
    • Name two advantages of good inventory management practices.
    • 确定使用库存流动率应订购库存的频率。
    • 名称与儿童和成人护理食品计划要求的库存管理相关的两种类型的记录。
    • 描述粮食生产记录的不同部分,他们完成每个部分,以及它们应该完成。
    • 联合国derstand how to use a food-buying guide to purchase food.




    一种n Overview of Inventory

    Inventoryrefers to the foods or supplies a facility has in dry or cold storage. Having sufficient inventory on hand to produce weekly menus helps ensure that your center does not run out of an important ingredient or supply needed to serve meals or snacks. But having too much inventory can tie up financial resources, and if it is perishable, can result in a financial loss if the food goes bad before it can be used. For child care centers, the recommended amount of inventory to have on hand is enough for one to two weeks’ worth of meals.

    你应该用多少库存?正确的金额是您需要为您的“客户”生产食物的东西,为未预测的使用,替换或其他无法预料的事件的小垫子。一种par值系统is one type of inventory control: it establishes a maximum quantity of inventory to keep on hand. The par value is the amount needed to fulfill menu requirements for one ordering period, plus a small amount for安全库存或者在可能影响您的计划的任何无法预料的情况下,在发生任何无法预料的情况下,“缓冲区”库存的数量。

    “在下订单时,产品订货单的数量r is the amount needed to bring inventory back to the maximum or par level. If an item is served more than once between delivery periods, such as a favorite fruit or vegetable, you must also consider how much will be used before the order is received.


    inventory turnover raterefers to how quickly inventory is used in a specified period of time. To calculate the inventory turnover rate, you must first know the number of days of inventory on hand. You can either calculate this or go by the standards identified at your facility. See the equations below.


    Number of serving days ÷ days of inventory on hand =周转率


    Check with your supervisor to determine which inventory management system is in place within your program. You may also ask your supervisor how they determine when to order new inventory and what systems are in place to lessen the risk of running out of a food or other product before the next delivery.


    Food Production Records

    食品生产记录s document the types and amounts of food produced for reimbursable meals. Some states have guidelines that require child-nutrition program participants to keep food production records for the meals they produce. These records must show how the meals served contribute to the required food components each day meals are served and how they contribute to meeting the age-appropriate nutrient standards over the weekly menu. Food production records are produced for every meal served each day and must be kept on hand for three years plus the current year, according to the Administrative Handbook for CACFP Centers. Check the regulations for your state to determine if production records are required at your program.

    食品生产记录s, when completed accurately, provide information about which foods and recipes to use and what portions to serve. Staff can also make notes about actual quantities prepared and number of meals served. Thus, they are important tools for planning and controlling food production and can be used to forecast future meal preparation when a similar menu is planned. This, in turn, leads to more accurate meal planning, reducing the chance of over- or under-production and more controlled costs.

    Since food production records capture a variety of different information about meal service, different sections are completed by different food service staff members. As a general rule, the person performing certain job duties related to meal preparation would fill out the corresponding sections of the food production record.

    Staff member & duties

    Food Production Record sections to complete


    菜单planner (e.g., nutrition director, dietitian)—plans the menus, completes the menu planning process

    • Food Item Used & Form
    • Recipe or Product
    • 一种ge/Grade Group
    • 部分尺寸

    Before the menu is distributed to individual facility kitchens

    营养经理(食品服务经理) - 基于食品生产记录的工作人员的工作职责

    • Date of meal service
    • 食品名单
    • 负责人(员工作业)
    • Projected child servings
    • 预计总份额(成人和儿童)

    Before food production (meal service)


    • 一种mount of food used
    • 一种ctual child servings
    • 一种ctual adult servings
    • 一种mount of a la carte servings
    • Leftover food

    During and after food production (meal service)


    一种nnual Inventory

    这Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 226 states that sponsoring programs for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) must demonstrate fiscal accountability for funds received to implement the CACFP. One such way that this is done is through accurate record keeping, including a summary of inventory. The CACFP requires sponsors to conduct an annual physical inventory as part of the fiscal-management process. An年度库存是一项逐项列表,所有未开封的食品和非食物的供应,即设施在财政年度结束时手头。库存以先前购买的食品和非食物供应的形式代表了金钱。本发明的货币价值必须包括在一个财政年度结束和下一个财政年度开始时产生的食物和非食品成本。完成年度库存要求,在每个财政年度结束时,拍摄了所有食品和相关的非食物,如纸商品,如纸商品,这些物品的纸质商品的计数是拍摄的。反过来,这些值成为下一个会计年度的开始库存值。


    BusinessDictionary.com definesprocurement作为获取或购买商品和服务的过程,包括准备和处理订单以及产品或服务的最终收据(交付)和付款。在儿童保育食品服务中,食品和货物可以通过多种方式采购,但两个最常见的是来自批发供应商和零售机构(如杂货店)。通常,使用两种方法。批发供应商允许更好的价格控制,散装订购能力和常规交付窗口。从零售商那样购买杂货店,通常每单位昂贵,需要食品服务人员留下房地以便购买食物。但是,如果必须进行最后一分钟的菜单替换,零售供应商是一个简单而快速的解决方案。


