Understanding child development is a protective factor against child abuse and neglect. In this lesson, you will learn about typical development. You will also learn developmentally appropriate expectations for children’s behavior.
Secondary tabs
- Describe typical child developmental milestones.
- 确定对儿童行为的发展适当的期望。
- 找出使儿童更容易遭受虐待或忽视的危险因素。
Let’s begin by thinking about some common behaviors you might see every day in programs for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school-agers:
让我们来看看孩子们如何从出生到12年。本表上的信息由疾病控制和预防中心和国家卫生研究所(https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html). You can find this same information in easy-to-use information sheets in the Apply section.
Social / Emotional
- 开始对人们微笑
- 可以简要平静地平静下来(可能会带上嘴巴和吮吸手工)
- 试图看看父母
- Coos,制作潺潺声
- Turns head toward sounds
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- 注意面孔
- 开始用眼睛追随事情,并在远处识别人们
- 如果活动不会改变,开始行动无聊(哭声,挑剔)
- Can hold head up and begins to push up when lying on tummy
- 使手臂和腿的动作更流畅
Social / Emotional
- 自发微笑,特别是在人们身上
- Likes to play with people and might cry when playing stops
- 复制一些运动和面部表情,如微笑或皱眉
- 开始唠叨
- 带表达和复印的唠叨声音他或她听到了
- Cries in different ways to show hunger, pain, or being tired
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- Lets you know if she or he is happy or sad
- Responds to affection
- Reaches for toy with one hand
- Uses hands and eyes together, such as seeing a toy and reaching for it
- 沿着从一侧到一侧的眼睛移动的东西
- Watches faces closely
- 在远处识别熟悉的人和事物
- Holds head steady, unsupported
- 当脚在硬表面上时,向下推
- 也许能从肚子翻到背
- Can hold a toy and shake it and swing at dangling toys
- Brings hand to mouth
- 躺在肚子上时,推高肘部
Social / Emotional
- 知道熟悉的面孔,并开始了解某人是否是一个陌生人
- 喜欢和别人玩,尤其是父母
- Responds to other people's emotions and often seems happy
- Likes to look at self in mirror
- 通过发出声音来响应声音
- Strings vowels together when babbling and likes taking turns with parents while making sounds
- Responds to own name
- 语言/通信
- 发出声音,以表达快乐和不满
- 开始说辅音(用“m,”b“淘汰)
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- 在附近的事情上看
- 把东西带到嘴巴
- 表现出对事物的好奇心,并试图得到那些够不着的东西
- Begins to pass things from one hand to another
- 在两个方向上滚动(前面回到前面,回到前面)
- Begins to sit with support
- When standing, supports weight on legs and might bounce
- 来回摇滚,有时在前进之前爬到落后
Social / Emotional
- 可能害怕陌生人
- May be clingy with familiar adults
- 有最喜欢的玩具
- 了解“否”
- Makes a lot of different sounds like "mamamama" and "bababababa"
- Copies sounds and gestures of others
- Uses fingers to point at things
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- Watches the path of something as it falls
- 寻找他或她看到你的东西
- 播放peek-a-boo
- 把东西放在她或他的嘴里
- 把东西平稳地从一只手移到另一只手
- 在拇指和食指之间拾取麦片o的东西
- Stands, holding on
- 可以进入坐姿
- 没有支持
- 拉起
- Crawls
Social / Emotional
- 与陌生人害羞或紧张
- 妈妈或爸爸叶哭泣
- 有最喜欢的东西和人
- Shows fear in some situations
- 当他或她想听到一个故事时,让你手是一本书
- 重复听起来或动作以引起关注
- 伸出手臂或腿来帮助敷料
- 玩“偷窥”和“拍拍蛋糕”之类的游戏
- Responds to simple spoken requests
- Uses simple gestures, like shaking head "no" or waving "bye-bye"
- 用音调的变化使听起来更改(听起来更像是语音)
- “妈妈”和“达达”和惊呼着“呃 - 哦!”
