You, your family, and the children you care for share space in your home. Your most important task in designing and organizing your home environment is to make sure each individual feels safe and secure. There are many ways to create a warm, welcoming environment that also serves as a home for your own family members. There are many components to attend to: places for quiet and busy activities, privacy, storage and display, food preparation, and rest. This lesson examines how to design and organize your family child care setting.
- 区分集团活动,隐私,存储和显示空间。
- Identify characteristics of a well-designed indoor learning environment.
- 学习为您的家人安排环境的方法,满足您在家庭环境中您照顾的儿童的需求。
- 描述如何组织混合年龄儿童群体材料。
Arranging the Indoor Learning Environment
In Lesson One, you had the opportunity to reflect on the spaces in your family child care setting and the various activities that your family members and your child care participants do in those spaces. You created a floor plan; and on it, you represented on sticky notes the different activities that occur in your program’s rooms and outdoor areas. Now it is time to think carefully about arranging those areas. Follow these tips as you arrange areas of your home:
- All children will need supervision to keep them safe, so keep sight lines open. When you are changing a child’s diaper, you still need to be able to see the other children.
- Is there enough space for all family members and children to comfortably move about? Too much open space indoors creates running lanes, which, to prevent injury, you want to discourage. Not enough space between furniture and designated play areas can cause crowding that may lead to injury.
- 年龄较大的孩子(和一些年轻的孩子)有时享受私人空间,以逃避和放松一下书或安静的音乐。想想一个安静,柔软的空间,为一个从所有活动中休息的孩子。
- 考虑您家中空间的多个用途。团体活动可以在地板或儿童尺寸的桌子和椅子上完成。杂乱的活动在厨房,门廊或户外距离地毯的地毯和软垫家具工作最佳。
- Meals and snacks may work best using a family-style setting where older children can assist younger children. Family-style meals provide opportunities for natural group discussions about topics of interest to children. Family-style meals also provide a natural way to reinforce self-help skills (e.g., self-feeding, using utensils, pouring, etc.).
- Plan for children’s individual needs—for example, places where children can store their coats, backpacks, a change of clothing, etc. Make sure that school-age children have a secure place to store important homework or projects away from the exploring hands of young toddlers.
- 调整您的环境,以满足您服务的特定儿童的不断变化的需求。请注意,随着儿童的人口统计数据或发展技能,需要改变环境,设置和材料。
- Well-designed areas allow for age-appropriate play activities and quiet times. As you review the activities that occur and where you placed them on your paper floor plan, keep in mind the skills and interests of the individual children in your care.
Characteristics of a Well-Designed Environment
创建和维护一个安全的家庭的孩子care environment takes the cooperation of all family members who live in your home. Many times a provider will complete a safety check and find out afterward that a spouse left a knife out on the counter, or an older child uncovered an outlet and didn’t re-cover it. Because of this, you should continuously monitor safety throughout the day, particularly if there are other family members present in the home during the day. Take time to educate your family members on safety practices and the importance of helping you maintain a safe environment in your family child care home.
在您在家中设计和组织环境时,您必须批判地解决任何安全问题。婴儿和幼儿在学龄前或学龄儿童的情况下出现不同的安全问题。亚慱彩票这Creative Curriculumfor Family Childcare(2009) describes the following safety concerns:
- 注意持续的安全危险。放下锋利的剪刀和刀。保持比赛,塑料袋,并从儿童的范围内服用。锁定药物,清洁材料和其他有毒物质。
- 检查区域每天。Outdoor areas must be checked daily for broken glass, animal waste, trash, and poisonous plants. Cover electrical outlets and keep child safety locks on cabinets.
- 制定每月和季度检查的时间表。Check your first-aid kit monthly; restock items immediately. Hold a fire drill monthly so children know what to do. Check in with families on a regular basis to be sure all contact information is accurate.
- Some things only need to be checked once.当您打开您的家来照顾孩子时,必须彻底检查健康问题。一些要求可能包括测试基于铅的涂料和氡。主要安全组件是家庭育儿许可规定的一部分。亚慱彩票APP所有设备(婴儿床,更改表,安全门等)应满足消费产品安全委员会标准。咨询您的教练,教练或家庭儿童保育管理员,了解有关要求的具体细节。亚慱彩票APP
In the picture, you see open bins that are labeled with pictures and words. You will want to have a number of toys and games available to the children at one time, so prepare to store the rest. Rotating toys and games is a wonderful way to refresh your child care spaces. This is also true for posters, photos, books, etc. Many child care programs often rely on clear storage bins that are easy to see inside of, move, and label.