    无论您是批发供应商还是零售供应商订购,所有食品和供应订单都应是菜单驱动的。参与CACFP的CACFP与供应商合同必须遵守联邦法规守则中概述的规定(7 CFR部分226)。在与特定卖方谈判合同之前,请在与特定供应商谈判之前,咨询国家机构或当地资金管理局是一个好主意。


    美国农业部食品和营养服务有几个致力于为CACFP购买食品的资源。这Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programsis available on the USDA website (https://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/food-buying-guide-for-child-nutrition-programs.). Each section of the document can be downloaded separately directly from the website.

    When it comes to determining how much food to order, theFood Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programssuggests some key points to consider. For instance, foods are most often purchased in case lots, which may or may not be exactly the quantity you need for your recipe. Thus, it is recommended to round up when calculating how much food to buy. On the flip side, you should always round down when calculating the creditable component toward meeting a meal-pattern requirement for CACFP.


    • 我需要多少份?
    • Will different serving sizes be used for various age or grade groupings?
    • 我计划的那种食物的规模是什么?
    • In what form will I purchase this food?
    • What serving size does the food provide for meal contribution?
    • Is the listed serving size the same as my planned serving size?
    • How many purchase units of the food will I need to buy?

    Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programsalso has an online calculator you can use to estimate how much food to purchase. Like the print copy, it is organized by meal component and contains several categories within each component. The Food Buying Guide Calculator rounds up to the nearest whole purchase unit or next quarter pound with the information it computes.


    Inventory management begins with the menu. The menu dictates what types and how frequently foods and other items need to be purchased. Cycle menus are an excellent way to manage inventory because they allow for predictability of necessary supplies, which improvesforecasting. Forecasting refers to the ability to make an informed prediction when placing orders, based on previous results. Planning menus ahead of time—including using cycle menus—ordering forecasts are more accurate.


    当您从批发供应商那里收到食物时,请准备好订单摘要。检查每次交付的食物,以防止初始订单摘要,以确保收到您订购的所有内容,价格是正确的。需要时间和温度控制的食物被称为TCS食品。TCS食品应没有离散气味和颜色,并在正确的温度下(41°F [5°C]或冷藏食品更冷,0°F或冷冻食品较冷)。确保冷冻食品以前没有被解冻然后重新排列。对于干货,检查罐的凸起,严重凹痕或带有凹凸边缘的生锈罐。拒绝任何不符合这些标准的食物。



    Good Characteristics

    Reject If


    • TEMP: 41ºF or lower
    • 颜色:鲜红色
    • 纹理:公司and elastic
    • 美国农业部检查
    • 温度:高于41ºF
    • 颜色:棕色或绿色
    • TEXTURE: Slimy, sticky or dry
    • 气味:酸


    • TEMP: 41ºF or lower
    • 颜色:亮粉色
    • 纹理:公司and elastic
    • 美国农业部检查
    • 温度:高于41ºF
    • COLOR: Dark, rancid fat
    • 纹理:粘稠,柔软
    • 气味:酸


    • TEMP: 41ºF or lower
    • COLOR: Light in color
    • 纹理:公司and elastic
    • 美国农业部检查
    • 温度:高于41ºF
    • COLOR: Purple or green
    • 纹理:胶粘在翅膀或关节下
    • 气味:不愉快


    • TEMP: 41ºF or lower
    • 颜色:明亮的红色潮湿的鳃
    • 纹理:公司
    • No odor
    • 温度:高于41ºF
    • Cloudy, red-ringed, sunken eyes
    • Dark, dull red gills
    • Soft dry skin
    • Visible tumors or cysts


    • TEMP: 41ºF or lower
    • Shipped fresh on ice or shucked frozen
    • MUST be alive with closed shells or close when touched
    • 一种ccompanied with identification tags (RETAIN TAGS FOR 90 DAYS)
    • 温度:高于41ºF
    • DEAD (open or broken shells)
    • 没有识别标签
    • 气味:酸

    • TEMP: 45ºF or lower
    • Shipped clean and without cracks
    • Yolks firm, whites cling to yolk
    • 美国农业部检查
    • TEMP: Above 45ºF
    • 肮脏或破碎
    • 没有USDA检查
    • 气味:酸


    • TEMP: 41ºF or lower
    • Grade A and pasteurized
    • Note expiration or sell-by dates
    • 美国农业部检查


    • 没有腐败的迹象
    • No unpleasant odor
    • No wilting
    • No signs of insect infestation

    Frozen Foods

    • 彻底冷冻
    • 包装完好无损
    • Inspect for signs of thawed and refrozen
    • Evidence of thawing:
      • 产品上的冰晶
      • 湿包装
      • 产品着色不正确(例如,肉颜色苍白,顶部浅,底部由于池)

    Canned Foods

    • Properly labeled
    • Seals Intact
    • Color normal
    • 没有针孔,沼泽地,弹簧架
    • 天然肿胀:咖啡,糖浆,糖蜜


    • Properly labeled
    • Intact
    • Color normal
    • No holes, tears, punctures
    • No insect infestation

    一种fter you have received your food order from the vendor, it will need to be put into storage right away to keep temperatures from crossing into the temperature danger zone (41 F to 135 F). Ideally, you will be able to have your deliveries come at a time when you are not busy serving a meal. (It is also a good practice to have simple-to-prepare menus on delivery days.)

