- 反思它意味着继续培养你的专业意识。
- 了解自我保健的重要性。
- 探索resources for professional growth.
在本课程中,您已经了解了importance of professionalism. Working with children, youth, and their families is an important endeavor. It means that you will have young, impressionable minds watching, listening, and learning from you. It means that you will interact with family members who will be your partners throughout this process. And it means that you will work with others (e.g., school personnel, agency staff, etc.) to provide high-quality care for children and families in your community. And at the same time, while balancing all the challenges of your important work, you must also act as a role model at all times. Being a positive and supportive role model will strengthen your work and will positively affect the lives of children and families you encounter each day in your family child care home.
The field of child care has grown tremendously over the past several years, and there is always new information and research on the significant roles adults play in children’s development.You can truly make a difference.您越熟练,承诺,知识渊博,您成为,更有效,有意义,持久的影响力将是儿童和家庭的生命。作为家庭幼亚慱彩票APP儿提供者,您希望您的练习随着您努力使儿童和家庭能够成为最佳状态而不断改善。您应该期待为您的护理中的儿童和家庭创造积极的,关怀环境。您还应该访问资源以支持您的专业学习和增长。yabo电子游艺您对专业行为的高标准和期望将积极影响您提供的护理质量,以及周围的人。
Always Keep On Learning
You care about children and their families.
Self-awareness enables you to acknowledge strengths, talents, skills, and accomplishments, and at the same time it helps you recognize and identify competencies or skills you need to improve. Knowing who you are as a person and as a professional is empowering, as it enables you to engage in self-improvement and growth. You can do this by talking with other family child care providers through face-to-face group meetings or in an online group. Or you can review materials and resources that keep you updated with new ideas and research in your area of expertise. You should participate in professional organizations (e.g., the全国家庭育儿协会亚慱彩票APP)参加培训活动和在线网络研讨会(例如,城镇广场)。
Experiences and Resources for Professional Growth
职业化有许多优秀的资源。教育工作者Fran Simon(2015)提供了一个建议列表:
- 对可能的事情开放,而不是通过你认为不可能的东西。
- 加入专业协会,参加会议,志愿者。
- 好奇并提出问题。
- 价值和工作在日常练习中建立和维护关系。
- 腾出时间学习,连接和网络。
- Be authentic and open with the people you meet along the way, even if you do not share their viewpoints.
- 参加现场和虚拟专业学习网络。yabo电子游艺
- 与其他家庭护理提供者分享您的想法。亚慱彩票APP
- Engage in formal professional, career, and leadership development.
- Find a mentor. Everybody needs inspirational people in their lives.
- Build a library on leadership and related topics.
- 订阅电子邮件和打印新闻通讯和来自各种来源的专业期刊。
自我意识对于您自己的专业增长和学习非常重要。yabo电子游艺教育工作者Donna Wittmer和Sandy Petersen强调,“知道自己涉及探索我们的优势和漏洞。我们需要想知道,并试图了解我们的反应,我们的挫折和我们工作的部分的意义,使我们带来快乐。这种探索有时可能是困难或不舒服的“(2013,第409页)。思考这一点的另一种方式是“关怀”,这是“护理”。
- Consider keeping a journal. It can be therapeutic to write the day’s events and your perspectives on paper. You might also consider keeping a gratitude journal to help you stay mindful about the positive aspects of your life.
- 建立。与朋友,家人和熟人联系。出去午餐或和朋友一起喝杯咖啡。在杂货店沿着你面前的人交谈。这些小时刻可以帮助您感受和支持。
- Even a little regular exercise can help you feel better, sleep better, and cope better with life’s daily stressors. Healthful eating can make a difference, too.
- 记得呼吸。当我们受到压力时,我们倾向于更加浅浅。通过花点时间拍摄一些深呼吸,我们正在为自己花费时间,降低我们的压力水平。
- Positive outlook: Thinking positively about situations and people can help you bring about beneficial outcomes. Your personal outlook on life plays a critical role in your level of self-care.
- 自我意识:知道你是谁包括意识到你的感受,你的情绪,你的想法和你的关系。首先占据你的优势和劣势。检查你的生活,过去和现在。注意你到了多远,你拥有的技能让你到这一点。
- Healthy selfishness: It’s important to recognize your own needs as valid and do what is necessary to meet them.
- Relinquish control: Allowing yourself to relax and see things as gray instead of black and white can allow you to see more options and opportunities.
- Playful attitude: Changing your mindset requires playfulness, curiosity, and excitement. Try exploring life through the eyes of a child and see how different things seem.
- 周到的选择:随着生活忙碌,减慢并确保你正在做周到的选择。与自己协调,你可能永远不会完美地掌握任务,有时它会必须足够好。
您如何计划努力努力持续的专业发展?对于此活动,请阅读并查看以下信息。您可能希望查看NAFCC认证的质量标准(https://www.nafcc.org/file/bfae1239-d67e-41d9-820d -96c059842fac.)帮助您设置专业的发展目标。
Use the resources in this section to learn more about continuing to pursue your own professional development.
There are many resources and articles to help you reflect on developing and maintaining professionalism as a family child care provider. Research and bookmark the information shared in some of the resources below:
- 儿童保育提供者的资源(http://childcareaware.org/providers/)。This website has free resources for professional development. This includes an e-newsletter. Child care providers can search by state for child care resources (e.g., child care resource and referral centers that provide ongoing professional development).
- 儿童保育交换(https://www.childcareexchange.com/home/)为专业发展提供文章和其他资源。在注册时,托儿服务提供商可以访问五篇文章;之后,加入该组织的费用。
- 城镇广场那Where Family Child Care Professionals Learn and Thrive (http:///townsquareil.org.)。本网站包含家庭儿童护理提供商的模块,讲义和其他资源。亚慱彩票APP会员资格是免费的。
Bruno, H. E., & Copeland, T. (2012).在幼儿计划中管理法律风险。New York: Teachers College Press.
Feeney, S. (2010). Ethics Today in Early Care and Education: Review, reflection, and the future.Young Children, 65(2),72-77。
Feeney,S.,Freeman,N.K.,&Pizzolongo,P。(2012)。Ethics and the Early Childhood Educator: Using
Naeyc。Naeyc Code.(2 ed。)。华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。
Johnson,J.(2010)。保持你的笑容:关心快乐,爱和意图的孩子。St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.
Koralek,D. G.,Dodge,D.T.,&Pizzolongo,P. J.(2004)。照顾学龄前儿童亚慱彩票(3.rd ed.). Washington, DC: Teaching Strategies, Inc.
国家课后协会(2009年)。国家后课后协会道德规范。从...获得https://naaweb.org/resources/code-of- ethics.
全国家庭育儿协会亚慱彩票APP(NAFCC) (2017).NAFCC的质量标准认证。从...获得https://www.nafcc.org/file/bfae1239-d67e-41d9-820d -96c059842fac.
西蒙,F.(2015)。抬头抬头:20/20愿景有效领导。Young Children那70(2),18-24。
Wittmer,D. S.,&Petersen,S. H.(2013)。婴儿和幼儿开发和响应计划规划 - 一种基于关系的方法(第2 ED。)。上部马鞍河,NJ:美林普伦特大厅。