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- 列出支持儿童社交情绪发展和学习的家庭儿童保育环境亚慱彩票APP的特点。yabo电子游艺
- 探索resources that provide information about supporting social-emotional development across mixed-ages of children (infants, toddlers, preschool, and school-age).
- 讨论如何在家庭育儿环境中建立儿童的社区感。亚慱彩票APP
Some tips for your infant and toddler environment:
- Provide board books that reflect children’s cultural backgrounds. Hold the child on your lap and discuss pictures of faces when looking at books together: “He looks surprised to see that new toy.”
- Provide a mirror and describe the child’s feelings, “Look, I see your smile—you’re so happy!”
- Provide infant-toddler toys that promote social interaction with you and other children, “You press the button on the busy box, then it is Jorge’s turn.”
- 在喂食期间,零食时间,尿布,敷料等进行谈话。
- 遵循婴儿或幼儿的领导:准备好时让孩子在社交上脱离。
- 总是安慰那个心烦意乱,害怕或不堪重负的孩子,并使用温和的拥抱和舒缓的声音。
- Acknowledge the child’s efforts to engage with you. Look where the child is pointing and comment on or name what she or he is pointing at. Respond to any coos or other vocalizations. This "serve and return" meaningful interaction helps build brain architecture.
- 为婴儿和幼儿提供机会,以便在您的家中安全地探索(例如玩具,零食等)。
- Respond to the child consistently as this helps build trust.
- Provide activities such as group singing, movement, etc. for children to build relationships with peers.
- 当孩子分享或参与其他周到行为时,总是承认。
您可能想参考本课中包含的早期儿童心理健康咨询(CEMHC)的海报:Social Emotional Tips for Providers Caring for InfantsandSocial Emotional Tips for Providers Caring for Toddlers如何运用护理程序的例子our daily environment to support a healthy social-emotional development.
Preschoolers’ Social-Emotional Environment
- 计划应该简单,包括可预测的例程。这并不意味着它必须始终被严格遵循,但应该是一个孩子可以定期依赖。
- Provide visual reminders of the schedule.
- 室内和室外环境应促进儿童和您的积极社交互动。
- The environment must be safe—free from dangerous materials or potential for harm.
- Materials and toys should be logically grouped (e.g., puzzles are near a table, messy art supplies are near a water source, etc.).
- There are only a few transitions throughout the day. Children get advance notice (“In three minutes, we will clean up and get ready for lunch”) when a transition is about to occur.
Activities and materials:
- Activities and materials are rotated to engage preschool children and maximize their attention.
- Materials and toys are developmentally appropriate.
- There are a variety of toys that promote social interactions (e.g., cars and trucks, water toys, blocks, dress-up clothes, and props) and some toys that promote individual play (e.g., writing materials, puzzles).
- There are enough toys and materials for children to play with.
- Materials and toys are purposefully arranged to create opportunities for children to engage in social interactions with one another and with you (e.g., eating lunch family style so children ask each other to pass bowls or plates of food).
- 支持turn-taking with toys, equipment, and materials.
- 鼓励孩子们互相交谈以解决问题。
- Model appropriate language to help children deal with conflict or solve problems with each other.
- 遵循儿童的兴趣并将其兴趣纳入环境中。
- Encourage children to share their thoughts and express their feelings around events (this may be especially important if children are dealing with a parent’s deployment or absence).
- Validate children’s feelings and thoughts.
- 鼓励孩子和他们的年长和年轻朋友之间的友谊。这促进了家庭护理家庭的社区感。亚慱彩票APP每个人都属于,每个人都有贡献积极的环境。
- 鼓励孩子创造和建立友谊;为似乎享受彼此玩耍的孩子们并评论他们的比赛(“你是尤里的好朋友,因为你总是把他打开三轮车”)。
学龄Children’s Social-Emotional Environment
- They are always greeted by name as they enter your home. Be sure to also say good-bye when they leave to go home. This shows that you recognize and care for them as individuals.
- Help the school-age children make decisions about the rules you have for them in your home (e.g., tech time, homework time, etc.). They are old enough to help you create expectations. Have them write the rules on paper and post them (and be sure to share with families).
- 让孩子们表达自己的感受,并仔细地倾听他们。经常在这个年龄的孩子正在学习在学校或社区中驾驭社会问题。yabo电子游艺您是一个值得信赖的成年人,他们可以转向帮助和指导。
- Within your environment, show your care and acceptance of each child. Display their artwork, projects, etc. Share their enthusiasm about special topics or events with their families.
- Be sensitive to what is happening with their military family. School-age children understand separation due to training missions, deployment, etc. They may have heard about upcoming disruptions or family moves. Be warm and nurturing when children are talking about difficult issues. Provide space for school-age children to be alone if they need it.
- Encourage school-age children to assist younger children. The environment in a family child care setting provides a chance for older children to model socially appropriate behaviors for the younger children.
- Have a zero-tolerance policy on bullying. Be aware of bullying and the problems it causes for children who are bullied as well as children who engage in bullying behavior. Bullying is a significant problem for some children and youth. It may occur through social media as well as in school. Stay informed and aware of resources in your community that help children and families with this issue. You may be aware of incidences that school-age children are worried about. Never dismiss a child who is concerned about bullying. Visit the websitestopbullying.gov.了解有关如何预防和响应欺凌的更多信息。
观察室内和户外学习环境将允许您评估程序的社区方面。yabo电子游艺阅读并完成活动,Observe: The Environment。您如何使用此信息来对您的环境中的社交情绪环境进行任何需要的更改?
Family child care environments are ideal for creating a true sense of a small community. Just as in a family, in your family child care home, there may be children of different ages spending time together in play activities and daily routines. Use the handout,Maintaining a Safe and Caring Community,并记下您可能如何处理所呈现的问题。与您的培训师,教练或家庭育儿管理员讨论您的想法。亚慱彩票APP
学期 | 描述 |
Developmentally appropriate | An approach to teaching grounded in the research on how young children develop and learn and in what is known about effective early education; its framework is designed to promote young children’s optimal learning and development |
安全附件关系 | 儿童与他或她的照顾者之间的关系,为孩子提供情感和身体安全,是开发和学习的基础yabo电子游艺 |
Serve and return | 类似于网球比赛中的前后进程,“服务和返回”幼儿和他们的护理人员之间有意义的互动有助于支持大脑发展,沟通和社交技能 |
Berk, L.E. (2013).Child Development(9.thed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.
发展中国家的中心(2017年)。哈佛大学。Serve and ReturnRetrieved fromhttps://developingchild.harvard.edu/science/key-concepts/serve-and-return/
Dodge,D.T.T.,Rudick,S.,&Colker,L. J.(2009)。The Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care(2nd ed.). Washington, DC: Teaching Strategies.
Jarolimek, J. (2001).Teaching and Learning in the Elementary School(第7届。)。上部马鞍河,新泽西:美林普伦特大厅。
Trawick-Smith,J. W.(2014)。Early Childhood Development: A Multicultural Perspective(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.