- 回顾社会情绪发展。
- Identify universal caregiving strategies that support social-emotional development and prevent challenging behavior.
- 描述普遍筛查如何补充照顾者和家庭投入。
Examples of questions someone who is self-aware may ask:
- What are my thoughts and feelings?
- 是什么引起了这些想法和感情?
- 我如何才能尊重地表达我的想法和感受?
This is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts and behaviors effectively in different situations. This includes managing stress, controlling impulses, motivating oneself, and setting and working toward achieving personal and academic goals.
Examples of questions someone who has good self-management may ask:
- What different responses can I have to an event?
- 我如何才能对一个事件作出建设性的反应?
Social awareness:
This is the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures, to understand social and ethical norms for behavior, and to recognize family, school and community resources and supports.
- How can I better understand other people’s thoughts and feelings?
- How can I better understand why people feel and think the way they do?
Relationship skills:
Examples of questions someone who has good relationships skills may ask:
- How can I adjust my actions so that my interactions with different people turn out well?
- How can I communicate my expectations to other people?
- How can I communicate with other people to understand and manage their expectations of me?
This is the ability to make constructive and respectful choices about personal behavior and social interactions based on consideration of ethical standards, safety concerns, social norms, the realistic evaluation of consequences of various actions, and the well-being of self and others.
问题是再保险人的例子sponsible decision-maker may ask:
- 我的行为会对我自己和他人产生什么后果?
- 我的选择如何与我的价值观相一致?
- How can I solve problems effectively?
The following universal strategies are specific ways to support developing the CASEL social-emotional competencies in all children. While children who are at risk of or who have challenging behaviors will certainly benefit from caregivers using these strategies, all children need support for social-emotional learning. Think about ways you can purposefully use the following universal strategies during daily routines so that children have frequent opportunities to develop the five CASEL competencies.
Build Competence
Think about learning as a cycle, meaning that you observe children’s abilities and use that information to inform what you do to support them. You build competence, or new skills and knowledge, in children by considering where they are in their learning, their family, and their culture, and tailoring your expectations so that they are successful and so that desired behaviors are reinforced. Ask yourself reflective questions like, “What can the children do now?” and “What can I do so they strengthen and build on these skills?” to help the children in your care build competence.
For example, a child who is just beginning to use gestures to communicate will benefit most from caregivers who use rich but simple language with gestures, such as “Put the toy in the box” while pointing to the box. This practice demonstrates that the caregiver is thinking about what the child can understand, and it shows the child that using gestures is a good way to communicate wants and needs, thereby building the child’s competence in using gestures in addition to their growing language.
护理人员演示self-awarenesswhen they thoughtfully consider whether their actions build competence in children. Building competence creates self-awareness in children because it connects, “What do I want or need?” and “What am I feeling?” with “What can I do to get my needs met?”
Positive Communication
你如何沟通和你交流一样重要。当与孩子和同事一起工作时,想想你发送的非语言和口头信息,以及这些信息如何影响你与他人的关系。当你的沟通以积极和鼓励的方式进行时,它告诉别人,你关心他们,通过他们的挑战和庆祝,并且愿意共同解决问题。积极沟通构建relationship skills帮助儿童学会如何以友好合作的方式迎接成长中所期望的挑战。这与虚拟实验室学校积极指导课程中的信息密切相关。yabo11vip
积极沟通有助于儿童lea建模rn to problem-solve in a prosocial way, and children recognize how actions affect others’ feelings. Positive communication shows children that problems, mistakes, and misunderstanding are a natural part of being with other people, and that we can deal with these issues in ways that strengthen friendships andrelationship skills而不是伤害感情和更多的误解。
学习ing to work with others is an important skill that develops throughout one’s life and promotes社会意识. Through our interactions with others, we learn to problem-solve together, understand others’ emotions, and recognize that we all need support and encouragement to thrive. Expectations for cooperative learning will vary depending on the development of the children. Infants and toddlers grow to be aware of their peers but aren’t likely yet to problem-solve, share ideas, and take turns well. Preschool and school-age children have much more sophisticated社会意识. 他们发明游戏,让别人玩,甚至互相谈判。虽然监控他们的互动是尊重的很重要的,但是冲突可以为你创造一个机会,帮助孩子们一起学习解决问题。学龄儿童了解同龄人的长处和特点,并可能根据他们的具体知识或能力要求个人提供输入。
For example, two school-age children working on math homework while at an after-school program need help and ask a staff member for assistance. The staff member suggests they find out if Nora, one of the oldest children in the program, can help. Nora is viewed as a good “helper” and enjoys being around younger children. The staff member encourages a cooperative learning opportunity for all the children involved and supports the two younger children in recognizing that asking peers for help based on their specific strengths is a way to meet a need or solve a problem.
Self-Reflection and Self-Assessment
Self-reflection and self-assessment are thinking about one’s feeling, thoughts, and actions and how they affect oneself and others. The practices of self-reflection and self-assessment allow for自我管理. Self-management helps you to be a more thoughtful caregiver and helps children build competence, solve problems, and develop relationships. Children and adults who practice self-management are less reactive, meaning that they use self-reflection and their emotions to assess situations and carefully choose to respond or not respond based on how they think it will affect others. This describes the process ofresponsible decision-making.