    When storing food in the freezer, make sure that air can circulate around the items; do not overstuff the freezer. Defrosting should take place at regular intervals. Store items in such a manner that you can read what each item is. Oldest food should be in the front, with newer foods in the back. This is calledfirst in, first out (FIFO) rotation.FIFO is the recommended rotation method for foodservice. However, there are sometimes instances when FIFO is not followed, such as when a more-recently-ordered food commodity has a closer use-by date.

    Refrigerated foods should be stored in a hierarchical fashion according to cooking temperature, with ready-to-eat (uncooked) foods on the top shelf, foods that get cooked to an internal temperature of 145 F on the next shelf, foods that get cooked to 160 F on the third shelf, and foods that get cooked to 165 F on the bottom shelf. (This is covered in more detail in Lesson Seven.) As with freezer foods, refrigerated foods should be rotated according to FIFO so that the oldest foods get used before newer foods.

    Dry storage areas should be maintained at 50–70 F and be well ventilated. Nonperishable food items need to be stored at least 6 inches from the floor and away from chemicals. Foods should be rotated according to FIFO rotation when possible to do so to ensure maximum quality. Use the following mini-poster from the National Food Safety Management Institute,Storeroom Basics,并将其挂在您的设施的储藏室。



    Inventory Management



    联合国derstanding the process of how to take annual inventory is an important skill for food service workers in child care centers, especially to be in compliance with CACFP regulations. Use theOhio CACFP一种nnual Inventory Requirementspacket below. Review each page with your supervisor. Ask your supervisor to explain the process for taking annual inventory at your facility.



    Child care facilities associated with the Department of Defense use a customized production calculator for their food production record. Below is an example of one of the production calculators for the spring week 2 cycle menu. Download this file to your computer. Then, open the file Completing a Food Production Record and complete the activity. If you have any questions about the information in the production calculator, discuss them with your supervisor.



    How accurate is your facility’s inventory management system? Use the Inventory Turnover Rate Self-Evaluation tool from the National Food Service Management Institute to evaluate inventory at your center. This evaluation is best done in partnership with your supervisor, who can explain the process of inventory management to you. After completing the self-evaluation, determine if any modifications can be made to your facility’s inventory management process to make it more accurate.


    Term 描述
    一种nnual inventory an itemized listing of all unopened food and nonfood supplies that a facility has on hand at the end of the fiscal year
    首先,首先(FIFO)旋转 a type of inventory rotation where the oldest product is used first and the newer product is placed behind it to be used later
    食品生产记录 plan of action that helps food service staff communicate, organize, and plan the tasks necessary to produce the daily menu; these records document the types and amount of food produced for reimbursable meals
    Forecasting the ability to make an informed prediction when placing orders, based on previous results
    Inventory the foods or supplies a facility has in dry or cold storage
    库存周转率 how quickly inventory is used in a specified period of time
    Par value system an inventory management system that establishes a maximum quantity of inventory to keep on hand; the par value is the amount needed to fulfill menu requirements for one ordering period, plus a small amount for safety stock
    采购 the process of obtaining or buying goods and services, including preparation and processing of an order as well as the end receipt (delivery) of the product or service and approval of payment
    安全库存 the amount of “buffer” inventory to have on-hand in the event of any unforeseen circumstances that might affect your program’s food service supplies
    Swellers in canned foods, swellers are those where both ends of the can are bulged and neither end remains flat without applying pressure. When manual pressure is applied, soft swells will yield; but not on hard swells. More information athttps://www.fda.gov/ICECI/Inspections/InspectionGuides/ucm106450.htm




    True or false? Food production records capture information about meal service, and all sections are completed by the same food service staff member.


    When calculating how much of a type of food to purchase, which of the following can you disregard?




    儿童和成人护理食品计划7 CFR部分226(2005)。从...获得https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/7/part-226


    儿童营养研究所。(n.d.) Food Production Records online course

    儿童营养研究所。National Food Service Management Institute (2012). NFSMI Inventory Management and Tracking Reference Guide. Oxford: University of Mississippi.



    Minnesota Department of Health. (n.d.). Retrieved fromhttp://www.health.state.mn.us/

    U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2017). Child and Adult Care Food Program. Retrieved fromhttps://www.fns.usda.gov/cacfp/child-and-adult-care-food-program.