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    • Discuss the importance of physical development and physical activity in children’s lives.
    • Identify examples of gross-motor and fine-motor development in children.
    • 讨论物理发展如何与整体健康和学习相关联。yabo电子游艺


    Our bodies go through amazing transformations when it comes to physical growth and development. Think about the vast physical changes that occur between infancy and young adulthood. Recall your own physical development as you were growing up. Perhaps you remember learning to ride a bicycle, playing a new sport, or completing a 5K race. Physical activity is very important for our overall development and growth. Moving the different parts of our bodies, sitting up, rolling, crawling, walking, running, jumping, holding and manipulating different items are all examples of ways in which we use our bodies to explore our environment and learn about the world. These are also ways to keep our bodies healthy, fit, and well-functioning. Research also demonstrates that our physical activity is necessary for our brain development. Physical activity affects our ability to age well and keep our minds active.

    Physical activity supports gross-motor development and fine-motor development.

    • 体育发展refers to children’s abilities to use and control their bodies.
    • Gross-motor skills涉及在腿部和手臂中使用大肌肉以及一般的力量和耐力。总动式技能的例子包括滚动,爬行,走路,跳跃,投掷,攀爬,跳跃和跳跃。
    • 精细电机技能涉及使用的小手臂的肌肉,手s, and fingers. Fine-motor skills are supported by children’s improvements in perception, or the ways in which children use their senses to experience the world around them. Examples include grasping objects, scribbling, cutting with scissors, drawing, and writing.



    By creating intentional time for physical activities across the daily schedule, you enhance children’s physical development and their chances to practice new skills.






    体育发展is strongly linked with overall learning and well-being. As children’s brains develop, so do their motor skills. This begins with the sensory experiences of gentle touching, rocking, cuddling, and warm, nurturing responses to babies’ cries and attempts at communication. These early brain-building experiences set the stage for the child’s continuous physical development.



    有关本课程的预期,物理发展的更多信息能力反思以及在整个课程中提供的随附的学习,探索和应用资源和活动的列表,参观家庭儿童护理体育发展亚慱彩票APPCourse Guide

    Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.



    There are many resources available for providers (and parents) to assist in helping build children’s brains and enhance their overall development (including gross- and fine-motor development). The website and appVroomcontains information about children’s development from birth to 5 years and includes ideas for activities that can be easily done in family child care settings. Take time to explore this website. You may find some new activities to enjoy with the children in your care. Make a list of activities you can do to support children’s physical development.



    Adding more movement to your daily schedule is one way to support children’s gross- and fine-motor development. Use the attachment as a guide to help you think about ways to add more physical movement to children’s day. Share your ideas with your trainer, coach or family child care administrator.


    Term 描述
    体育发展 儿童运动技能的进步和改进
    Fine-motor development 这是指涉及使用武器,手和手指在允许儿童的手指中使用较小肌肉的技能的发展,这些技巧执行诸如绘图,切割剪刀,串珠,捆扎,拉链或塑料粘土。
    大型电机开发 这是指发展技能,涉及在腿部或臂中使用大型肌肉以及一般的力量和耐力。这种技能的例子包括跳跃,投掷,攀爬,跑步,跳过或踢。






    Which of the following is an example of a fine-motor skill?


    A parent new to your program asks how you support gross-motor development. What is an appropriate response?


    Berk,L.E.(2013)。儿童发展(第9 ED。)。上部马鞍河,NJ:Pearson。

    Copple, C.,& Bredekamp, S. (Eds.) (2009). Developmentally appropriate practice for programs serving children ages birth through 8 (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    Vroom brain building moments (2017). Retrieved from