- Tries to say words you say
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- 探索s things in different ways, like shaking, banging, throwing
- 容易发现隐藏的东西
- 当它命名时,看起来右图或物品
- Copies gestures
- 开始正确使用东西;例如,从杯子里喝杯子,刷头发
- Bangs two things together
- 把东西放在一个容器中,把东西从容器中取出
- 让事情没有帮助
- Pokes with index finger
- Follows simple directions like "pick up the toy"
- Gets to a sitting position without help
- Pulls up to stand, walks holding onto furniture
- Make take a few steps without holding on
- 可能独自站立
Social / Emotional
- 喜欢把东西交给别人作为游戏
- 可能发脾气
- 可能害怕陌生人
- 向熟悉的人表现出感情
- Plays simple pretend, such as feeding a doll
- May cling to caregivers in new situations
- 点给他人一些有趣的事情
- 独自探索,但父母关闭
- Says several single words
- Says and shakes head "no"
- 要点表明某人她或他想要的东西
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- 知道s what ordinary things are for; for example, telephone, brush, spoon
- Points to get the attention of others
- 通过假装饲料显示对娃娃或毛绒动物的兴趣
- 指向一个身体部位
- 独自涂鸦
- 可以遵循没有任何手势的一步口头命令;例如,当你说“坐下”时坐着
- 独自走路
- May walk up steps and run
- Pulls toys while walking
- Can help undress
- Drinks from a cup
- 用勺子吃
Social / Emotional
- Copies others, especially adults and older children
- 与其他孩子一起兴奋
- Shows more and more independence
- Shows defiant behavior (doing what he or she has been told not to do)
- Plays mainly beside other children, but is beginning to include other children, such as in chase games
- 当他们命名时指向物品或图片
- 知道熟悉的人和身体部位的名字
- Says sentences with two to four words
- 遵循简单的指示
- Repeats words overheard in conversation
- Points to things in a book
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- 即使隐藏在两个或三个封面下也会找到东西
- Begins to sort shapes and colors
- 在熟悉的书籍中完成句子和押韵
- 播放简单的制作 - 相信游戏
- Builds towers of four or more blocks
- 可能一只手比另一只手更多
- 遵循两个步骤的指示,如“拿起你的鞋子,把它们放在衣柜里”
- 在猫,鸟或狗等图片书中的名称
- 站在脚尖上
- Kicks a ball
- 开始运行
- 没有帮助,从家具上爬上
- 走上楼梯持有
- Throws ball overhand
- 制作或复制直线和圆
Social / Emotional
- Copies adults and friends
- 在没有提示的情况下向朋友展示感情
- 轮流进入游戏
- 表现出对哭泣的朋友的担忧
- 了解“我”和“他”或“她”的想法
- 显示了广泛的情绪
- Separates easily from mom and dad
- Follows instructions with two or three steps
- 可以命名最熟悉的东西
- 了解“In,”和“下”和“下”的单词
- 名字,年龄和性别
- 姓名朋友
- Says words like "I," "me," "we," and "you" and some plurals ("cars," "dogs," "cats")
- 很好地谈论陌生人大部分时间都能理解
- 使用两到三个句子进行对话
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- 可以用按钮,杠杆和移动部件工作玩具
- 扮演娃娃,动物和人物
- 有三个或四个碎片的谜题
- 了解“二”的意思
- 用铅笔或蜡笔复制一个圆圈
- Turns book pages one at a time
- Builds towers of more than six blocks
- 拧松罐盖或转动门把手
- 爬井
- Runs easily
- 踏板三轮车
- Walks up and down stairs, one foot on each step
Social / Emotional
- Enjoys doing new things
- Plays "Mom" and "Dad"
- 越来越多的创造性与制作 - 相信的戏剧
- 宁愿与其他孩子一起玩而不是一个人
- Cooperates with other children
- 往往分不清什么是真什么是假
- Talks about likes and interests
- Shows increasing fears and imagination (monsters, fear of the dark)
- 知道语法的一些基本规则,例如正确使用“他”和“她”
- Sings a song or says a poem from memory such as the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" or the "Wheels on the Bus"
- Tells stories
- Can say first and last name
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- Names some colors and some numbers
- 了解计数的想法
- Starts to understand time
- Remembers parts of a story
- Understands the idea of "same" and "different"
- Draws a person with two to four body parts
- 使用剪刀
- 开始复制一些大写字母
- 名称四种颜色
- 播放董事会或纸牌游戏
