Secondary tabs
- 描述儿童的挑战性行为。
- 学习文档的方法,尽量减少儿童的挑战性行为。
- 描述军事家庭儿童可能会遇到可能导致挑战性行为的独特情境。
- 创建社区和安装资源的资源指南,以帮助提供具有儿童挑战性行为的提供商和家庭。
Children’s Challenging Behaviors
- 任何反复的行为模式,干扰与同龄人和成人的女性互动的学习或参与。yabo电子游艺
- 不响应于使用发展适当的指导程序的行为。
- 长时间的发脾气,言语侵略,破坏性的声带行为(例如,尖叫,不断重复),财产破坏,自我伤害,不合规和撤回。
例子:Kendall, 18 months old with limited language skills, had a tantrum when he did not have a turn using the red racing car during play time. This tantrum would be seen as developmentally appropriate and understandable given his age and limited language skills. When he is calm and ready to play, Kendall needs a parent or provider to teach him how to ask for a turn with the red racing car.
Think about your own experiences with children—what behaviors are challenging to you?
了解孩子交流,它是important write down information about when the challenging behaviors occur. Keep a notebook or an index card handy so you can jot down what happened before, during, and after the challenging behaviors. In the Explore section of this lesson, there is a helpful tool to help you detail the behaviors you observe. You may be able to see a pattern that tells you what triggers the behaviors. Having written documentation over time can help you share specifics with parents and work with them to find ways to decrease a child’s challenging behavior.
伊利诺伊州早期学习项目提示表,yabo电子游艺Helping the Often-Angry Childdescribes actions that a provider can take to help children learn how to manage their emotions and minimize challenging behavior:
In your daily interactions with children you should strive to provide them with specific feedback about their behaviors. Cases of positive feedback should outnumber cases of negative or corrective feedback. Educational researchers recommend a ratio of five positives to every one negative comment or correction (Walker, Ramsey, & Gresham, 2004). The table below provides examples of nonspecific and specific feedback.
非特定反馈的例子: |
相反,你可以说: |
Good job. |
你在建造那种结构上努力工作。 |
那是不对的。 |
你能尝试不同的方式吗?让我们看看你所做的其他谜题。 |
我喜欢你的绘画。 |
你用红色,蓝色,绿色和紫色。这是如此丰富多彩! |
You’re so smart. |
你陷入了这个问题并弄明白了。 |
I like the way you’re listening. |
乔尼有她的眼睛,她的手在她的腿上。 |
Notice in the examples above, there is also an emphasis on describing what the child is doing and on his or her efforts rather than ability (e.g., being smart). Messages like these help children persist in challenging tasks or situations and help children derive internal satisfaction from their work or good deeds, rather than continually seeking outside approval.
When a child engages in a challenging behavior, you must be responsive and prepared to provide the child with acceptable alternatives.
而不是说: |
Say: |
停止打击。 |
像这样使用温柔的手。 |
Stop splashing water out of the water table. |
Please keep the water in the table. |
做n’t yell. |
请使用内部声音。 |
退出战斗。 |
你怎么能解决这个问题? |
不要谈我。 |
请听。 |
尽量减少具有挑战性行为的另一种方法是教导解决冲突的技能。成年人可以教育学龄前和学龄儿童,以亚慱彩票解决平静,和平方式的差异。能够解决问题和解决冲突的儿童和蔼可亲地有更多的朋友,更有可能被同龄人选择。孩子们可以学习如何在不伤害他人的情况下谈判 - 这是一个能够在整个生活中帮助他们的技能。
When children have decided on a plan to resolve a conflict, you will still need to be there to support them in following their agreed-upon plan. You can help them write down the plan and refer to it if they forget their decision. Reading stories that involve characters who solve conflicts peaceably can help children learn problem solving skills that will serve them both at your home and in other settings.
The following video shows how a child care provider teaches children how to resolve a conflict.
不幸的是,孩子在军人家庭lso experience death of a parent or significant adult. Be sure you have resources available to you, the child, and the family to help a child cope with mourning. Learn about installation resources, community resources (e.g., programs for grief counseling, school-based social workers and counselors, etc.) so you can be prepared to support a child who may be experiencing stress, anxiety, and fear due to loss or separation from a loved one.
Communicating with Families about Challenging Behavior
可以与家庭开始对话可能很困难,了解他们的孩子的挑战性行为。有些父母可能真的永远不会看到他们的孩子表现你描述他或她的方式,因为孩子可以在不同的环境中非常不同。为了能够拥有困难的谈话,您必须首先与家人建立信任关系。jodi whiteman为零到三个描述了三种做法,帮助这些艰难的谈话:
Ask Questions and Wondering: Ask thoughtful questions, and wonder together with families. Acknowledge the parent’s knowledge about their child.
例子:“I notice that Camille has difficulty finding an activity and joining the other children when she arrives each morning. I wonder if you have noticed her do this in other settings?” Listen to Camille’s mother’s response and then ask follow-up questions: “How did you handle it?” “Is there something I can do to help her with this morning transition?”
Websites and Online Resources for Addressing Challenging Behavior
- 关于早期学习的社会和情感基金会(CSEFEL)的中心侧重于促进通过诞生的社会情感发展和学校准备。该网站提供资源,英语和西班yabo电子游艺牙语,适合家庭,培训师,教师,亚慱彩票APP家庭幼儿保育提供者和国家。它还包括有关婴儿/幼儿和学龄前儿童的培训模块,以及父母的模块。亚慱彩票http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu
- Devereux早期童年倡议(Degi)通过在儿童教育工作者,精神卫生专业人员和家庭中建立伙伴关系,促进幼儿的社会和情感发展,恢复力和学校成功技能。Degi为从业者和父母和婴儿/幼儿和学龄前儿童提供评估计划的培训。亚慱彩票http://www.centerforresilientchildren.org/
- Early Childhood Behavior Project was designed to increase the availability of resources about positive behavioral support for young children who engage in challenging behavior. The website offers tip sheets, case study examples, information for parents, and guidance on building a technical assistance team.http://www.cyhd.umn.edu/ceed/publications/tipsheets/default.html.
- Guidance Matters, a Young Children column by Dan Gartrell, discusses early educators’ use of guidance to foster young children’s development and learning. The column is published in the March, July, and November issues ofYoung Children,并在线提供列的存档。https://dangartrell.net/guidance-matters-columns/
- 国家金字塔模型创新(NCPMI)的国家中心自由,基于研究的资源,以帮助父母,提供商,管理员和决策者在与拥有或面临延误或残疾风险的儿童时采用最佳实践。该网站包括术语表,系统和程序的简报和相关链接。
- 您如何使用高分辨率步骤来解决与您关心的子女的冲突?
- How would you use role play with the children to teach them the steps?
- For school-age children where might you write down the steps so they are handy to review when a conflict arises?
做dge, D. T., Rudick, S., & Colker, L. J. (2009).The Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care (2nded.). Washington, DC: Teaching Strategies, Inc.
HighScope Educational Research Foundation. (2016). Social Development.https://highscope.org/
Illinois Early Learning Project. Retrieved fromwww.illinoisearlyyabo电子游艺learning.org.。
Kits Included Together (KIT, 2012). Supporting Children & Youth with Social-Emotional Needs. Kids Included Together & National Training Center on Inclusion. Retrieved from:http://www.kitonline.org/html/about/publications/2012_social_emotional_booklet_general_audience.html.。
National Center for Quality After School Programs. Retrieved fromhttp://www.sedl.org/afterschool/resources/curriculum.html.。
Whiteman,J.(2013)。与家庭联系:那些艰难的谈话的提示。小孩子。68.(1), 94-95.