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    • 描述一致的日程日程和例程如何支持儿童和提供者之间的积极互动。
    • 描述家庭儿童保育环境中儿童的混合年龄群体如何影响环境。亚慱彩票APP
    • Reflect on the current family child care environment and ways to build relationships with children and families using positive child-guidance strategies.




    The Importance of the Environment in Family Child Care Settings

    Have you ever been in a situation where you were not in control of what was happening in the environment (e.g., waiting for a train to take you to an important event and the train is late)?



    Most adults in stressful situations are able to explain their feelings and express their needs:

    • “我担心交通让我想在今天中午之前离开。”
    • “Please let me know how long you think our meeting will last?”

    Using language to express their needs or ask questions may not be true for children in situations where they feel vulnerable and out of control. Children are just learning new words and how to express their emotions. They may communicate their fears and sense of frustration through challenging behavior (e.g., whining, crying, throwing toys, stomping their feet, slamming a door, hitting).



    Parents and children need to know the family child care’s routines and daily schedule. It is important that you and the children’s parents have a clear understanding of the daily schedule and expectations for the various age groups you serve. Some family child care programs provide a daily schedule in a parent handbook or posted near the entrance or on the website.


    Toddler/Preschool Daily Schedule.

    Display a word and picture schedule so that children know what is happening during the day. Preschoolers and school-age children may enjoy helping you create this schedule and post it where they can see it. Following the schedule and providing consistent responsive care will support children’s social and emotional development. When children know what is coming next and how routines are organized, they feel connected to you and other children. They feel secure in knowing what comes next during their day. Refer to the word and picture schedule throughout the day.

    Building Relationships with Families: Communicating About Positive Child Guidance Techniques

    As a family child care provider, you are responsible for making clear to each family your beliefs about child guidance. Each family should be provided with a family handbook that includes clearly written policies concerning:

    • Beliefs about children’s social-emotional development and how positive child-guidance practices support children’s optimal social-emotional development
    • Information about developmentally and individually supportive child-guidance practices and resources
    • The practices you rely on that support the development of children’s empathy, kindness, and acceptance of all individuals regardless of culture, language, or abilities
    • Information about the best time for families to contact you if they have any questions or concerns about your child-guidance practices


    你的父母怎么说t。交互模型o and address children when they engage in mistaken behavior. It is likely that families observe you and how you interact with them and their children during pickup and drop-off times. You build trust with families by genuinely greeting them each day (e.g., using a positive tone, body language, gestures) and showing them that you take personal responsibility for the safety and security of their children. You also build relationships with families when you comment about the warm relationships parents have with their children. As you get to know individual families, you may feel comfortable commenting to a parent about their own use of positive guidance practices when you see them interacting with their child.



    Reflecting on the Role of the Family Child Care Environment in Positive Guidance

    As you have learned in this lesson, a family child provider can use the environment (e.g., routines, schedules, and interesting planned activities) to support positive child guidance and minimize challenging behavior. Taking time to reflect on what is going well and what may not be going so well can help you understand what children are communicating through their behavior. Reflecting on your daily communication with families is also important to understanding what children may be experiencing at home or in the community.


    • 如果孩子们在外面播放后哭泣,抵制在室内来临,请考虑他们可能喜欢的活动,并计划他们首次进入的时间的活动。例如:“在两分钟内,我们将在室内去。在我们进去之后,它将是时候打开音乐并一起唱歌。“
    • A toddler resists leaving the child care setting with his father because his dad always picks him up during afternoon snack time. Plan what you might say when you talk with his father about your daily schedule. How might you suggest an alternative pick up time? Or how might you work with the family to make this transition time easier?
    • 三个学龄前儿亚慱&yabo电子游艺#24425;票童正在学习如何骑行,但你只有一个三轮车。孩子们争取谁的转弯,它是骑三轮车。你怎么可能向他们解释,当一个孩子完成时,它将是另一个孩子的三轮车?当一个孩子会有转弯时,你如何安排视觉提醒?
    • A child becomes overwhelmed by noise and feels anxious. How might you arrange for a safe, secure, quiet area where she can de-stress?

    Watch the following video for examples of positive environmental supports. Notice how the family child care provider uses the environment to support children’s positive social and emotional development.

    Positive Environmental Supports




    When we think about child guidance in the family child care setting, we acknowledge that there are benefits and challenges to serving mixed-age groups.