- Tells you what he or she thinks is going to happen next in a book
- 跳跃,一英尺长达2秒钟
- Catches a bounced ball most of the time
- 倾倒,削减监督,并捣碎自己的食物
Social / Emotional
- 想要取悦朋友
- 想成为朋友
- 更有可能同意规则
- 喜欢唱歌、跳舞和表演
- Is aware of gender
- Can tell what's real and what's make-believe
- 显示更多的独立性(例如,可能正在播放日期)
- 有时需要苛刻,有时非常合作
- 非常清楚地说话
- Tells a simple story using full sentences
- 使用将来时态;例如,“奶奶会在这里”
- 上面写着姓名和地址
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- Counts 10 or more things
- Can draw a person with at least six body parts
- Can print some letters or numbers
- 复制三角形和其他几何形状
- 了解每天使用的东西,就像金钱和食物一样
- 单脚站立10秒或更长时间
- 酒花;可以跳过
- Can do a somersault
- Uses a fork and spoon and sometimes a table knife
- 可以用她或自己的厕所
- Swings and climbs
Social / Emotional
- Shows more independence from parents and family
- Starts to think about the future
- Understands more about his or her place in the world
- Pays more attention to friendships and teamwork
- 想要被朋友喜欢和接受
- 友谊往往与同性的孩子;可以谈论异性的成员,作为“毛的”或“奇怪”
- 使用简单,完整的句子,平均为五到七个单词
- Can follow a series of three directions in a row
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- 可以将注意力集中在任务至少15分钟
- 强大的运动技能,但平衡和耐力可能有所不同
- Sense of body image begins to develop
Social / Emotional
- 开始形成更强大,更复杂的友谊和同伴关系
- Experiences more peer pressure
- 同伴接纳非常重要;可能参与某些行为成为“团体”的一部分
- Becomes less negative about the opposite sex
- 可能会尝试撒谎,作弊或偷窃
- Can follow a series of five directions in a row
- 可能对寻求帮助感到紧张
Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- 可以将注意力集中在一小时内完成
- 面临学校的更多学术挑战
- Becomes more independent from the family
- 开始更清楚地看到他人的观点
- Becomes more aware of his or her body as puberty approaches; body image and eating problems sometimes start
- Develops secondary sex characteristics like breasts and body hair
Understanding Temperament
气质影响我们每个人如何与世界各地的人民互动。如果您反映自己的个性和偏好,那么我们就会明确我们的互动方式。了解我们自己的气质和我们周围的孩子的顽皮会非常有帮助。我们天生有一定的气质特征或风格,气质被认为是跨越寿命的一致。有九个气质特征,你可能会在自己和周围的孩子身边看到,由托马斯,国际象棋和桦树鉴定Temperament and Behavior Disorders in Children(1968)。请阅读下面以查看每个特征的极端的九个特征和特征的例子。请记住,大多数儿童在每个连续体中间的某个地方落下。
活动水平Jared prefers to sit on the couch and read a book. Sasha总是在移动中。她和每个玩具一起玩,寻找一天中的活动播放物品。 |
边条rityFelicia has variable schedules. Some days she eats snack, and some days she doesn’t. She chooses different activities every day. 卢卡斯喜欢他的惯例。他每天早上都在完全同时起床,每天早餐吃同样的东西。 |
分心Micah从活动转移到活动。很容易将注意力转移到一个新的想法或项目。 Malia在长时间享受项目。她可以花一个下午绘制仔细的照片。 |
Approach to New ThingsAbby prefers to watch other children participate in activities before she tries. Clyde是第一个在特殊活动中志愿者的人。 |
适应性Blair离她旧学校的朋友。她每天都谈到她的旧计划,并没有加入您的计划中的活动。 Juan在他的第一个图书馆实地旅行期间与您和几个新朋友留下了读大声集团。 |
反应强度Jillian rarely shows emotions. She remains relatively calm. 布莱斯的父母喜欢将他的反应拍摄对特殊活动和惊喜:他得到如此兴奋。当他心烦意乱时,最好给他空间。当他兴奋,心烦意乱或惊讶时,他周围的每个人都知道。 |
响应性的阈值夏天通常被描述为“在她自己的小世界里”。 如果你给他一个方向或纠正他,加尔文会感到沮丧。他似乎非常敏感。 |
心情质量LIV往往担心事情,大部分时间都很严肃。 塔利亚一般都很开心,开朗。 |
注意力跨度和持久性Foster is interested in many different things. He tends to dabble: he will start a project, get bored, and move onto a different project. Malik是多日和多周的项目。他一直在一辆模型车工作两周。他想让每个细节都完美。 |
Thomas, Chess, and Birch also have identified three temperament types that summarize these traits. The three temperament types are:
- Adaptable:这些是“轻松的孩子”。他们对新情况开放,具有中度活动水平,一般都很开心。
- fe:These children have a high activity level and usually strong responses to new stimuli. They might be considered energetic, assertive, and full of emotion.
