
    • List safe ratios for family child care settings and reasons why maintaining ratio is important.
    • 定义主动监管,并提供主动监管的示例。
    • Brainstorm ways to safely handle supervision challenges in family child care settings.





    To determine the number of children to safely enroll in your family child care program, it is important to consider

    • 如果你一个人工作
    • 如果你也要照顾自己的孩子
    • The number of children or individuals requiring significant assistance for whom you can safely care

    It is also critical that you check with the licensing standards in your state and with your family child care administrator to know exactly how many children and of what ages you can safely care for at one time.



    1. 当所有儿童都在两岁以下时,任何时候的最大群体规模为三人。
    2. In mixed-age groups, the number of children under two years of age is limited to two children.
    3. 当所有的孩子都到了上学的年龄时,最大的群体规模是8人。


    • 不超过6名儿童,包括提供者自己8岁以下的儿童
    • No more than two children or individuals who are incapable of self-preservation—in other words, under the age of 2 or older than 2 but with particular special needs. It is important to consider the level of assistance a particular child or person may need, as the overall ratio in the family care setting may need to be lowered to safely care for all individuals when there is a child with significant developmental or physical needs.





    Maintaining appropriate ratios is critical to ensuring safe and high-quality care. Exceeding the ratios defined by your state or agency can make it difficult to provide good supervision and appropriately meet the basic needs of the children in your care; it can put the children and you at great risk. Beyond safety concerns, maintaining the defined ratios helps ensure that you can provide the time and engaged attention to individually support each child’s healthy development. According to Howes, Philips, and Whitebook (1992), when providers become overly taxed with their time, they are far less likely to have one-on-one conversations or plan quality experiences. And consider what you may feel like in a crowded space. Crowded spaces can make many people feel nervous or angry, and this can affect their behavior—they may become defensive, aggressive or withdrawn. The same can be true for children; the ratio standards help all individuals in your program, including you, feel secure and calm.

    Who counts in ratio and when do ratios apply?

    The ratios outlined above help to identify which children to count when determining ratio. All children present in the home, including one’s own, under the age of 8 (or for some states and agencies, ages 12 years and younger), must be considered when determining child-to-provider ratios. The child-to-provider ratio applies all the time, even if some children are sleeping. As discussed more below, supervision practices may be different overnight, and family child care providers may take a few minutes for personal time (e.g., to use the restroom), but defined ratios should always be maintained.




    According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (Caring for Our Children, 2011), "active and positive supervision" involves:

    • 了解每个孩子的能力
    • 建立清晰简单的安全规则
    • 了解并扫描潜在的安全隐患
    • 站在战略位置,这样你就可以一次看到所有的孩子
    • 扫描游戏活动并在区域内传播
    • Focusing on the positive rather than the negative to teach what is safe for the child and other children
    • 教导儿童正确安全地使用每件设备(例如,坐着时使用剪刀,只能在安全的材料上切割,因为不安全地使用剪刀会导致伤害)

    You can see that supervision is much more than watching. It involves all your skills as a teacher and caregiver. Supervision is your responsibility and commitment to the families who have trusted you with their children. It includes completing your daily safety checklists each morning to ensure a safe environment, but it also includes your interaction and helpful guidance to support children’s healthy development.


    Regarding supervision, the National Association for Family Child Care (2013) states that these should take place:

    • 3岁以下的儿童始终在医疗机构的视线内,除非医疗机构照顾他们自己的个人需要长达5分钟。医疗机构保证所有儿童的安全,同时照顾他们自己的个人需要。
    • Children age 3 and older may be out of the provider’s line of sight for short periods of time, as long as the provider is close by and listens carefully to assure all children are safe.
    • 6岁以下的儿童从不单独在室内或室外活动。当孩子在里面时,提供者在里面。当孩子在外面时,提供者在外面。





    • 奶瓶喂养的婴儿应在奶瓶喂养期间保持。
    • 较大的婴儿和蹒跚学步的儿童在进食和饮水时应始终坐着。儿童在移动时窒息或受伤的风险更大。
    • 你需要靠近正在进食的幼儿,并保持视觉监督。窒息是无声的意外。

    For infants and toddlers, remember during diapering to keep a hand on the child at all times. Having materials prepared before diapering allows your hands to stay on task. Toileting routines exposes toddlers to water deep enough for drowning. Hand washing may involve a step stool, which toddlers can fall from. Remember, these types of care-giving routines may be routine for you, but they aren't for toddlers. Their motor skills are still developing. They are still learning to coordinate and balance, so accidents are more prone to occur. Bathrooms are not easy environments to make safe, so your awareness of hazards is crucial to prevent injury.



    毫无疑问会有事故或脏diapers that need to be changed outside of the schedule you establish. Before you open your program each morning, it’s important to have your bathroom and diapering area well stocked so all materials you will need are ready. You also need to consider, in the event that an immediate diaper or toileting visit is necessary, how you will supervise the other children. What safe activities can you temporarily provide and what safe space can you temporarily place the other children in so you can attend to the child who needs changing?