例如,一个10岁学龄程序has been experiencing difficulty developing friendships. The child often interrupts others, cuts in line, and needs reminders to respect personal space. The other children express annoyance with the child which causes hurt feelings. Rather than directly telling the child what to do so others are more welcoming, a caregiver provides support by acknowledging the child’s feelings and modeling self-reflection. “I’m sorry you aren’t feeling included by others. I know that doesn’t feel good. You can talk to me about why you think you are being left out if you think that will be helpful.” Even if the child chooses to not further engage in the conversation, the caregiver has posed a self-assessment opportunity that may prompt the child to think about their own feelings, the feelings of others, and how actions influence the child’s friendships.
Balanced Opportunities
Children are most engaged in learning when opportunities provide diverse experiences that meet their needs and interests. It’s important to plan a wide range of learning opportunities, but continue to be flexible in your planning and schedules so you are responsive to the children in your care. Consider the following ways to provide balanced opportunities:
Small group vs. whole group vs. independent instruction and learning
Some activities can be enjoyable and enriching for children when they are all together, such as singing a song, going over the morning routine, or participating in a game of Simon Says. Other times it may be best to have smaller groups because, for example, there aren’t enough materials for all the children to participate at once, or you want to target support to children with similar learning needs. Most children benefit from being able to have some independent time so they have a brief break from the hard work that goes into cooperating with others.
Scheduling times when children can choose their activities helps them feel like they are trusted to make responsible decisions and provides opportunities for them to explore their interests. Balancing times when the children can make decisions about their play and activities while making sure you meet your program’s standards is one way to balance child-directed and caregiver-directed activities. Infants and toddlers will spend most of their time in child-directed or free play. As children become older, you can gradually expect them to be successful and engaged with more caregiver-directed activities.
Quiet time vs. talking time
Universal screening
Universal screening is used to assess all the children in your program, such as through a questionnaire that considers what most children can do at a specific age. This is a strategy to ensure early identification of potential learning and developmental concerns. Screening does not confirm that intervention is needed or that a child has a disability. Rather, it informs families and program staff that a child may be on track, or at risk for learning and developmental concerns. You may recommend that families speak with a doctor or specialist if their children’s screening shows a potential delay or concern. Since social-emotional development is foundational to future success and learning in all areas, child care programs should consider screening all children in this area (NAEYC, 2009; Division for Early Childhood, 2007).
In addition to screening tools, your ongoing observation of children’s behavior and development provides valuable data. As a program caregiver, you likely spend a considerable amount of time with the children in your care. Using data from screening tools, caregiver observation, and family input provides a more authentic assessment of children’s behavior and development. While screening tools consider the diversity of children and families, know that there may be reasons an individual child is considered at risk based on culture or family-specific experiences more than development. Think about culture and individual family norms when using data to inform your thinking about children and potential conversations with families.
Reflecting on Relationships
Relationships develop at different paces and some take more effort than others. You will quickly form bonds with some of your coworkers and the children in your care, while other relationships may be more challenging and take time to grow. Some children, especially those with challenging behavior, may be more difficult to emotionally connect with. You may feel afraid to admit this to yourself and to others. Know that this is a normal feeling and does not mean that you don’t have unconditional support for the well-being of all the children in your program. If you ever struggle to build a mutually engaging relationship with a child in your care, use the questions below to guide your reflection. If you feel comfortable, share your feelings with a trusted coworker, trainer, coach, or administrator.
- Is the child’s family culture different from my own? Is this affecting my feelings toward the child?
- Am I considering that the child has challenging behavior because they lack specific skills most children this age have developed?
- 做I disagree with some of the family’s parenting practices?
- Am I placing judgment on the child’s interests rather than following their lead and trying to engage in those interests together?
- Is the child’s family under considerable stress or have they experienced trauma, making it difficult for the child to form relationships?
完成运用普遍策略支持社会情感学习yabo电子游艺activity and reflect on the strategies you already use and whether there are other strategies you want to make a part of your practice in the future.
回顾Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive! An Early Care and Education Provider’s Guide for Developmental and Behavioral Screeninghandout. Consider giving theBirth to 5: Watch Me Thrive! Screening Passport和如何与医生交谈handouts to families so they can track when their children are screened and have support in speaking with their doctor about results.
American Institute for Research. (2017).社会和情感学习辅导工具包。yabo电子游艺Washington, DC: Yoder, N. & Gurke, D. Retrieved fromhttps://www.air.org/sites/default/files/downloads/report/Social-and-mobility-Lyabo电子游艺earning-SEL-coach-Toolkit-2017.pdf
合作学习,学习,社交,情感。(2013).yabo电子游艺有效的社会和情感学习计划:学前和基础版。亚慱彩票yabo电子游艺Chicago. Retrieved fromhttp://casel.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/2013-casel-guide-1.pdf
幼儿司。(2007).促进残疾儿童的积极成果:课程、评估和方案评价建议. Missoula, MT. Retrieved fromhttps://www.naeyc.org/sites/default/files/globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/resources/position-statements/PrmtgPositiveOutcomes.pdf
亨德森,J.应变,P.(2009)。社会情感关注筛查:选择工具时的考虑。Retrieved fromhttps://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED577996.pdf
纳耶克。(2009).在幼儿计划中发展适当的做法,为8岁以下儿童服务:全国幼儿教育协会的立场声明n. Washington, DC. Retrieved fromhttps://www.naeyc.org/sites/default/files/global-shared/downloads/PDFs/resources/position-statements/PSDAP.pdf
US Department of Health and Human Services. (2014).出生5岁:看着我茁壮成长!一份儿童筛查措施简编。Retrieved fromhttps://www.acf.hhs.gov/ecd/child-health-development/watch-me-thrive