
    • 描述学龄儿童社会情绪发展的组成部分。
    • Discuss the role adults play in supporting the social-emotional skills of school-age children.
    • 识别学龄儿童中典型的社会情感里程碑。




    Think about how you use social skills every day. When you wait your turn to comment during a meeting, receive constructive criticism from a spouse or sibling, apologize, spend time with a friend or accept others’ differences, you are using the social skills you learned as a child. You also use your social skills when adjusting to new situations and getting to know new people. This can occur when you take a new exercise class or attend a meeting at a community organization for the first time. These new and unfamiliar situations can be difficult for many people, especially if transitions and change are hard to accept. As a caregiver for school-age children, it is important that you find ways to interact with other adults so children can observe your use of social skills. When you interact with your own family members or families of the children in your care, be sure to always model the skills you teach the children in your program.

    Children tend to focus on themselves and the world around them. They are working hard to learn and discover how their environment can help them learn, develop, and imagine. They are focused on how they can make sense of the world around them and relate it to themselves. As children grow, they are expected to develop skills that allow them to interact more broadly. To do this, school-age children must go outside of their own world and take other people’s emotions, cultures, and perspectives into consideration.


    Let’s look at school-age children’s social-emotional development. The chart below provides an overview of the social-emotional developmental milestones in school-age children adapted from the book,教师需要了解社会和情绪nal Development由R.Leyden和E. Shale:

    Typical Social-Emotional Development of School-Age Children


    • Develop greater empathy
    • Establish and maintain positive relationships and friendships
    • 开始发展道德感
    • Control impulsive behavior
    • 识别和管理情绪
    • Form a positive self-concept and self-esteem (identity formation has begun)
    • Become resilient
    • Begin to function more independently (from looking after personal possessions to making decision without needing constant support)
    • Form opinions about moral values and learn right and wrong
    • 能够表达意见和谈判
    • 开始理解不同的观点
    • Start making more sense of “who I am” (“Who am I like?” “Who likes me?”)
    • 培养家族历史感(身份)
    • Tackle questions about death
    • 接受父母不是全能的

    8- and 9-Year-Olds

    • Fit in and are accepted by peers (preoccupied with comparisons—“do I fit in?”)
    • Have a best friend
    • Strengthen cooperative skills
    • Adjust to a sexually developing body and handle the agonies of feeling awkward and self-conscious (“What will I look like?” “Do I look normal?”)
    • Continue refining a sense of self (fluid and constantly changing)
    • Work out values and beliefs and often passionately adopt an ethical stance
    • 建立独立and individuality (intensely private, wanting alone time, displays of noncompliance at school and home)

    10- and 11-Year-Olds

    • 在各种社交场合中表现得适当
    • 优化沟通技巧
    • Resolve interpersonal conflicts and understand the difference between passive, assertive and aggressive responses
    • 变得更加独立,并对行动负责
    • Value and respect rules and authority
    • Know how to act appropriately and safely online, including social media
    • Manage emotional changes accompanying puberty (torn between needing the security of the familiar and craving the unknown)
    • Develop more positive self-esteem and resilience by building strengths and accepting limitations
    • Acknowledge “who I am” through an optimistic lens

    12 Years and Onward

    • 建立独立
    • 适应更大的社会世界,并提高预期和要求
    • 克服了尴尬和笨拙的舞台
    • Find acceptance within a peer group
    • Becoming more self-assured and able to say no
    • Move further away from family and closer to friends for support
    • Handle issues and growing concerns about sexuality and relationships
    • 管理令人困惑和意想不到的感受,例如愤怒和叛乱
    • Move toward self-acceptance


    When you provide care to school-age children, part of your role is to observe the children in your care. You can accomplish this by using a variety of developmental guidelines to support children and their families. Because having a solid foundation of social-emotional development is crucial for a child’s success in school and in life, it is important to observe children and document their growth. When observing a child’s social-emotional development, you should look at a variety of components such as:

    The Ability to Establish and Maintain Relationships


    The Ability to Manage Emotions

    As children grow, they learn to regulate their emotions and feelings. The emotional surges we see in young children, such as crying when separating from their family or hitting when they become frustrated, will begin to lessen as children grow older. School-age children will begin to have a better understanding of what emotions are and will be able to discuss how they are feeling. Feelings of sympathy and empathy for others also develop.

