexual attraction. Sexual orientation, according to the genderbread visual, is therefore placed at the heart, where emotion is said to reside. As outlined in the definitions above and in the期限inology资源在学习部分结束时,人们可以使用各种单词来描述他们的性取向。一些被女性所吸引的女性更喜欢女同性恋,一些更喜欢奇怪,有些人可能更喜欢别的东西。双性恋或胰腺,即使在长期同性关系中,往往不喜欢让其他人指代他们同性恋者女同性恋直的因为它是对其身份的不准确描述。重要的是要使个人与他们在性别身份,性别表达和性取向方面选择他们选择的语言。


    在thinking about language, it is important to note that one aspect of a person’s identity does not supersede, or "override" another. We each belong to multiple groups, or define ourselves in multiple ways (e.g., Hispanic, Christian, sister, mother, teacher, lesbian, republican, etc.). Different elements of human experience create multiple roles and identities. Individuals, and children, have the right to define their own experiences and explain the importance of various parts of their identity. A transgender person may also be a lesbian or a straight person. People of color who are gender-expansive LGBTQ may have different experiences than those who are white.



    Take a moment to consider times in your life when your actions, intentions, or character were misinterpreted.

    • 对你的自我意识和人际关系有什么影响?
    • How were you able to reconcile your own self-concept with the views and definitions others had for you?
    • 您需要在您体验误解的环境中继续有效吗?



    The national suicide rate is at a 30-year high in the United States, having increased over all age groups with the exception of those over 75 (Curtin et. al., 2016). Suicide attempts are between eight and 10 times more common among the gender-expansive and LGBTQ population, with 40 percent of transgender individuals attempting suicide (Haas, et. al. 2014). Caregivers and health care providers who are knowledgeable about gender-expansive and LGBTQ experiences can reduce suicide. When caregivers acknowledge, affirm or advocate (see these strategies below) for gender-expansive or LGBTQ individuals and their experiences they can reduce the risk of suicide. Individuals with support from their families and communities are also significantly less likely to consider suicide.

    Child-development centers, school-age and youth programs, and family child care homes are given the task of providing a nurturing environment that fosters diversity and encourages children to develop a strong sense of self. A nurturing environment with a sensitivity to gender expansive children can benefit all children by providing another layer of respect for diversity.









    The caregiver has the option through acknowledgment to say something like, “I hear that you are really a girl.”

    It is worth noting here that not all boys who wear dresses are gender-expansive or transgender. Sometimes people, especially children, just like to wear a variety of clothes.

    致谢is an easy step to take toward inclusion. Acknowledgment involves the ability to say that you have heard someone’s story and know it is true for them. It is often as simple as restating a person's statement back to them, like the example above demonstrates. Individuals crave acknowledgment of their life experiences. Because children and families from the gender-expansive or LGBTQ population have experienced a lack of acknowledgment of their experiences, they will likely be especially receptive to words and acts of acknowledgement.

    肯定looks slightly different. In this same scenario, a staff member who chooses affirmation, might say, “Of course you can wear the pink Power Ranger costume. Anyone can try on any costumes they want!” Affirmation can offer support to a child or family that needs validation or encouragement. Caregivers who respond to children with affirmation encourage the full expression of their sense of self. In fact, it can be useful to think of creative gender expression in the same way we think of other creative expression in young children—not something to be discouraged or redirected, but rather something to be affirmed.


    宣传需要收集更多的信息。一个advocate might ask what an individual or group needs to feel more supported or combat discrimination. An advocate childcare provider would offer their support and ask for ideas about how to best support gender-expansive or LGBTQ individuals. An advocate staff member might have a safer spaces poster (see below) in their program. They might study about gender-expansive play and decide to provide additional options in the form of play centers or toys. For the child assigned male at birth who wishes to wear the pink Power Ranger costume, a staff member might put the child’s name on a list of "who's next" for that costume to ensure this opportunity happens. The caregiver might ask what it is about the costume the child most likes and whether their dramatic play center needs more varied toys. An advocate childcare provider would say to co-workers and children that it is OK for the child to express their gender in a way that is true for them.

    Many organizations provide additional materials, including Safe (or Safer) Space posters. Seehttps://www.glsen.org/safespacehttp://thesafezoneproject.com/as some examples.









