- 了解如何使用金字塔模型的自下而上的方法
- 确定有效劳动力所需的支持
- 解释响应互动的样子
- 描述高质量的学习环境yabo电子游艺
用于促进幼儿社交能力的金字塔模型是框架证据为基础practices我们用来促进社会情感发展,防止具有挑战性的行为。在金字塔模型框架内,具有挑战性的行为被确定为重复的行为,扰乱儿童的学习和与他人的互动,对典型,发展适当的指导策略没有反应。yabo电子游艺Challenging behavior in children is complex, and understanding the causes and creating action plans involves thinking about many factors including: the individual child’s development, family culture, learning environments, the knowledge and well-being of staff, and the support provided by trainers, coaches, and administrators (Fox, Dunlap, Joseph, & Strain, 2003).
金字塔模型is a bottom-up approach; think about the bottom tiers before you consider the middle and top tiers. For example, when problem-solving ways to support a child with challenging behavior, program staff will reflect on how they respond to a child’s communication (i.e., the tier that relates to Nurturing and Responsive Relationships) before working with a specialist to create a behavior intervention plan (i.e., the top tier, or Intensive Intervention).管理轨道上的第三课积极指导课程has an overview of each tier, and in this lesson you will learn about universal support: an effective workforce, nurturing and responsive relationships, and high-quality supportive environments. The remaining two tiers of the Pyramid Model, Targeted Social Emotional Supports and Intensive Interventions, will be addressed in depth in Lesson 4 and Lesson 5 of this course.
Nurturing and Responsive Relationships
What does it mean to nurture? How do you nurture something or someone? Think about how you nurture a plant to grow. It needs water, air, sunlight, and soil to thrive. Not all plants require the same formula though; each has unique needs, and those needs may change over time. Over time, continual nurturing produces a healthy plant that is more弹性面对意想不到的霜冻等挑战时。培养与儿童的敏感关系类似,我们尊重每个孩子的发展,兴趣和文化;但所有孩子都需要敏感的互动,以发展培育关系。
What are some important relationships in your life? How did those relationships develop? Whether you are thinking about a relationship with a family member you’ve known your entire life or a friendship that you developed as an adult, ongoing positive interactions over time build your trust, affection, and a feeling of safety with others. Responsive relationships develop after repeated interactions that include predictable patterns of responses and an emotional connection. Consistently responding to bids for communication from children in a warm and loving way gives them a sense of comfort and provides adults with opportunities to engage in child-directed interests and respond to child-directed needs.
High-Quality Supportive Environments
“When environments are structured such that children feel safe and supported and know what to do, when to do it, and what is expected of them, children may be less likely to engage in challenging behavior.” — Hemmeter, Ostrosky, Corso, 2012
What do you already know about creating a safe and engaging learning environment that promotes social-emotional development and prevents challenging behavior? How will the learning environment be different for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children? How do you create a learning environment that accommodates learners of all abilities? If you have completed all the VLS Foundational Courses within a track, you can answer these questions! All of the lessons in the Virtual Lab School Safe Environments and Learning Environments courses, Lesson Three in Social & Emotional Development, and Lesson Three in the Positive Guidance courses provide a wealth of information and resources that line up with the Pyramid Model’s definition of high-quality supportive environments. You can refer to those courses and lessons to review this information.
The Foundational Courses mentioned above outline points on creating high-quality learning environments. Review those points here:
Physical Design
- 儿童友好家具
- 舒缓的颜色,装饰和灯
- 吸引力
- 可供不同的学习者访问
- Reminders of what to do, when to do it, and how to do it
Schedule and Routines
- 创造结构和可预测性
- Help to prepare for unexpected events or occurrences
- Use support to prepare
- 最小化数量和长度
- 将学习活动纳入过渡yabo电子游艺
- Peer support
- 技能建设
- 教学期望和期望的行为
- 建立明确的期望和规则
- 在环境中创建提醒
- 承认孩子们的积极态度
- Awareness of your promotion of positive behavior
Read about the sequence of strategies below to learn how caregivers create nurturing and responsive interactions. These strategies can begeneralized,这意味着您可以在关心所有年龄和活动期间的儿童时使用此序列。
Review the服务和返回响应相互作用的例子讲义。
阅读什么作品简报by bovey和trant标题,利用环境策略促进积极的社会互动。Then complete the我的环境如何支持口语行为讲义。
Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. (2017).提高儿童和家庭成果的三项原则。从...获得https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/Three -early-childhood-development-principles-improve-child-family-outcomes/
Division for Early Childhood. (2017). Position Statement on Challenging Behavior and Young Children. Retrieved fromhttps://www.decdocs.org/positionstatement-challenging-beha.
Hemmeter,M.L.,Ostrosky,M. M.,Corso,R. M.(2012)。预防和解决具有挑战性的行为:常见问题和实践策略。年轻的特殊孩子,15(2),32-46。
Hunter,A.&Hemmeter,M. L.(2009)。解决婴儿和幼儿的挑战性行为:早期学习社会和情感基础的中心。yabo电子游艺零至三,29(3),5-12。从...获得https://perspectives.waimh.org/2009/06/15/Addressing-Challenging-behavior-in-infants-and-toddlers-the-center-on-the- -social-ane-emotional-found -yabo电子游艺学习/