    The Ability to Cope with Stress

    As adults, we know that stress can be the result of a variety of circumstances and it can be overwhelming if we don’t find a way to cope with it. You might cope with stress by going for a walk, spending some time with friends, exercising, or taking time for your favorite hobby. Other ways adults cope with stress are deep breathing, meditation, or visiting a therapist or counselor. As adults, we know when a situation is causing too much stress and we can decide to use one of these methods to help alleviate the stressor. School-age children are just beginning to learn how to identify and deal with stress in their lives. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the following are the most common circumstances that cause school-age children to worry:

    • Feeling sick
    • 无关
    • Not having enough money
    • 感到压力以获得良好的成绩
    • Feeling left out of a group of peers
    • 没有与父母一起度过足够的时间
    • 没有做作业
    • 在运动中不够好
    • Not being able to dress as desired
    • 体验身体变革
    • Being late for school
    • Being smaller than other children of the same age
    • Having parents argue in front of them
    • Not getting along with teachers
    • Being overweight or bigger than other children of the same age
    • 移动
    • 改变学校
    • Arguing with parents about rules in the family
    • Adjusting to parents separating or divorcing
    • Being pressured to try something they didn’t really want to (e.g., smoking)

    For children of military service members, these experiences may also cause worry:

    • Deployment of a family member
    • 即将到来或最近的驻地永久变化


    • Develops physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach pains
    • Appears restless, tired and agitated
    • 出现郁闷,对情绪无疑问
    • 变得烦躁,消极,并且在活动中表现出很少的兴奋或乐趣
    • 对曾经非常重要的活动似乎不太感兴趣
    • 在学校看到成绩开始堕落
    • 在参加课程和做作业方面的利息不那么兴趣
    • 展示反社会行为,如撒谎和偷窃,忘记或拒绝做家务或任务,似乎更依赖于家庭成员或教师而不是过去


    Social Emotional Development



    As a family child care provider, you support school-age children’s social-emotional development. You can do this by:

    • 为儿童提供机会来识别和理解自己的感受和情感,并与他人讨论
    • 鼓励批判性思维,解决问题和监督风险
    • Working hard to create an environment that is structured and safe and that allows children to learn and discover
    • 展示对他人的尊重
    • Providing an environment that recognizes, embraces, and celebrates diversity
    • 提供一种培养和包容到具有特殊需求的儿童的环境
    • 承认所有儿童对社区的贡献
    • Encouraging children and youth to experiment with a variety of activities, materials, and experiences to discover talents and preferences



    观察学习环境中的学龄儿童是最佳方式,了解哪些孩子正在开发强大的社会情绪化技yabo电子游艺能,并且哪些可能需要帮助。阅读并完成Observing Social-Emotional Skills During the School-Age Years。与您的培训师,教练或家庭儿童保育管理员分享完成工作。亚慱彩票APP



    How do you adapt your behavior to reflect values or norms related to a particular environment or situation? Children may have a difficult time learning this skill, and to support their learning, it is important to reflect on how you use this skill in your own life. Read and complete适应环境。与您的培训师,教练或家庭儿童保育管理员分享完成工作。亚慱彩票APP


    Term 描述
    Persistence 通过以实现特定目标来查看过程的能力;当他们通过挑战来完成任务或行动时,儿童展示持久性
    自我调节 调节或控制注意力,思想,情感和行为的能力






    A parent asks what traits you consider when evaluating a school-age child’s social-emotional development. What do you say?




    Council on Accreditation. Standards for Child and Youth Development Programs. Retrieved fromhttps://coanet.org/cyd-standards/

    Dunlap, G., & Powell, D. (2009). Promoting Social Behavior of Young Children in Group Settings: A Summary of Research. Roadmap to Effective Intervention Practices No. 3. Tampa, Florida: University of South Florida, Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children.

    Durlak,J.A.,&Weissberg,R.P.(2013)。遵循基于证据的课后计划来促进社会和情感发展是有效的。在T. K.Peterson(ed.),Expanding Minds and Opportunities: Leveraging the power of afterschool and summer learning for student success(pp. 194-198). Collaborative Communications Group, Washington, D.C. Retrieved fromhttp://www.expandinglearning.org/docs/Durlak&Weissberg_Final.pdf

    国家幼儿教育协会。(2012)。教师休息室:确定是否欺凌行为。教育幼儿, 5(5), 34.

    Sandall, S. R., Schwartz, I. S. (2002). Helping Children with Challenging Behaviors Succeed in the Classroom. In Sandall, S. R., Schwartz, I. S.Building blocks for teaching preschoolers with special needs.巴尔的摩,MD:Paul H Brookes Pub Co.

    Sandall,S.,Hemmeter,M.,Smith,B.,&Mclean,M.(EDS)。(2005)。DEC推荐的实践:实际应用的全面指南。Longmont, CO: Sopris West Publishing.

    Schor, E., American Academy of Pediatrics. (2004). Caring for Your School Age Child: Ages 5-12. New York, NY: Bantam.