    Take a few moments to think about your own program and reflect on your experiences with children’s interests and identity expression.

    • 在what gender expansive or gender creative ways have children behaved?
    • 其他孩子的反应如何?
    • 你和其他工作人员的反应是什么?
    • Based on what you read in this lesson, what response feels most comfortable to you: acknowledgment, affirmation, or advocacy?
    • 这些反应对儿童的身份和福祉感到什么效果?






    在这节课中,我们向您介绍了不同的方法来回应不同人群的陈述、行为或要求,特别是那些性别膨胀或LGBTQ的个人。如前所述,照顾者给出的回答是为项目中的所有儿童和家庭创造更安全空间的一种方法。讲义承认、肯定、鼓吹例子offers some scenarios to consider. See if you can identify in the scenarios which actions seem like acknowledgment, affirmation, or advocacy. State the reasons why you selected each choice.

    Discuss your responses with a trusted colleague, trainer, coach, or supervisor. Think about which responses felt more comfortable to you. What support would help you respond in one of these ways?



    To understand gender identity and expression within others, it can be helpful to think about one’s own gender identity and expression. Learn more about this topic as you reflect on the results of a short, online assessment.


    期限 Description
    Ally/allies 努力了解性别膨胀和LGBTQ个人经验,与LGBTQ社区的人员合作,倡导性别膨胀和LGBTQ个人及其家庭的平等保护和机会
    双性恋或泛性恋 被吸引到一个以上性别的个人
    同性恋 这一术语适用于认同为男性并被其他男性吸引的个体。历史上,gay被用来形容任何被同性所吸引的人,但在精神上,如果更具包容性,那在今天就不那么常见了
    性别膨胀 Sometimes also called gender-creative or gender non-conforming. Individuals who are exploring gender expressions counter to binary constructs; they may say they are a boy at one time and girl at another time or reject gender labels
    Heterosexual/straight 被异性吸引的人;被男人吸引的女人,被女人吸引的男人
    交叉口 由金伯勒克森1989年创造的术语,强调一个人身份的不同方面如何影响各种经验和压迫不同的个人面孔
    女同性恋 在dividuals who identify as female and are attracted to other females
    奇怪 LGBTQ范围内的每个人。从上一代人的角度来看,年轻人觉得这个词更合适,因为上一代人可能会认为这个词令人反感。一些团体认为“总括”一词抹去了他们的独特身份,例如女同性恋者或同性恋者,尽管其他人可能会接受并“收回”这个词,认为它反映了他们作为异性恋或“异性恋”以外的个人的经历和身份
    变性人 An umbrella term for people whose gender identity or gender expression differs from the sex they were assigned at birth; similar terms are gender-expansive, gender creative, gender variant, or gender nonconforming. Individuals who are transgender may define themselves as male or female (boy or girl), both, or neither




    Which of the following represents how individuals identify their sexual or romantic attraction to other people?





    References & Resources:









    Gender Creative Kids (2017).http://gendercreativekids.ca/about/


    Haas,Ann P;Rodgers,Philip L.和Herman,Jody L.(2014年)。变性人和性别不合成人的自杀企图:全国变性歧视调查结果。威廉姆斯学院。https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/AFSP-Williams-sequence-Report-Final.pdf

    霍夫曼,1月(2016年6月30日)。据估计,美国变性人口翻了一番,达到140万成年人。The New York Times.https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/01/health/transgender-population.html?_r=1

    Movement Advancement Project (2017). An Ally’s Guide to Terminology: Talking about LGBT People & Equality.http://www.lgbtmap.org/file/allys-guide-to-terminology.pdf


    全国青少年性行为研讨会。(2020). 并行会议的PowerPoint演示文稿。俄克拉荷马大学健康科学中心。https://www.ouhsc.edu/nationalsumposisby/Program/Concurrent-Sessions

    牛津英语在线词典(2016年12月)。牛津大学出版社。[根据牛津英语词典,GayNet文摘第5卷第617期inbit.listserv.gaynet位(USENET新闻组)CITES使用LGBT 8月11日1992年8月11日。



    The Trevor Project. (2017).http://www.thetrevorproject.org/pages/facts-about -suicide.