Separate Noisy Areas from Quiet Ones
Keep activities (art, play dough, crafts) that require water near a water source. Simple rules about where messy activities can take place should be explained to children. Paint smocks, oversized shirts, and other coverings can protect young children’s clothing from paint, glue, etc. Have clean-up materials (e.g., towels, dish soap) nearby so children can assist in clean up. Some sensory activities that may become messy are best done in the kitchen or outdoors (sand, water play). Always inform parents in advance if you are planning to do messy activities. Families may want this information so their child can dress appropriately.
Welcoming Families
想想一个家庭在育儿家中看到的一个空间,并使它尽可能热情。应该是一个舒适的问候区,父母可以掉下来或拿起他们的孩子。问候空间应尽可能小的杂波。一把舒适的成人椅子或摇杆是一个温暖的触感。父母的任何信息都应该易于访问。成人工具 - 如锋利的剪刀,钢笔,信封等 - 应该存储在成人可以找到的地方,但是幼儿遥不可及。就像你为孩子设计家一样,为他们的家人规划一个欢迎的地方也很重要。
As you plan your environment, focus on the children and families you serve every day. Think about the many ways they enhance your family child care environment. Let your environment be fluid as new children and families participate—keeping it fresh is important for you and the children who come each day for caregiving. Take advantage of all the resources available to you to create a warm and engaging place for fun and learning.
Arranging for Your Family’s Needs
As you design and organize your family child care environment, keep in mind your family’s needs for privacy and space within the home. If you don’t want children to enter your teen daughter’s bedroom, you may have to lock the door during the day. If you don’t want children accessing your family’s personal items, they will need to be stored in places that the children cannot reach or in rooms that are not part of your program. You may need to create physical barriers. For instance, stairs must be blocked by child gates to keep mobile babies and toddlers from climbing them.
In your paper floor plan, you identified areas where your family members’ activities might occur. As you rearrange furniture and storage, keep in mind that your family will share these spaces with the children in your care.
- 您的家庭成员日程表的哪些方面您需要在安排家庭使用家庭保育家庭时牢记吗?你有一个家庭成员,谁在一天夜班,需要在白天睡觉吗?
- What expectations do you have for your family members when the children you care for are present?
- How will you ensure that valuable or breakable items that belong to your family members are protected (e.g., musical instruments, tools, projects)?
- How do you ensure that your environment meets the needs of your family members as well as the children you care for in your home?
Organizing Materials for Mixed-Ages
Organize for optimal independence:
If a child with special needs is enrolled in your family child care center, you will want to have a parent walk through your home and give pointers and ideas for accommodating their child’s needs. Each child is an individual, and parents are excellent resources for suggestions on how to adapt materials. For instance, a child with a physical disability may need extra support sitting in a chair or eating. You and the child’s parents can make decisions about how best to fully include a child with special needs in your family child care setting.
Organize by area:
Keep all areas clean and safe for all children. If older children wish to play with games with small pieces (e.g., Legos), it is important for them to know where they can play so that the pieces are kept away from mobile babies and toddlers. It’s important to be flexible about allowing children to use favorite toys in different areas. For example, a preschooler may want to give a baby doll a stroller ride around the backyard. Photos of children engaged in play with toys and each other make excellent wall decorations and can also be put into simple books that can be viewed in the book area. Watch children for their interests and engage families in helping you find materials the children enjoy. Design learning spaces by intentionally posting pictures and children’s art work to spur children’s imaginations. For example, place photos of construction sites near the blocks and truck area or display children’s drawings of their families near the housekeeping toys (just as family photographs would be displayed in their own homes).
Using the information you have learned in this lesson, examine the indoor environment in your family child care home. You will want to get down at a child’s eye level so you can see how a child experiences your family child care home. Read and review theIndoor Learning Environment捕捉你的想法的活动。与您的培训师,教练或家庭育儿管理员分享您的回复。亚慱彩票APP
Armstrong, L. J. (2012).亚慱彩票APP家庭儿童保育家庭:儿童学习的创意空间。圣保罗,Mn:Redleaf按。
做dge, D. T., Rudick, S., & Colker, L. J. (2009).这Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care (2nded.). Washington, DC: Teaching Strategies, Inc.
危害,T。克莱尔,D。克利福德,r(2007)。亚慱彩票APP家庭儿童保育环境评级规模,修订版。New York: Teacher’s College Press.