- Cautious:这些孩子需要时间和支持,才能在新的环境中感到舒适。他们可能被认为胆小或严肃。
Tips for children with cautious temperaments:
- Provide plenty of space and time for the child to get comfortable. Encourage families to stay as long as possible to help children transition into your program.
- Avoid forcing eye contact or getting in the child’s face. Approach children slowly and give them time to warm up to you.
- 最小化对计划和例程的更改。
- 鼓励孩子带来舒适物品,如喜爱的毯子或泰迪熊。
- Comfort children when they become upset. Spend time sitting together and watching others play.
- Provide reminders when there will be changes in the schedule.
- 为休息、平静的空间或做家庭作业等提供一致的空间。
患有Feisty Lifementes的儿童提示:
- 提供大量的移动机会。让他们帮助翻开故事的篇章。在小睡前给他们额外的时间放松。带他们到户外或公园跑步,利用他们的能量。
- Provide opportunities for exploration. Stay close when introducing new or exciting objects. Help the child learn to explore safely.
- 做not punish intense reactions. Rather comfort the child: give hugs, and help him or her work through emotions.
- 在需要时迈进,帮助孩子通过与其他孩子的困难互动。
Children under the age of 4 are at the greatest risk for child abuse and neglect. Can you think of reasons why this might be the case? When we think about the developmental milestones described above, we might see reasons. These children are least able to communicate their wants and needs to us. They are also not developmentally ready to solve complex social problems, regulate their behavior or emotions, and follow complicated directions. All of this leaves them vulnerable to negative interactions with adults who do not understand development.
Special Concerns for Infants and Toddlers: Prolonged Periods of Crying
Crying is a normal part of infancy. All babies cry. Between the first and fourth months of life, many infants become more fussy and crying increases. Some experts refer to this as the period of PURPLE Crying. This does not mean babies turn purple from crying. Rather, PURPLE is an acronym describing the characteristics of this stage. You can visit the PURPLE Crying website to learn more:http://www.purplecrying.info/what-is-the-period-of-purople-cregy.php.
甚至健康婴儿有时几个小时地哭泣g this stage. Sometimes, it can be hard to comfort the infants. They might seem inconsolable. Crying tends to be worse in the evenings, but you might experience prolonged periods of crying with infants in your program. This can be very frustrating, and it might make you doubt your ability to care for the infant. It’s not unusual to begin feeling stress and to need a break. The best thing you can do is to realize that this is a phase in the infant’s development, and it will end. Try offering comfort that may help both you and the crying infant. Can you play some soft, soothing music? If being held helps to calm the infant, can wearing them in some sort of carrier help provide them the comfort they need while also keeping your hands free to attend to other children and activities?
现在,让我们想想孩子重击的知识opment looks in a family child care program. Knowledge of child development comes across as realistic expectations for behavior. Having the right expectations for children of various ages ensures that we are providing appropriate interactions and responses based on their age and level. This can sometimes be more complicated in family child care programs, where there the children in your care may vary greatly in age and skill level. Watch this video to learn more about realistic expectations.
Read the following statements from family child care providers. On the left, you see unrealistic expectations. On the right you see realistic expectations. Which programs do you think feel like better places for children? Which providers do you think feel less stressed at the end of the day?