    Arrival and Departure




    Each family child care setting is unique; you will need to adapt the supervision to the children in your care—not only based on their age and developmental level, but also on their unique personalities, strengths, and interests. For example, for infants, especially those that are becoming mobile, or for toddlers who are just learning how to safely get their needs met, your proximity will let you directly help if, for example, an infant begins to grasp onto another child’s body to help her stand or a toddler needs help with the language to request the toy he wants. When determining the level of direct, engaged supervision necessary for various activities, consider the type, complexity, and level of risk involved. More supervision may be necessary when learning a new or difficult skill. Less supervision may be necessary in activities like reading or playing with soft blocks. Independence for older children should be respected and encouraged, although this should be balanced with direct engagement during appropriate activities.


    If you are caring for a child for more than 24 hours, you are permitted to sleep sometime between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. if all the children in your program are also sleeping. For overnight or extended care, you can watch no more than three children under the age of 8 years. If you are caring for children overnight, you should have mechanisms to safely monitor their sleep (e.g., an audio or visual monitor).



    Consider the factors that determine appropriate ratios in your family child care home.


    监督is not a solitary task. You supervise best while interacting with the children in your care. You and the children will be talking, singing, giggling, making discoveries, having quiet time, sharing a book, exploring toys and materials, sharing one-on-one time, and engaging with peers.



    • 预测孩子们的行动。
    • Move through all of the spaces where children are.
    • 经常扫描区域以确保安全。
    • Limit contact with other adults, a cell phone, the television, or other electronic distraction.
    • 在肚子痛的时候,要让婴儿伸手可及。
    • Consistently check equipment for damage.
    • Frequently make eye contact with children.
    • 尿布时,始终用一只手放在婴儿身上。
    • 立即采取行动防止受伤。
    • 在游戏和学习过程中提供互动和支持。yabo电子游艺
    • 迅速和有效地应对儿童distress.
    • Provide closer supervision for high-risk activities.
    • 当移动婴儿或较大的儿童靠近时,坐在靠近非移动婴儿的位置。
    • 总是让婴儿仰卧睡觉。
    • 对于幼儿,在场支持每个孩子安全使用厕所。
    • 对于年龄较大的学龄前亚慱彩票儿童和学龄儿童,在如厕期间提供隐私,但仍然能够在需要时听到和帮助。
    • For young children, be present and closely watch each child wash his or her hands.
    • Remain in an arm's reach of young children who are eating.
    • 与即将入睡、正在入睡或正在醒来的儿童保持视觉接触。




    Thoughtful Supervision During Special Times

    如上所述,家庭托儿环境在监督方面亚慱彩票APP可能会带来独特的挑战,因为你通常是一个独自工作的提供者,在日常生活的重要方面没有同事照顾孩子。看一下表格中的问题监督Activity below and think about how you would safely provide supervision for the children in your care. How might your strategies change depending on the age, needs and developmental level of the children? In each of these examples, imagine your supervision is compromised either by the lack of sight or the necessity to multitask. After brainstorming, look at some of the suggestions we provide and see if they align with your own ideas. Talk with your family child care administrator or colleagues in your field about your ideas.

    • 当你需要几分钟的私人时间来使用浴室时会发生什么?
    • 准备小吃或午餐的时候呢?
    • What about speaking with and attending to families during pick-up and drop-off times?



    重要的是要知道哪里的热点在您的家庭托儿所和您使用的户外空间。画一张地图,说明你在家里照顾孩子的地方,或者你按照家亚慱彩票APP长的指示使用的操场区域活跃监督:Identifying Hot Spots Activity.Spend some time observing children. Each time you see a problem behavior or an injury, mark an X where it occurred. At the end of the day or week, look for patterns. Which areas have the most X’s? Discuss your results with your family child care administrator, trainer, or colleagues.



    Term 说明
    主动监督 集中注意力和有意识地观察儿童。婴儿、幼儿和学龄前儿童必须随时接受直接监督。学龄儿童可能会在短时间内离开医疗机构的视线,只要医疗机构靠近并仔细聆听,以确保所有儿童的安亚慱彩票全
    长期护理 当一个家庭儿童亚慱彩票APP护理提供者连续观察一个孩子或一小群孩子几天到几周时,这种情况在军事环境中更为常见,此时家庭成员可能外出训练或部署
    婴儿专用房 A home child care setting where one provider cares for three children or less, all under the age of 2 (or 3, depending on state requirements)
    Large or Group Family Child Care Home 一种家庭托儿所,有一个以上的提供者和更多的孩子,通常是八到十二个
    Overnight Care When a family child care provider watches a child, or small group of children (no more than three) between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.
    小家庭托儿所亚慱彩票APP 一个家庭儿童保育机构,其中一个提供者照顾六个或更少的儿童,所有儿童都在8岁以下




    Based on the information from this lesson which of the following determine the total number of children you can safely enroll in your family child care program?









    Harms, T., Clifford, R. M., & Cryer, D. (2005).幼儿环境评定量表修订版。纽约:师范学院出版社。

    俄亥俄州就业和家庭服务部。(2010). 家庭托儿所的健康与安全:参与者指南。亚慱彩票APP

    Howes,C.,Phillips,D.A.,和Whitebook,M.(1992年)。质量阈值:对儿童社会发展的影响。Child Development, 63(2), 449-460. 内政部:10.2307/1131491

    Gonzalez Mena,J.(2002年)。Infant/Toddler Caregiving; A Guide to Routines,(第2版)。萨克拉门托:加州教育部。

    Harms, T., Cryer, D., & Clifford, R. M. (2006).Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale,revised edition.纽约:师范学院出版社。http://ers.fpg.unc.edu/
