
    • 定义具有挑战性的行为。
    • 审查普通童年行为。
    • 了解发展的适当行为。
    • 描述观察,反思和重新评估。


    Defining Challenging Behavior






    You should expect for children to engage in some “difficult” behavior, and you can think of this as developmental progress or children learning new skills. For example, during the transition from infancy to toddlerhood, most children are no longer satisfied with only playing with the toys and objects within their immediate reach. Instead toddlers are busy beings who explore their environments and show their independence by “testing” limits and often resisting help. This can be particularly challenging for some caregivers. Understand that this type of behavior, while it may feel challenging, is necessary for children to learn to problem-solve and develop secure attachments. Review other examples of developmentally appropriate behaviors in the chart below, and think about the skills or understanding children gain from each.

    Age Group

    Developmentally Appropriate Behavior


    • 哭泣沟通需求
    • 簇喂养或偶尔的需求增加

    Mobile infants

    • Taking toys from others
    • 口味玩具
    • 攀爬或爬行他人
    • 敲下东西(块结构等)
    • 陌生人焦虑或拒绝去陌生的成年人


    • Biting
    • 说“不”
    • 进入一切
    • 高水平的活动;很少坐下
    • 坚持独立做事(“我自己能够做到”)
    • Whining or crying
    • 声称“我!”即使物品不属于它们


    • 恐惧和生动的想象(害怕黑暗,害怕怪物等)
    • 告诉别人该做什么
    • “tattling”或讲述他人


    • 过度关注公平性
    • Uses sex differences as the basis for play decisions or excluding others from play (“No boys allowed”)
    • 撒谎或伸展真相
    • “tattling”或讲述他人
    • “Cheating” at games or getting upset and not wanting to play

    Older school-age

    • 避免成年人和偏爱同龄人
    • 谈论
    • 试验咒骂词和“成人”行为
    • 想要出现“酷”到同行

    Developmentally Appropriate Behavior: More than Milestones

    The chart above describes common examples of developmentally appropriate behavior, however; it is impossible to list the entire wide-range of typical behaviors that are the result of children’s diverse experiences. You can find developmental milestone information throughout the Virtual Lab School, but developmentally appropriate behavior is more than the milestones children typically achieve at specific ages. While milestones are important to know, children’s abilities, disabilities, social identities (race, ethnicity, and gender, among others), cultural and familial experiences, interests, and languages all affect their behavior. If you think about these factors, every child in your program has a unique profile; therefore, developmentally appropriate behavior is specific to each child (National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2019). This means that behavior that is developmentally appropriate for one child may not be for all children.




    Balancing Act: Consistent Program Expectations and Diverse Family Practices

    虽然你应该了解孩子的家庭做法和期望,但在他们家的同时,对于在您的计划中具有清晰和一致的期望,对儿童行为的预期同样重要。Though most children, with time and support, can learn to flexibly shift based on the specific environment they are in (home versus child care program), your thoughtful guidance is necessary to help them understand different expectations in ways that respect families’ beliefs, culture, and identities. This guidance is key to using developmentally appropriate practice to prevent challenging behavior.

    Sometimes, child care staff may interpret developmentally appropriate practice to mean that you must cater your care of each child to the varied opinions of their families. However, this is not an either or situation, and your program can do both—it can respect family values and have clear program expectations. Use what you know about families to inform your understanding of为什么孩子们参与某些行为,因此您可以帮助他们满足您的计划期望。寻找您的计划领导,以帮助指导对家庭的计划期望的沟通。除了简单地了解具体规则外,专注于帮助家庭了解为什么这些期望存在。



    Listen to two experts describe challenging and developmentally appropriate behavior.

    Behaviors in the Context of Culture

    Rosemarie Allen,Ph.D.谈谈儿童的环境如何塑造他们的行为。



    1. 观察allows you to think about children’s behavior without bias or opinion and determine, “What happened?”
    2. Reflection帮助您了解为什么行为发生以及儿童的特定环境和经验如何影响其行为。要反映,问问自己这些问题:
      • What do I know about child development and learning?
      • 我对个人孩子了解什么?
      • 我如何了解我关心的孩子的社会和文化背景,我和我的计划?
    3. 重新评估,还讨论了教师的社会情感学习yabo电子游艺课程是能够以不同的方式考虑情况并掌握您的观点。你可能会想到重新评估,因为看到玻璃半满而不是半空。For example, if a teacher feels that a child’s behavior makes them feel frustrated, reappraisal of this thought might look like this: “This behavior is an opportunity to help this child learn and for me to grow my ability to support children through even the most challenging situations.”




    请注意引用和参考资料部分the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.



    阅读方案发展适当的行为:案例研究。然后完成问题发展适当的行为:反思activity and discuss your thoughts with a colleague.





    学期 Description
    发展适当的做法 故意决定认为,早期儿童教育工作者和其他专业人员促进每个和每个孩子的最佳开发和学习yabo电子游艺
    种族 A large group of people who have the same national, racial, or cultural origins, or the state of belonging to such a group
    多语种孩子 使用多种语的孩子
    单晶女 说一种语言的孩子
    种族 人的自我识别与一个或多个社会团体,如白人,黑人或非洲裔美国,亚洲,美国印第安纳州和阿拉斯加本土,原住民夏威夷和其他太平洋岛民,或其他一些比赛
    重新评估 认知改变情绪调用情况或以不同方式思考情况的含义




    对或错?There is a single, agreed-upon list of specific challenging behaviors in children and youth.


    When thinking about developmentally appropriate behavior in children and youth, you should consider:


    对或错?您可以尊重家庭的价值观和家庭实践create consistent behavior expectations in your program.

    References & Resources

    Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL). Retrieved fromhttp://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/index.html

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). CDC’s Developmental Milestones. Retrieved fromhttps://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html.




    Smith, B., & Fox, L. (2003). Systems of service delivery: A synthesis of evidence relevant to young children at risk of or who have challenging behavior. Tampa, FL: Center for Evidence-Based Practice: Young Children with Challenging Behavior.