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    • 反思您自己的社交情绪发展。
    • 描述和定义社交情绪发展。
    • 讨论如何家庭儿童护理提供者和标亚慱彩票APP准ents serve as facilitators of young children’s social-emotional development.





    Consider all the different people in your life. At home, your relationships might include your spouse, parents, children, other family members, and friends. You also have relationships with the children you care for and their families. There is also the person who delivers your mail, your health-care provider, your neighbors, and others in your community. Relationships are what make up the foundation of social-emotional health. How important are your relationships to your daily life and well-being? What would your life be like without those relationships?

    没有积极的人际关系,这将是difficult to achieve a sense of belonging and acceptance or to feel like you are part of a community. Relationships are at the foundation of social-emotional health. Children spend the first years of their lives creating deep bonds with their families and caregivers. As they mature, they are ready to begin developing strong relationships and bonds with their peers, teachers, and other individuals.


    Children begin developing social-emotional skills at birth. Infants begin turning their heads toward their caregivers’ voices, looking toward their caregivers and cooing, and crying to let their caregivers know they need something. Their emotional signals, such as smiling, crying, or demonstrating interest and attention, strongly influence the behaviors of others. Similarly, the emotional reactions of others affect children’s social behaviors. As children mature and develop, their social-emotional skills become less centered on having their own needs met by their caregivers and more centered on participating in routines and enjoying experiences with friends and caregivers.


    Children develop social-emotional skills in the context of their relationships with their primary caregivers, families, and cultures. Considering how diverse our society is, you can imagine that this diversity is also expressed in how families from different cultures teach children to manage emotions, socialize, and engage with others. For example, in some cultures, children are taught that it is respectful to avoid eye contact when communicating with adults. For other cultures, eye contact is an essential component of social interaction. Culture also affects parenting practices and ways individuals deal with emotions, including handling stress and coping with adversity.

    Family priorities affect social-emotional competence. For example, some families might place a high value on talking about emotions and expressing them as they occur, whereas other families may value the opposite. As a family child care provider, you need to be sensitive and respectful of individual differences in social-emotional development when engaging with children in your care and their families.



    This is the ability to accurately recognize one’s emotions, thoughts, and their influence on behavior. This includes accurately assessing one’s strengths and limitations and possessing a well-grounded sense of confidence and optimism.


    • 我的想法和感受是什么?
    • What causes those thoughts and feelings?
    • How can I express my thoughts and feelings respectfully?



    Examples of questions someone who has good self-management may ask:

    • 我可以参加什么不同的回应?
    • How can I respond to an event as constructively as possible?

    Social awareness:



    • 如何更好地了解别人的思想和感受?
    • 如何更好地了解为什么人们觉得并认为他们所做的方式?


    This is the ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups. This includes communicating clearly, listening actively, cooperating, resisting inappropriate social pressure, negotiating conflict constructively, and seeking and offering help when needed.


    • 如何调整我的行为,以便我与不同人的互动结果好转?
    • 我如何向其他人传达我的期望?
    • 如何与其他人沟通,了解和管理他们对我的期望?

    Responsible decision-making:



    • What consequences will my actions have on myself and others?
    • How do my choices align with my values?
    • How can I solve problems effectively?


    Social-Emotional Development: An Introduction



    All children need nurturing, warm, relationship-based care in order to develop socially and emotionally. It is through caring relationships that children learn how to get along with others. You are a vital and important role model in the lives of the children you care for. Therefore:

    • 在与儿童和其他成年人互动时始终保持积极和尊重的风度(您自己的家庭成员,您关心的儿童父母,邻居等)。
    • 以积极的方式表达自己的情绪。在压力下保持平静并保持你的情绪受到监管。
    • Be aware of your body language and keep it positive.
    • Communicate regularly with all children you care for and their parents.

    Completing this Course

    For more information on what to expect in this course, the Social & Emotional Development能力反思以及陪同的学习,探索和应用资源和活动的列表,参观家庭儿童护理社会和情感发展亚慱彩票APPCourse Guide

    Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.



    How do you define social-emotional development? What are your views on your own abilities to build relationships? What has most affected your own social and emotional development? Read over the questions in the activity,思考社会情绪发展。Review your responses with your trainer, coach or family child care administrator.



    网站,Too Small to Failprovides information about ways parents and caregivers can promote young children’s development. You may want to share information from the website with the families of the children you care for in your home.

    Finding times to discuss emotions can assist children in developing empathy. Read the article,Six Ways Parents Can Raise Empathetic Children。Pay close attention to how you discuss emotions during daily interactions with children in your family child care environment (or with your own children) to encourage them to be empathetic to others. You may want to share this blog with the families of children in your care.


    Term 描述
    Social-Emotional Development The development of the ability to form secure relationships; identify, experience, and regulate emotions; explore the environment; and learn
    共情 了解和关心另一个人的感受




    True or false? Social-emotional skills begin developing in the preschool years.




    During pickup, a parent compliments your social interactions with the children in your program. She asks how you stay so positive and calm. Which of the following is an appropriate response?


    Berk, L. E. (2013).儿童发展(第9届)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司


    Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). Retrieved from


    Six Ways Parents Can Raise Empathetic Children. (2016). Talking is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing, a public awareness campaign of Too Small to Fail. Retrieved from