不切实际的期望 |
Realistic Expectations |
Marchia criesall时间。她被宠坏了,认为她需要一直被抱着。 |
当玛西娅难过哭泣时,我知道她想告诉我们一些事情。我想找出问题所在帮她安抚一下。 |
Decklen never listens! All the kids are supposed to go inside, wash their hands, sit on the carpet, and pick a book. What does he do? He stops and plays with dolls. |
当我一步一步地给他指路时,德克伦做得最好。你很难在脑子里记下一长串要做的事情。 |
These kids need to sit cross-legged for the entire group time. Group time is 45 minutes in kindergarten, so they’ve got to start practicing sitting that long now. |
We keep group times short and sweet. It’s a time for us to build community, but we really think of play, one-on-one, and small groups as major learning times. |
Caldwell是Bossy。我需要把他放在他的位置。 |
考德威尔正在学习成为该计yabo电子游艺划的领导者。我需要找到良好的渠道,让他使用这些技能。 |
朱莉娅和卡西迪谈话和傻笑不间断。这两个需要分开。 |
Julia and Cassidy’s friendship is really important to them. |
Joseph lied to me about washing his hands. He is completely dishonest. |
Joseph is testing the boundaries. I need to make sure I’m consistent but fair with him. |
How can you make sure your expectations of children are appropriate?
- Continue to learn all you can about child development throughout your career. The Virtual Lab School has courses that will help you learn more about cognitive, physical, and social development. You will also learn about how children develop communication skills and a healthy sense of self.
- Gather information about child development to share with families. The handouts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the Apply section are a good place to start, but your trainer, coach, family child care administrator or local resource and referral agency might have other resources you can share.
- 作为提供者,在您的程序中或更广泛的社区中花时间观察儿童。这将有助于您开始了解您在您的护理中每个孩子的典型方式。您还可以访问为年龄较大或更年轻的儿童提供课程。这将有助于您对发展的漫长观。如果您预计在学龄课程中发生的4岁人中的同样的事情,您正在为沮丧而建立自己。
- 记住你沮丧的时候你在这里学到了什么。当小孩说“不”或咬伤时,或者学龄前儿童拒绝挂起外套时,这可能会令人沮丧,但这是成长的一部分。亚慱彩票挑战成年人的许多行为是正常儿童发展的典型部分。如果您对孩子的行为有疑虑,请与您的教练,教练或家庭育儿管理员交谈。亚慱彩票APP他或她可以帮助您了解行为是否是典型的。
- 当你需要时寻求帮助。我们都需要新的想法和支持。当你感到沮丧或不确定为孩子做什么时,请向您的教练,教练或家庭育儿管理员或家庭幼儿保育提供者询问。亚慱彩票APP这是建立自己的社会联系和专业知识的好方法。
Read the重新制作活动并查看表中的每个场景。表明您是否认为方案是对孩子的行为或不切实际的期望来说是一种逼真的期望。然后写下您认为提供者应该说这反映了现实的期望。
It is important to find resources that can help you understand child development. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have developed excellent guides. These can be great resources to share with families, but they are also a nice tool for you to keep in your program and refer to regularly. Read and review the里程碑清单for the age groups of children with whom you work. These simple, one-page checklists are available in English and Spanish. They can also be useful reminders for you about realistic expectations for development across childhood.
期限 | 描述 |
Developmental milestone | 孩子们通常在一定年龄左右发展起来的一种技能或行为 |
儿童发展 | Changes that occur as children grow from birth through adolescence; the changes can be physical, mental, emotional, or social |
脚手架 | 一种教育术语,将儿童的技能培养过程比作建造房屋所用的临时结构;在教学中,它可以包括给予提示或提示,并随着时间的推移逐渐减少这些支持 |
Developmentally appropriate | 知道ledge and practice based on how young children develop and learn, what is known about an individual child, and what is culturally important |
疾病控制和预防中心(2013). 学会征兆,及早行动:发展的里程碑。检索自http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html
Child Welfare Information Gateway Retrieved fromhttps://www.childwelfare.gov/pubPDFs/define.pdf
Council on Accreditation. (2013). Glossary: Temperament. Retrieved fromhttp://coanet.org/trainings-resources/glossary/?tx_idglossary_pi1[letter]=T&cHash=e79524c68eac91434e364a043b1639a8
National Institutes of Health. (2013). Medline Plus: School-Age Development. Retrieved from:http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ence/article/002017.htm
Seibel, N. L., Britt, D., Gillespie, L. G., & Parlakian, R. (2006). Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect. Washington, DC: Zero to Three: Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families.
University of Minnesota REACH: Supporting Military Families through Research and Outreach. Resources available fromhttps://rachfamilies.umn.edu/
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau. (2020). Child maltreatment.https://www.acf.hhs.gov/cb/research-data-technology/statistics-research/child-maltreatment