    • School-age children can handle more independence — you can provide them with more choices and give them more autonomy about following routines and rules.

      Example: “Carlos and Jana you may choose either a banana or an apple for afternoon snack today.”

    • 学龄儿童可以模拟使用单词来表达自己的感受和情感。


    • 亚慱彩票学龄前儿童可以在困难过渡期间帮助幼儿。


    您可以使用技术来创建积极的指导a caring community of learners and promote a family atmosphere when you serve children of different age groups.

    Some challenges of mixed-age groups may lead to some children engaging in challenging behavior. Planning and thinking ahead about ways to support each child may be helpful to you when caring for a range of age levels:

    • Keep in mind that guidance strategies change depending on a child’s developmental milestones. Ask families to tell you about any changes in family structures or events that may have an impact on their child’s behavior.
    • Keep expectations realistic for each age range; each child is unique and develops at his or her own pace.
    • 在婴儿的喂养,睡觉和温馨的时间表之后,当您也照顾幼儿时有时会困难。提前思考并计划您可能会做些什么,以尽量减少繁忙的幼儿的等待时间,同时参加婴幼儿的需求。
    • 年轻的孩子可能会击倒或破坏年龄较大的儿童创造的持续项目。仔细看看你的物理环境以及如何为年龄较大的孩子设计一个单独的区域,同时仍然能够安全地观察所有的孩子。
    • 教育年轻的孩子尊重老年人的书籍,家庭作业,项目等。
    • Teach preschool and older children that the younger or newer members of your child care program are still learning the rules and are finding appropriate ways to express their feelings and needs. Encourage them to be models of how to safely and kindly work within your program.

    Creating a welcoming and safe environment with carefully planned routines and engaging activities goes a long way toward keeping challenging behaviors from occurring.


    You build upon positive guidance practices during your daily interactions with children. As a family child care provider, you are responsible for providing information to families about your beliefs and use of positive guidance practices. Families can see the connection between your beliefs about how children develop socially and emotionally and how those beliefs are carried out through your use of positive guidance practices with their children.

    Your positive attitude and warm interactions create an encouraging environment that seeks to build relationships and contribute to the safety and security of all the children in your care.



    观察不是被动活动。相反,观察要求一个人积极察觉和认识到他们环境的重要方面。通过仔细观察,您通常可以发现您的环境或计划计划的某些部分,以便更好地支持程序中的积极行为和互动。有时外面的角度可以为模式提供清晰,您可能不会看到与孩子互动。询问培训师,教练或家庭小孩护理管理员可以观察您的程序环境并向您提供有关这些环境的功能。亚慱彩票APP使用Observing Environments Activity并与您的培训师,教练或家庭育儿管理员合作,以反映计划空间的适当性。亚慱彩票APP



    This sample of a family child care daily schedule is one example of how a provider plans routines and activities that support a positive learning environment. Use this opportunity to review your current schedule to determine if any parts of it need adjustment. When children display challenging behavior, remember to review your schedule as their behavior may be your cue that part of the schedule isn't working optimally. Also remember to review your schedule when children join or leave your program. Use每日时间表tool to reflect on the transitions and routines in your program. What aspects of this daily schedule is similar to your own? How do you balance active vs. quiet activities throughout the day?


    Term Description
    Environment In child care settings, the physical surroundings as well as the daily schedule, toys and materials, and interactions among peers and providers
    Positive Child Guidance “A way of teaching that nurtures each child’s potential through consistently positive (sometimes firm, but always friendly) interactions; classroom management that teaches rather than punishes” (Gartrell, 2012, p. 156).
    Routines 在儿童保育环境中,每天发生的活动或相互作用(例如,Hellos和Generbyes,尿布和厕所,膳食和小吃,小组活动,小睡和休息时间等)




    True or False? You cannot influence the guidance strategies parents use with their children.


    Finish this statement: A daily schedule in your program…



    References & Resources

    Gartrell, D. (2012). Education for a Civil Society: How guidance teaches young children democratic life skills. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

    Merrill, S. (2020, September 11). Trauma is 'written into Our Bodies'-but educators can help. Edutopia.

    National Center for Quality After School Programs. Retrieved from

    Dodge, D. T., Rudick, S., & Colker, L. J. (2009).The Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care (2nded.). Washington, DC: Teaching Strategies, Inc.